AEW Collision Results 3/2/24

It’s the go-home show to Revolution and we’ve got a lot of matches on tap tonight:

  • Mariah May vs. Angelica Risk
  • Thunder Rosa vs. Cassandra Golden
  • Christoper Daniels & Matt Sydal vs. Private Party
  • Penta vs. Bryan Keith vs. Dante Martin
  • Brian Cage, Roderick Strong, & The Patriarchy vs. CHAOS, Daniel Garcia, & Hook
  • Bang Bang Scissor Gang vs. The Dark Order

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Collision 3/2/24

From the Propst Arena at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama! Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone, and Kevin Kelly are on the call and here comes House of Black’s Buddy Matthews.

Match #1. Buddy Matthews vs…

Well, we’re not sure who Matthews is wrestling as per Mark Briscoe jumps him before the bell! Spicy dropkick by Briscoe and a tope con hilo over the top that takes Matthews through a table! Briscoe grabs the spike but Brody King pulls Briscoe out of the ring. Briscoe goes low on King and beats on him with a chair. Chair for Black! Briscoe is about to spike Black in the forehead, but Matthews absolutely destroys him with a running kick to the face! Briscoe back body drops Matthews on the ramp and then follows up with a running crossbody on the floor! Briscoe grabs the pyrotechnics remote and tries to set Matthews on fire! The security grabs Briscoe and the House of Black pull Matthews to safetey.

Winner: NR

Rating: NR

Match #2. Penta el Zero Miedo vs. Bryan Keith vs. Dante Martin

Headbutt by Keith to Penta! Head scissors by Martin and a flying knee to Keith’s face. Diving crossbody by Penta and a pair of Slingblades. Superkick by Penta. Two. Backstabber on Martin and Penta has cleaned house. Keith in with a big boot to the face of Penta and an exploder suplex. Two count on Penta. Keith and Penta trade hard chops and elbows in the center of the ring as Martin comes off the top with a double crossbody. Suicide dive to Keith and one for Penta. All three man brawling outside the ring as Keith lays in some roundhouse kicks to both men. Penta punts Martin in the back of the head and has another one for Keith. Triple superkick party in the center of the ring until Keith and Penta catch Martin with a double. Keith looks for the Diamond Dust but he runs into a superkick from Martin. Canadien Destroyer by Penta to Keith! Two count. Springboard by Penta right into a boot from Keith but Keith runs into a superkick. Flying headbutt to Penta from Keith. Martin cradles Keith for two but Keith responds with a running knee and a sit-out powerbomb for a two count. Keith and Penta trade chops on the apron before Keith thrusts the throat. Penta counters with a Fear Factor on the apron and DRILLS him! Running destroyer on the apron by Martin! Martin heads up top and hits the big frog splash on Keith for the win!

Winner: Dante Martin

Rating: ***1/2. This was a fun sprint and Bryan Keith is absolutely finding his footing very quickly. Martin excels in these crazy multi-man matches too, so he’s a good addition.

— Had a little bit of a water situation in my basement, will have the 8:30-9:00pm results up after the close of the show.

Match #3. Private Party vs. Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal

Tieres by Sydal and an arm drag to Kassidy. Quen in now and it’s arm drag city, with all four guys exchanging. Quen wants shots. More shots. Daniels steps over Quen and wants some shots of his own. Arm drag by Daniels and an enziguiri by Sydal, right into an STO. Marisposa by Sydal gets two as we go to commercial. Daniels get low bridged and Private Party takes control, putting the boots to him in the corner. Camel Clutch by Kassidy as Quen leaps over with a double stomp to Daniels. Two count. Clothesline by Kassidy with some quick tags as we go back to PIP. Sydal with the hot tags and low kicks to everyone, followed by a double hurricanrana. Question mark kick to Kassidy and an Air Raid Crash to Quen gets two. Baseball slide to Kassidy but Sydal misses a charge in the corner and walks into a pump kick. Neckbreaker and senton combo by Private Party for a long two count. Double clothesline by Sydal and Daniels. Angel’s Wings attempt by Quen back body drops Daniels. Meteora to Cassidy and NOW the Angel’s Wings to Kassidy. Jeff Jarrett and company arrive at ringside for a distraction as Lethal slides in and hits the Lethal Combination on Daniels. Lethal puts Kassidy on top and they get the win.

