WWE SmackDown Results 5/24/24

WWE SmackDown Results 5/24/24
Jeddah Super Dome
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Corey Graves & Wade Barrett) 

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Transcription by Josh Lopez

First Match: Bianca BelAir vs. Nia Jax In A Semi-Final Round Match In The 2024 Queen Of The Ring Tournament 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Jax drives BelAir face first into the canvas. Jax poses for the crowd. Jax launches BelAir to the corner. Jax with The Stinger Splash. Jax with a Biel Throw. Jax follows that with The Body Avalanche. BelAir applies The Sleeper Hold. Jax backs BelAir into the turnbuckles. BelAir with a handstand escape. BelAir decks Jax with a back elbow smash. BelAir taunts Jax. BelAir dives over Jax. BelAir kicks Jax in the chest. BelAir ducks a clothesline from Jax. BelAir with clubbing shoulder blocks. BelAir transitions into a corner mount. BelAir repeatedly slams Jax’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. BelAir with clubbing blows to Jax’s back. Jax rocks BelAir with a forearm smash. Jax tugs on BelAir’s ponytail. Jax yanks BelAir off the top turnbuckle. BelAir sends Jax shoulder first into the steel ring post. BelAir with The Slingshot Pescado.

Jax regains control of the match during the commercial break. Jax applies The Cobra Clutch. Jax puts a mini crown on top of her head. BelAir with a low dropkick. Jax HeadButts BelAir. Jax applies The Stretch Muffler. BelAir avoids The Banzai Drop. BelAir with a Rolling Crucifix for a one count. Jax catches BelAir in mid-air. Jax with The Samoan Drop for a two count. Jax sends BelAir to the corner. BelAir side steps Jax into the turnbuckles. BelAir slams Jax’s head on the top rope. BelAir with a Flying Crossbody Block for a two count. BelAir is favoring her left knee. Belir with forearm shivers. Jax answers with another headbutt. Jax drops her weight on the left leg of BelAir. Jax drags BelAir to the corner. Jax goes for The Annihilator, but BelAir counters with a PowerBomb for a two count. Jax denies The KOD. Jax delivers the chop block. Jax slams the left knee of BelAir on the canvas. Jax hyperextends the left knee of BelAir. Jax brings BelAir to the corner. BelAir punches Jax in the back. BelAir goes for The KOD, but Jax lands back on her feet. Jax with a Running Senton Splash. Jax connects with The Annihilator to pickup the victory. After the match, Jax glances at Lyra Valkyria who’s sitting in the front row.

Nia Jax: Shut up, Kayla. Hey, Lyra, you see that? That’s Bianca BelAir. I just buzzed through Bianca BelAir. Come on, Kayla. The same way I buzzed through Becky Lynch. The same way I buzzed through Rhea Ripley. And the same way I’m going to buzz right through you at Queen Of The Ring. And thanks to Triple H’s announcement, at SummerSlam, I’m going to be queen and champion. And it all starts tomorrow when I buzz through you.

Winner: Nia Jax via Pinfall 

– Coming out of the commercial break, we see Bianca BelAir sitting on the trainer’s table. Tiffany Stratton tells Bianca better luck next time, loser. Byron Saxton asks Bianca how she’s feeling at this current moment. It’s no lie, Bianca is really disappointed because she wanted that crown, but she just took her knee to the limit. Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell starts poking fun at Bianca’s injury. Jade Cargill steps in before things get escalated. Jade says that it looks like they want their wigs split. Jade tells Bianca that she’ll go talk to Nick Aldis.

The Grayson Waller Effect With Special Guest: LA Knight & Carmelo Hayes

– An Uncle Howdy QR Code Flashed on the screen.

Grayson Waller: Welcome to a very special championship edition of The Grayson Waller Effect, right here in Saudi, with my guest host tonight, Austin Theory. We know we’re the best, thank you.

Austin Theory: Yeah, we know we’re the best, so shut up, you idiots. Now moving on, some of you might call this man a megastar. Allow me to introduce to you, one of the most talented, the most entertaining superstars on the SmackDown roster.

– Carmelo Hayes makes his way down to the ring.

Carmelo Hayes: Hey, Austin, Grayson, thank you guys so much for the introduction. I had to stop you because it sounded like you were describing me. The only problem is you guys missed a couple of things. Let’s see, SmackDown’s first round draft pick, the hottest superstar here on SmackDown, and most importantly, HIM.

