WWE SmackDown Results 9/20/24

WWE SmackDown Results 9/20/24
Golden One Center
Sacramento, California

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Michael Cole & Corey Graves) 

Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor

Transcription by Josh Lopez

– As The Bloodline enters the arena, Jacob Fatu starts attacking the security guards that were patting him down. They were just doing their jobs.

First Match: LA Knight (c) vs. Andrade El Idolo For The WWE United States Championship

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Idolo with a double leg takedown. Idolo goes for The Figure Four Leg Lock, but Knight counters with an inside cradle for a two count. Idolo kicks Knight in the gut. Knight blocks The Final Message. Knight goes for The BFT, but Idolo scurries to the outside. Knight applies a wrist lock. Chop Exchange. Knight whips Idolo across the ring. Idolo kicks Knight in the chest. Idolo unloads three knife edge chops. Knight is throwing haymakers at Idolo. Second Chop Exchange. Knight reverses out of the irish whip from Idolo. Idolo rocks Knight with a forearm smash. Idolo with a Flying Crossbody Block for a two count. Idolo applies a rear chin lock. Idolo transitions into a side headlock. Knight whips Idolo across the ring. Idolo drops Knight with a shoulder tackle. Knight drops down on the canvas. Knight scores the elbow knockdown. Idolo pulls Knight out of the ring.

Idolo and Knight are trading back and forth shots. Knight drives his knee into the midsection of Idolo. Knight dribbles Idolo’s head on the announce table. Knight rolls Idolo back into the ring. Knight with a Slingshot Shoulder Tackle for a two count. Knight with clubbing shoulder blocks. Idolo launches Knight over the top rope. Idolo with a forearm smash. Knight punches Idolo in the ribs. Knight goes for The Burning Hammer, but Idolo lands back on his feet. Idolo sends Knight face first into the steel ring post. Idolo with The Orihara MoonSault. Idolo drives Knight back first into the ringside barricade. Idolo hooks the outside leg for a one count. Idolo kicks Knight in the back. Idolo repeatedly stomps on Knight’s chest. Idolo drags Knight to the corner. Knight with an inside cradle for a two count. Idolo with a toe kick. Idolo chops Knight. Idolo with a Belly to Back Suplex for a two count. Idolo goes back to the rear chin lock. Knight with heavy bodyshots. Idolo answers with The Kitchen Sink for a two count. Idolo toys around with Knight. Haymaker Exchange.

Knight clotheslines Idolo. Knight goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Idolo lands back on his feet. Idolo ducks a clothesline from Knight. Idolo with a knife edge chop. Knight reverses out of the irish whip from Idolo. Idolo with a flying forearm smash. Idolo pops back on his feet. Idolo is putting the boots to Knight’s chest. Idolo goes for The Shotgun Meteora, but Knight ducks out of the way. Knight kicks Idolo in the gut. Knight drops Idolo with The DDT for a two count. Knight with repeated foot stomps to Idolo. Knight with a Running Knee Strike. Knight whips Idolo chest first into the turnbuckles. Knight with a Leaping NeckBreaker for a two count. Knight puts Idolo on the top turnbuckle. Idolo hammers down on the back of Knight’s neck. Idolo decks Knight with a back elbow smash. Idolo with The Double MoonSault for a two count. Idolo hits The Shotgun Meteora for a two count. Knight goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Idolo lands back on his feet. Idolo with a JawBreaker. Knight Powerslams Idolo. Knight delivers The Megastar Elbow. Knight goes for The BFT, but Idolo rolls him over for a two count. Idolo connects with The Discus Back Elbow Smash for a two count. Knight attacks the midsection of Idolo. Idolo HeadButts Knight. Idolo with forearm shivers. Knight avoids The Missile Dropkick. Knight plants Idolo with The BFT to pickup the victory. After the match, Knight shakes hands with Idolo.

Winner: Still WWE United States Champion, LA Knight via Pinfall 

– Tiffany Stratton is overly excited about the prospects of sending Bayley or Naomi packing from SmackDown. Nia says that it might be a good idea if Tiffany leaves SmackDown if they were to lose their Texas Tornado Tag Team Match tonight.