Winners: Private Party

Rating: **1/2. I feel like I’ve seen this match a bunch of times, to be honest. This was fine for what it was.

After the match, everyone dances to Private Party’s music.

Video package for Danielson and Kingston is shown.

Match #5. Thunder Rosa vs. Cassandra Golden

Clinch and knees by Rosa and a thrust kick. Golden blocks a Death Valley Driver but misses a corner charge. Shotgun dropkick by Rosa and a running dropkick in the corner. Rosa heads up top for a diving double stomp and she connects. Rosa locks in a version of the Shankly Gates.

Winner: Thunder Rosa

Rating: NR

Match #6. 8-Man Tag: Hook, Daniel Garcia, Trent, & Orange Cassidy vs. Brian Cage, Christian, Killswitch, & Nick Wayne

Matt Menard joins the commentary table for this one. Strong and Garcia start with a hard tie up. Garcia rolls out of a wrist lock and tells Strong… not this time. Garcia lays in some hard chops and a clothesline in the corner. Cage comes in and blocks a piledriver to Strong. Hook is in now too and it’s a melee. European uppercuts to Strong as Garcia sends him into a hip toss from Hook. All eight man are in the ring and it’s time for business… as we go to PIP. Christian distracts Garcia as Killswitch makes the tag and runs him over with a shoulder block as we go to a full commercial. Back from break and Garcia mounts Cage in the corner, but Cage dumps him on to the apron and then brings him in the hard way with a deadlift superplex. Strong gets a tag and hits a backbreaker, before tagging Christian. Boots to Garcia and now everyone is tagging in and out here. Cage now with the stomp to the head of Garcia. Garcia tries o fight out of the corner but Cage catches him with a suplex, but Garcia counters with a DDT! Strong gets thet ag but so does Trent. Clothesline to Strong and a Meteora. German suplex to Christian. Two. Half-and-half suplex by Trent to Christian and a Tornado DDT to Strong. Suicide dive to Killswitch but he catches Trent and chokeslams him on the apron. Strong tags himself in and puts the boots to an injured Trent. Strong catapults Trent underneath the bottom rope and we now go to our THIRD commercial break. Sheesh. Trent still in trouble but Strong cuts off the tag, as Cassidy has still yet to be involved in the match. Strong now mocks Cassidy with some kicks of his own. Boston Crab by Strong but Trent kicks him off and finally tags Cassidy. Cassidy sends everyone into the buckle and dropkick Killswitch off the apron. Stundog Millionaire to Cage! Tope suicida to Strong. Orange Punch to Killswitch. Sick Kick to Cassidy from Strong. Saito to Strong by Garcia. Spear by Christian. T-Bone to Christian by Hook. Spinning Full Nelson Slam to Hook and the F10 to Cassidy. Hook and Garcia break up the pin. Cassidy tries to dive but Strong hits End of Heartache on the floor! Trent’s on the back of Killswitch as Strong has Cassidy in the Stronghold on the outside. Killsiwtch looks for the chokeslam and Trent rolls him up for the.. two! Superkick to a seated Killswitch. Make that two. Christian distracts Trent as Nick Wayne hits Trent from behind, allowing Killswitch to finish this one with the Northern Lariat.

Winners: Brian Cage, Roderick Strong, & The Patriarchy

Rating: ***1/2.

Cage and company destroy everyone after the bell and Menard makes the save for Garcia, who was about to get chokeslammed on an unfolded chair. Instead, Menard eats the chokeslam himself! Hook takes out Cage as he flies off the steel steps and Garcia fights Christian to the back. Security tries to break up the melee as we fade to black!

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