Austin Theory: Hey, Mr. HIM, I think you kind of forgot what happened the last time you were on SmackDown.

Carmelo Hayes: Hey, Austin, I know what you’re going to say, man. Let’s put all of that aside, because guys like us, we got to stick together, man, come on.

Grayson Waller: Austin, I think he’s right. Carmelo should be the guest. He would be a way better guest than LA Knight, that’s for sure.

Austin Theory: Yeah, LA Knight does suck for sure.

Grayson Waller: And you know what? You’re doing things the right way. You come out here on SmackDown to get The Grayson Waller Rub.

Carmelo Hayes: Exactly. Look, I get the rub, you guys get the ratings. Look, we all win, alright. But look, I’m telling you, man, these veterans, they got to take out guys like us. We got to be the ones to show them how it’s done.

Austin Theory: I mean, hey, look at guys like, Bobby Lashley, right? I mean, where’s the good advice from Bobby Lashley? I mean, the only advice he gives to The Street Profits is how to lose to A-Town Down Under, doesn’t he?

Carmelo Hayes: Hey, listen, I’m telling you. Guys like Lashley, guys like Corbin, man, I’ll tell you about them, bro. They’re selfish, they’re jealous, and they are egomaniacs. Speaking of egomaniacs, LA Knight.

Grayson Waller: That guy is the worst.

Carmelo Hayes: There’s nothing worse than a veteran that hasn’t accomplished anything that wants to talk all of this talk.

Austin Theory: Hey, I think everybody in here is talking about that loser, LA Knight. (YEAH)

Grayson Waller: You mean, the guy who can’t win the big one? LA Knight? (YEAH)

Carmelo Hayes: The guy that was drafted way later than me, LA Knight? (YEAH). Alright, so let’s do this, man, let’s leave that fraud superstar in the back, and the real megastars will chop it up. How does that sound, boys?

LA Knight: Let me talk to you. I don’t remember asking either of you a damn thing. I’m going to keep this short and sweet, because I got better things to do. YEAH! Right now, you’re poking a mean dog with this sharp stick. You keep knocking my door, this mean dog is going to bite the hell out of you. And it’s not going to take you very long, I don’t care how good you are, it won’t take you long to figure out exactly whose game this is, with everybody saying, LA Knight, YEAH!

Knight gets into a brawl with Melo. A-Town Down Under and Melo are putting the boots to Knight. The Street Profits joins the fray. And all hell starts breaking loose in Jeddah to close this segment.

Blair Davenport Promo 

Everybody wants to talk about living your truth. Embracing who you are and that anything is possible. It’s embarrassing. Truth is, you’re weak, you’re lazy, and the reason bad things keep happening to you, is because you allow it. You’re not successful because you’re not good enough. So, while you cry about being overlooked, Blair Davenport has already taken your sport. Does that hurt your feelings? Well, do something about it.

Second Match: LA Knight & The Street Profits w/B-Fab vs. Carmelo Hayes & A-Town Down Under In A Six Man Tag Team Match 

Montez Ford and Carmelo Hayes will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Wrist Lock Exchange. Ford with a deep arm-drag. Hayes sends Ford to the corner. Ford showcases his athleticism. Ford dropkicks Hayes. Ford tags in Dawkins. Ford grabs a side wrist lock. Dawkins with a flying double axe handle strikes. Hayes kicks Dawkins in the gut. Hayes applies a side headlock. Hayes whips Dawkins across the ring. Hayes drops down on the canvas. Hayes leapfrogs over Dawkins. Dawkins cartwheels around Hayes. Dawkins with The FaceBuster. Knight and Theory are tagged in. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Knight works on the left wrist of Theory. Theory with a toe kick. Knight reverses out of the irish whip from Theory. Waller made the blind tag. Knight goes for a Bodyslam, but Theory lands back on his feet. Knight punches Waller. Theory attacks Knight from behind.