– Andrade El Idolo runs into Carmelo Hayes in the backstage area. Melo hasn’t seen a bigger choke job since the Sacramento Kings did against the Los Angeles Lakers. It’s time to put the fries in the back, because Andrade is washed. Idolo pie faces Melo. That leads us to a massive backstage brawl.

Cody Rhodes & Roman Reigns Segment 

Roman Reigns: You see the ground you stand on? Everything you put your eyes on in here, it’s mine. Years ago, I shed blood, sweat, and tears in this field, many times. So, that means that this is my field. And if this my field, that means that this is my stadium. And if this is my stadium, you better believe, this is my city. What have you done for my city?

Cody Rhodes: Seven cars? Subtle. Your stadium. You know what’s on the other side of this stadium, right over there?

Roman Reigns: What’s that?

Cody Rhodes: Techwood Studios. Down the street, Center Stage. Just that away, what we used to call, The Omni, now, State Farm Arena. Multiple generations of my family have bled for this city, and in the city. You played football here, thank you, and then you went back to the beach. This is your field, but this is my home.

Roman Reigns: That’s very good. This is your home. Why don’t we just cut to the chase? Enough of the history lessons. Why don’t we get down to the facts here? You signed yourself into a lose-lose situation. You have everything to lose. And you’re dealing with a whole situation with people who have nothing to lose. Take me for example. They took Jimmy from me. They took my wiseman. They took my Bloodline. And they took my Ula Fala. I don’t have anything to lose, for the first time in a long time. There’s no weight on my neck. It’s on yours. I’m a man with no country, now.

Cody Rhodes: You’re telling me this, like, I’m supposed to be surprised. I told you before WrestleMania, the first go around, that you would be standing here, just like you’re standing here now, a chief without a tribe. They took Jimmy. They took your wiseman. They took the Ula Fala. Do they think you got nothing to lose, though? Because I see that situation, and again, I will raise you another. Take a look around WWE, take a good look. We already have a Tribal Chief. It’s not you. And we have a WWE Champion, that’s not you.  So, if you can’t even beat your own bloodline, who’s standing here, right now? I’ll tell you, who. It’s not the biggest box office attraction in the history of WWE, it’s not that guaranteed WrestleMania main eventer, no, it’s the guy they used to call, Roman Reigns.

Roman Reigns: What do you want? Just tell me what you want.

Cody Rhodes: What do I want? I want your word. I want your word as you will have my back, so that I can have yours.

Roman Reigns: I give you my word, I will have your back. But just understand this, when it’s all done, I’m taking back what’s mine.

Cody Rhodes: It’s not yours to take.

Roman Reigns: You’re in my way. You’re in my way in life.

– Byron Saxton had a backstage interview with Kevin Owens. Does he have any thoughts about the confrontation we just saw with Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns? Kevin has nothing to say and decides to walk away.

Second Match: Giovanni Vinci vs. Apollo Crews 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Vinci drives his knee into the midsection of Crews. Vinci punches Crews in the back. Vinci is throwing haymakers at Crews. Vinci repeatedly stomps on Crews chest. Vinci unloads two knife edge chops. Vinci with a chop/uppercut combination. The referee admonishes Vinci. Crews slaps Vinci in the chest. Crews with forearm shivers. Vinci answers with a cross chop. Vinci kicks Crews in the gut.

Vinci sends Crews to the corner. Vinci blocks a boot Crews. Vinci with a short-arm clothesline. Vinci transitions into a ground and pound attack. Vinci stomps on Crews chest. Vinci repeatedly bodyslams Crews into the ropes. Vinci goes for The SitOut PowerBomb, but Crews counters with The Sunset Flip to pickup the victory. After the match, Vinci attacks Crews from behind. Vinci throws Crews into the ringside barricade. Vinci rolls Crews back into the ring. Vinci drills Crews with The BrainBuster. Vinci slaps Crews in the face as he exits the ring.