A-Town Down Under repeatedly stomps on Knight’s chest. Waller scores a right jab. Waller reverses out of the irish whip from Knight. Knight with a knee lift. Knight clotheslines Waller. Knight tags in Dawkins. Waller reverses out of the irish whip from Dawkins. Dawkins leapfrogs over Waller. Dawkins with a corkscrew elbow strike. Dawkins with The 360 Stinger Splash. Dawkins follows that with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Theory pulls Waller out of harm’s way. Dawkins rocks Hayes with a forearm smash. Theory with The Roll Through Dropkick. Waller with a Sliding Lariat on the floor. Hayes and A-Town Down Under had complete control of the match during the commercial break. Dawkins with forearm shivers. Hayes kicks the left hamstring of Dawkins. Hayes slaps Dawkins in the back of the head.

Hayes goes for a Springboard Clothesline, but Dawkins counters with The Exploder Suplex. Hayes tags in Waller. Waller knocks Ford off the ring apron. Waller scores another right jab. Dawkins punches Waller in mid-air. Knight yanks Theory off the apron. Knight clotheslines Theory. Dawkins tags in Knight. Knight with a straight right hand. Knight repeatedly stomps on Waller’s chest. Knight clotheslines Hayes off the apron. Knight with a Running Knee Strike. Knight with a Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Knight follows that with a Slingshot Shoulder Tackle. Knight with a Pop Up Powerslam. Knight with a Running Elbow Drop for a two count. Knight kicks Hayes in the gut. Hayes denies The BFT. Hayes hits The First 48. Ford responds with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Theory rocks Ford with a forearm smash. Dawkins delivers The Pounce. Waller with a Rising Knee Strike. Waller goes for The Roll Through Stunner, but Knight counters with The BFT. Knight tosses Hayes out of the ring. Knight tags in Ford. Knight tackles Hayes over the announce table. Ford connects with From The Heavens to pickup the victory.

Winner: LA Knight & The Street Profits via Pinfall 

– We get a video clip from last night’s King & Queen Of The Ring Kickoff Event from Riyadh where Logan Paul hands the brass knuckles over to Michael Cole. Logan declares that he’ll beat Cody Rhodes clean as a whistle with no shenanigans.

– Cody Rhodes runs into Randy Orton in the backstage area. Cody wishes Randy good luck ahead of tonight’s main event. Randy appreciates the sentiment, and they shake hands as Cody is making his way to the arena.

Cody Rhodes & Logan Paul Segment 

Logan Paul: Hey, Cody, bad news bears, brother. You got played. For the third time, I’m walking down the aisle in Saudi Arabia with a championship in my sights. And unfortunately, this time, you’re the victim. Because tomorrow night, brother, I’m walking out of here with the Undisputed Title on my shoulder, yeah, the one you’re holding right now, as well as the United States Championship. Because I got some facts for you, Cody Rhodes. While you may have the edge in experience, brother, I’m smarter than you. All that bleach must be getting into Cody’s brain, it’s making him dumb. Because here’s one thing I know, Cody, I certainly am a better athlete than you, a better entertainer than you, and a better performer than you. And for anybody out there who thinks I need to use cheap tactics to win, you’re wrong. Just yesterday, you saw me gave my brass knuckles to Michael Cole. And you got my word, I will not use them in the match tomorrow.

Cody Rhodes: Logan, maybe you’re smarter than me. Surely, I’m not an idiot. And my experience, my experience would lead me to believe that you’re just a scared kid. You’re afraid that somebody is going to see you as a fraud in WWE. A YouTuber pretending to be a pro wrestler. A cosplay. Truth is, Logan, I don’t believe that. I’ve seen just how good you are, but I’ve also seen that you got a big case of imposter syndrome. And standing in this ring with me, face-to-face, my gut tells me, and my experience would lead me to believe that you got another set of knuckles on you, right now.

Logan: Paul: What, are you calling me a liar, Cody? It’s what I mean, he’s stupid. Look, call me many things, bro, but I’m not a liar. You saw me hand my knuckles over to Michael Cole. He has them, not me, Cody. No need to do this.

Cody Rhodes: Okay, alright, kids, let’s give Mr. Paul a chance to prove himself, right? You’re not a liar. You’re a man of your word, like you said, you gave your only brass knucks to Michael Cole. So, guess what? One of our senior officials, Ryan Tran, he’s sitting over there right now. Why don’t we make this official, Mr. Man of your word. Ryan, why don’t you come in here, check him out, give him a basic referee instruction check, give it to him.

Logan Paul: What is this, the airport security? What are we doing here? Are you a TSA Agent? Come on, Ryan. Are we really going to do this? Fine, do Cody, first. He’s the champ, right? Champ privilege, check him out. I got nothing to hide. Do what you got to do, Ryan.

Ryan pulls out brass knuckles out of Logan’s right pants pocket.

Logan Paul: Okay, hey, I don’t know how that got there. These aren’t even mine pants, bro. No, these are my brother’s pants. I don’t even wear Prada. I’m from Ohio. Come on. Okay, alright, listen, take them, bro. Fine, I wasn’t being a hundred percent truthful, but now I will be. I can explain. Look, I said I wouldn’t use them during the match tomorrow, Cody. That was for my protection. Well, you have them now, and they’re illegal. So, maybe, I don’t know, police, security, escort him out, whatever. Come on, Cody. Shut up, shut up. No, nothing changes. I do not need brass knuckles to beat you, Cody, I’m better than you. I’m taking everything from you. Keep those, because tomorrow night, I’m going to beat you clean, fair and square.

Cody Rhodes: Okay, Logan, one more thing. You see these, these are the difference between you and I. It’s a crutch for everything that you’ve done in your career. It’s a way to check another box. It’s a way to get another click. This title, on the other hand, it’s my whole life. It’s all I ever wanted to be. Every ounce of blood, every drop of sweat, every cheer from these fans, it’s the thing they love and hate about my family, The Rhodes are as real as real gets. You said last week that I was saying the same things as the other guys. Well, let me say something new. I don’t think of you as a YouTuber. I believe that you’re a pro wrestler. I believe that you’re a WWE Superstar. But until you stop treating this part-time, until you dedicate your heart and soul, until you respect the ring that we’re standing in, you will never, and I mean never be on my level. You will never be Undisputed WWE Champion. And tomorrow, I’m going to beat you so bad, kid, you will regret ever stepping in the ring with me.

– Byron Saxton had a backstage interview with Randy Orton. Randy had a pretty direct comment towards Tama Tonga two weeks ago, now it’s Tama Tonga’s opportunity to stand in the way of Randy advancing to the finals of the King Of The Ring Tournament. Ever since Tama Tonga step foot in the WWE, he’s proven that he’s vicious, he’s unhinged and unpredictable. But unfortunately for him, he’s Randy Orton, he’s made a career for being vicious, unhinged and unpredictable. The Bloodline has got the numbers advantage. But time and time again throughout his career, Randy has overcome the odds, and tonight will be no different. Tama will get hit with the three most dangerous letters in sports entertainment, RKO.

– Nia Jax tells Bayley to keep the WWE Women’s Championship clean until SummerSlam.

– Kayla Braxton had a backstage interview with The Pride. The Street Profits are on cloud nine because they gave A-Town Down Under the smoke tonight. DIY joins the conversation. DIY has nothing but respect for The Profits, but the agenda remains the same, DIY as your new WWE Tag Team Champions. Ciampa says that if they have to go through The Profits in order to get a shot at the tag team titles, then so be it. Ciampa proceeds to empty out Montez’s solo cup.

Third Match: Bayley vs. Chelsea Green w/Piper Niven 

Green starts things off with a running haymaker. Green sends Bayley to the corner. Bayley launches Green over the top rope. Green with a straight right hand. Green with The Missile Dropkick for a two count. Bayley with heavy bodyshots. Bayley decks Green with a JawBreaker. Green sweeps out the legs of Bayley. Green spins Bayley around the ring apron. Green nails Bayley with The Pump Kick. Green has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Bayley with forearm shivers.

Bayley with two clotheslines. Bayley ducks a clothesline from Green. Bayley with a Belly to Back Suplex. Green blocks The Middle Rope Stunner. Green drops Bayley with The Zig Zag. Green delivers The Rough Ryder for a two count. Green goes for a Sunset Flip, but Bayley counters with a PowerBomb. Bayley connects with The Rose Plant to pickup the victory. After the match, Piper Niven flattens Bayley with a Running Senton Splash. Bayley repeatedly kicks Niven in the face. Bayley peppers Niven with forearm shivers. Niven responds with The Bossman Slam. Niven plants Bayley with Three Running Senton Splashes. Niven stands tall over Bayley.