Winner: Apollo Crews via Pinfall 

– We see Bayley talking to Naomi in the locker room. Bayley wants to express the premise is taking the Women’s Title off of Nia Jax, regardless of who gets the pinfall victory tonight. Naomi says that, once she wins at Bad Blood, Bayley will get the first title shot. Bayley says that when she wins at Bad Blood, she’ll throw a party, and Naomi will be the first one invited, then they can talk about title matches.

Kevin Owens, The Bloodline, DIY, Nick Aldis Segment 

Kevin Owens: Thanks guys, thank you. Now, obviously Byron asking me, twice in a span of ten minutes, makes it pretty obvious. But I’m already aware, a lot of people are wondering what I’m thinking about this situation with Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes. And what Cody agreeing to team with Roman, how does that make me feel, after everything that’s happened over the last several years? And, you know, I’ve got to be honest.

Tama Tonga: Hey, you better let the right-hand man speak. Shoosh. Last week, Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes, they embarrassed our Tribal Chief. It was a very, very big mistake. They’re going to get what’s coming to them at Bad Blood. But you, Kevin Owens, tonight, are you going to what you got coming, by orders of the real Tribal Chief, Solo Sikoa.

Kevin Owens: Before you start talking again, because I guarantee you, no one has ever wanted to hear anything you’ve had to say, ever. We all know how this going to end, so why don’t you just get up here, and let me punch you in your stupid faces.

Owens starts swinging away at GOD. Owens tells Jacob Fatu to bring. GOD attacks Owens from behind. The Bloodline gangs up on Owens. DIY storms into the ring to make the save. Gargano SuperKicks Tanga Loa. DIY drops Tonga with The Shattering Machine. Nick Aldis makes his way down to the ringside area.

Nick Aldis: I’ll tell you what, I’m starting to get DeJa’Vu here, boys. I’m getting a bit sick and tired of you all fighting each other when there’s not a bell ringing. I couldn’t help but notice that The Bloodline, there’s three of you here tonight, and by my calculations, there’s three of you. So, Sacramento, I wonder if you can see where I’m going with this? Kevin Owens & DIY versus The Bloodline In A 6-Man Tag, in the main event, tonight.

Third Match: Bayley & Naomi vs. Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton In A Texas Tornado Match. If Bayley Or Naomi Wins, They’ll Face Nia Jax For The WWE Women’s Championship At WWE Bad Blood. If Nia & Tiffany Win, Either Bayley or Naomi Will Be Forced To Leave SmackDown. 

Pier six brawl after the bell rings. Jax launches Naomi to the corner. Stratton repeatedly stomps on Bayley’s chest. Jax with clubbing shoulder blocks to Naomi. Stratton rocks Bayley with a forearm smash. Dosey Do Routine. Forearm Party. Naomi with The Stinger Splash. Bayley with a leaping back elbow smash. Double Flying Forearm to Jax. Naomi with a Wrap Around Bulldog to Stratton. Double Bulldog into the middle turnbuckle pad. Bayley buries her shoulders into the midsection of Stratton. Middle Rope Stunner/Heat Seeker Combination. Double Sliding Lariat for a two count. Jax HeadButts Bayley. Naomi with forearm shivers. Naomi with a Jumping Knee Strikes. Jax dumps Naomi chest first on the canvas. Bayley with forearm shivers. Stratton attacks Bayley from behind. Stratton pulls Bayley down to the mat. BlockBuster/Samoan Drop Combination to Bayley for a two count. Stratton is putting the boots to Bayley and Naomi. Jax HeadButts Bayley. Stratton with a Snap Vertical Suplex for a two count. Jax grabs Bayley from behind. Stratton dropkicks Bayley to the floor. Jax with a Running Hip Attack to Naomi. Naomi drops Jax with The BlockBuster for a two count.

Stratton slams Bayley’s head on the ringside barricade. Naomi and Jax are brawling in the corner. Jax scores the elbow knockdown. Stratton hooks the outside leg for a two count. Jax drives Naomi shoulder first into the steel ring post. Jax with another headbutt to Bayley. Jax catapults Bayley into a running basement dropkick from Stratton for a two count. Jax sends Bayley to the corner. Stratton with a Double Back Handstand Elbow. Stratton repeatedly stomps on Naomi’s chest. Jax dumps Bayley out of the ring. Jax is choking Bayley with her boot. Stratton throws Naomi into the barricade. Jax drives Bayley back first into the barricade. Bayley with forearm shivers. Bayley dumps Stratton face first on the ring apron. Jax launches Naomi into the timekeepers area. Jax goes for a Running Bodyslam, but Bayley lands back on her feet. Naomi with The Roundhouse Kick. Bayley clotheslines Stratton. Bayley drives Stratton back first into the barricade. Bayley lands The Suicide Dive. Naomi with a Flying Crossbody Block off the apron. Bayley and Naomi rolls Stratton back into the ring.

Stratton clotheslines Naomi. Springboard Enzuigiri/Saito Suplex Combination for a two count. Naomi pulls Bayley off the cover. Jax clotheslines Naomi. Bayley jumps on Jax’s back. Jax sends Bayley back first into the canvas. Naomi with another Roundhouse Kick. Double Irish Whip. Double Back Body Drop. Jax decks Bayley with a back elbow smash. Jax with a Leaping Banzai Drop to Naomi. Jax punches Naomi in the back. Bayley denies The Annihilator. Bayley and Naomi gangs up on Jax. Stratton runs interference. Jax HeadButts Naomi. Bayley kicks Stratton in the face. Jax with a Diving Leg Drop. Bayley responds with a Flying Elbow Drop for a two count. Bayley with a Running Knee Strike. Bayley and Naomi puts Stratton on the top turnbuckle. Jax HeadButts Bayley. Jax goes for a PowerBomb, but Naomi counters with The X-Factor for a two count. Stratton goes for The Swanton Bomb, but Naomi ducks out of the way. Stratton starts apologizing to Jax. Forearm Exchange. Double Irish Whip. Bayley and Naomi nails Stratton with The 1D. Jax with a Running Body Block to Naomi. Jax hits The Samoan Drop. Naomi connects with the jackknife hold to pickup the victory. Bayley added a Rolling Crucifix as the referee made the three count.

Winner: Bayley & Naomi via Pinfall 

– Chelsea Green Vignette. In two weeks, in Nashville, Tennessee, it will be Chelsea Green versus Michin In A Dumpster Match.

– Next week on SmackDown, we’ll have Carmelo Hayes/Andrade El Idolo VI. Plus, Bayley will take on Naomi, and the winner of that match will face Nia Jax for the WWE Women’s Championship At WWE Bad Blood.

– The Bloodline viciously attacks DIY in the backstage area.

Fourth Match: Kevin Owens & The Street Profits vs. The Bloodline In A 6-Man Tag Team Match 

The Bloodline gangs up on Owens before the bell rings. The Street Profits will now be replacing DIY. All hell is breaking loose in Sacramento. Owens with a Flying Cannonball Senton to the outside. Owens is fired up. Owens kicks Loa in the gut. Owens with rapid fire haymakers. Owens repeatedly stomps on Loa’s chest. Owens is mauling Loa in the corner. Owens applies front face lock. Owens tags in Ford. Ford kicks Loa in the ribs. Ford tags in Dawkins. Dawkins with a toe kick. Dawkins hyperextends the left shoulder of Loa. Dawkins punches Loa in the back. Dawkins tags in Ford. Following a snap mare takeover, Ford with The Slingshot Senton. Ford taunts Tonga. Ford blasts Loa with The PK for a one count. Ford tags in Dawkins. Double Irish Whip. Ford drops down on the canvas. Dawkins with a shoulder tackle for a one count. Dawkins tags in Owens. Ows kicks Loa in the gut. Owens with a short-arm clothesline. Owens with a Senton Splash for a two count.