Winner: Bayley via Pinfall 

AJ Styles & Nick Aldis Segment 

AJ Styles: Hey, Nick, I’m not going to take up a lot of your time. I know I haven’t been the easiest to deal with these past couple of months, but you saw what happened at Lyons, France. Cody and I, we tore the house down, it was unbelievable. And I was one second away from beating him. I was one second away from beating Randy Orton in the King Of The Ring match. So, what I’m asking before I make any rash decisions, give me one more chance. Whoever comes out on top between Logan Paul and Cody Rhodes, to be the Undisputed Champion. I just need one more chance. Nick, I need this. Please?

Nick Aldis: AJ, I know you want to be WWE Champion. And you know how much respect I have for you. If you’re asking me personally, one hundred percent, yes, every day of the week. Professionally, I can’t give you what you want. That chance you’re asking for, that has to be earned, and that takes time.

AJ Styles: Nick, you know I don’t have time.

Nick Aldis: AJ, that’s not something I can help you with. I’m sorry.

Andrade El Idolo Promo 

I am not here to tell you, I am a third-generation luchador, and that this is in my blood. No, I am here to show you, I am not only the luchador from Mexico. No, it is easy to say, I was born to do this. But because I have been judged my entire, yes, my entire life. They have criticized me. They have insulted me. And they tried to control me. But limiting expectations doesn’t control my destiny. I control my destiny. I know who I am. I know what I want. And now on SmackDown, I show everyone who Andrade El Idolo is.

– Legado Del Fantasma ponders the possibility of Andrade joining the family.

– We see Paul Heyman having a conversation with Solo Sikoa. Heyman asks Solo if he knows that Tanga Loa was not allowed to travel to Saudi Arabia due to his past, right? These are very dangerous people that Solo is bringing into The Bloodline. There’s a reason why they didn’t bring GOD into The Bloodline in the first place. Solo says that until Roman Reigns comes back, he’s the man in charge of The Bloodline. So, if Heyman has any problems with that, he can fix it himself. Tama Tonga asks Heyman if they have a problem. Tama says that the reason why Solo recruited him is because he knows that Tama is that dangerous. And tomorrow, a new king comes back to The Bloodline, by orders of The Tribal Chief.

Fourth Match: Randy Orton vs. Tama Tonga w/The Bloodline In A Semi-Final Round Match In The 2024 King Of The Ring Tournament 

GUNTHER is watching this match in the front row. Tonga with rapid fire bodyshots. Tonga with forearm shivers. Tonga follows that with repeated headbutts in the corner. Orton kicks Tonga in the gut. Orton with a Fallaway Slam. Orton repeatedly drives Tonga shoulder first into the steel ring post. Orton with three uppercuts. Orton transitions into a corner mount. Orton dumps Tonga out of the ring. Orton slams Tonga’s head on the arabic announce table. Orton goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Tonga lands back on his feet. Tonga delivers a chop block. Tonga drives Orton knee first into the steel ring steps. Tonga has complete control of the match during the commercial break.

Tonga works on the left leg of Orton. Tonga goes for The Frog Splash, but Orton ducks out of the way. Tonga denies The Draping DDT. Tonga with a single leg takedown. Tonga repeatedly stomps on the left hamstring of Orton. Tonga DDT’s the left knee of Orton. Tonga with clubbing blows to Orton’s chest. Tonga applies The Sleeper Hold. Orton backs Tonga into the turnbuckles. Tonga drops Orton with another chop block. Tonga reapplies The Sleeper Hold. Orton with a Belly to Back Suplex. Solo tells Tonga to wake up. Orton with two clotheslines. Orton ducks a clothesline from Tonga. Orton Powerslams Tonga. Orton is favoring his left knee.

Orton goes for The Draping DDT, but Tonga counters with a Back Body Drop over the top rope. Orton with the greco roman eye poke. Orton with Two Belly to Back Suplex’s across both announce tables. Orton rolls Tonga back into the ring. Tonga bulldozes Orton into the ropes. Orton stops Tonga in his tracks. Orton hits The Draping DDT. Tonga negates The RKO. Orton knocks Solo Sikoa off the ring apron. Tonga rolls Orton over for a two count. Orton connects with The RKO to pickup the victory. After the match, Orton stares at GUNTHER. Solo attacks Orton from behind. Solo repeatedly stomps on Orton’s chest. Kevin Owens storms into the ring to make the save. Owens tees off on Solo. Owens goes for The Stunner, but Solo blocks it. Solo retreats to the outside as the show goes off the air.

Winner: Randy Orton via Pinfall 

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