Owens slams Loa’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Owens tags in Ford. Ford repeatedly stomps on Loa’s chest. Loa explodes out of the corner with a running clothesline. Loa slams Ford’s head on the top turnbuckle. Loa with heavy bodyshots. Loa tags in Fatu. Fatu with repeated headbutts. Fatu punches Ford. Fatu repeatedly stomps on Ford’s chest. Fatu whips Ford back first into the turnbuckles. Fatu tags in Tonga. Fatu with a Vertical Suplex. Tonga with The Slingshot Senton. Tonga follows that with clubbing sledges. Tonga with The Sliding Lariat for a two count. Tonga tags in Fatu. Double HeadButt. Ford attacks the midsection of Fatu. Fatu with a running headbutt. Fatu goes for a Running Hip Attack, but Ford ducks out of the way. Ford tags in Dawkins. Dawkins with two clotheslines. Fatu reverses out of the irish whip from Dawkins. Dawkins leapfrogs over Fatu. Dawkins with a Corkscrew Elbow. Dawkins with a Flapjack to Loa. Dawkins knocks Tonga off the ring apron. Dawkins goes for The 360 Stinger Splash, but Fatu counters with a SuperKick. Fatu HeadButts Dawkins. Fatu repeatedly stomps on Dawkins chest. Fatu with The Double Jump MoonSault.

The Bloodline has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Loa whips Dawkins across the ring. Loa with a gut punch. Tonga with a Leaping NeckBreaker for a two count. The referee is trying to get Owens out of the ring. Tonga fish hooks Dawkins. Tonga with clubbing blows to Dawkin chest. Tonga applies a rear chin lock. Dawkins with elbows into the midsection of Tonga. Dawkins rocks Tonga with a forearm smash. Dawkins side steps Tonga into the turnbuckles. Dawkins with The Exploder Suplex. Tonga tags in Fatu. Fatu with a Running Senton Splash. Fatu taunts Owens. Fatu whips Dawkins back first into the turnbuckles. Fatu with repeated headbutts in the corner. Dawkins with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Dawkins sends Fatu face first into the top of the ring post. Ford and Tonga are tagged in. Ford with The Apron Enzuigiri. Ford with a Leaping Crossbody Bock. Ford blasts Loa off the apron. Ford ducks a clothesline from Tonga. Ford with a Running Lariat.

Ford thrust kicks the midsection of Tonga. Ford kicks Tonga in the chest. Tip Up by Tonga. Ford with a Rising Knee Strike. Ford with a Belly to Back Suplex. Ford follows that with The Standing MoonSault for a two count. Tonga ducks a clothesline from Ford. Tonga goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Ford lands back on his feet. Ford with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Ford tags in Owens. Owens delivers The Lariat Train. Owens with a Running Senton Splash on the floor. Owens with The Frog Splash off the apron. Owens follows that with a Running Cannonball Strike to Tonga. Owens with The Swanton Bomb for a two count. Dawkins clotheslines Fatu to the floor. Owens ascends to the top turnbuckle. Tonga with forearm shivers. Tonga with repeated headbutts. Tonga goes for The SuperPlex, but Owens counters with The Avalanche Fisherman’s Buster for a two count. Loa pulls Owens out of the ring. Owens kicks Loa in the face. Tonga blocks The Stunner.

Owens ducks a clothesline from Tonga. Owens hits The Stunner for a two count. Loa drags Owens out of the ring. Loa throws Owens into the steel ring steps which forces the disqualification. After the match, Dawkins delivers The Pounce on the floor. Fatu lands The Suicide Dive. Ford responds with The SomerSault Plancha. Ford is fed up. Fatu with a running haymaker to Ford. Fatu sends Dawkins into the timekeepers area. The Bloodline has regained the numbers advantage. GOD clears the announce table. Owens is displaying his fighting spirit. Loa bodyslams Ford. Fatu connects with The Flying Splash. The Bloodline prepares for The Cerberus PowerBomb. DIY joins the fray. It’s sheer anarchy at ringside. Fatu dishes out a series of superkicks. Owens throws Loa into the ring steps. Fatu repeatedly drives Owens back first into the apron. The Bloodline are demolishing Owens in the ring. Cody Rhodes attacks The Bloodline with a steel chair. Fatu superkicks the chair out of Cody’s hands. Rhodes nails Fatu with The Cody Cutter. Cody turns around and sees Owens holding the chair. Owens decides to shake Cody’s hand and gives him a hug as the show goes off the air.

Winner: Kevin Owens & The Street Profits via Disqualification 

Checkout Episode 431 of The Hoots Podcast

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