Triple H Reacts To John Cena’s Heel Turn & Jade Cargill’s Return To WWE

During the post-2025 WWE Elimination Chamber media scrum, Triple H commented on the heel turn of John Cena, Jade Cargill’s return to WWE, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the post-show media scrum below:

On John Cena’s heel turn: “I’ve been fortunate to be around a lot of the biggest things in this business in the last, say, 30 years, I don’t know if I’ve ever felt a more powerful moment, of the entirety of John Cena’s career, being the one guy that never, you never really saw, at least in the beginning of his career, whatever, as you move forward, when he really became John Cena, and the champion, you just didn’t see this moment coming, and in a moment of, when you get to a place in your career where you know, undoubtedly, you have months left on your career, and on your dream, and the thing that launched you to the rest of the world, to movie stardom, to everything else he has in his life, it puts you in a different perspective and it puts you in a place like, it is now or never, and you can ride that out and you can rest on the things you’ve done, and you couldn’t really blame John for doing that. For just, saying, hey, I’m coming in, and he told you differently, but to say I’m coming in, and ride the nostalgia wave for the next 10 months, I’m gonna wave to everybody, I’m gonna do the nifty tour, I’m gonna come to your town and say hi and expect you to react on the nostalgia of John Cena.

“Or somebody like him can double down and say, screw it, I want to be challenged right to the last moment. I want to go out on my shield. I want to give this everything I have. I want to challenge myself. I want to do something different. I want to be afraid of it. I want to go out there and do it all. And that’s the beauty of John Cena. John has always been the guy to do what is best here, but he’s always been the guy to jump out on a limb, get out there, stick his neck on the line, and gamble on himself, and he did that tonight, and it was incredible to watch. There was a moment when Cody was down in the ring and Pat and Cole and Wade were out there trying to help him to his feet and Rock, Travis Scott, and John Cena were standing in the aisleway next to each other that I thought, holy shit, we’ll never get any bigger than that. That is just an epic moment. I feel like this is one of those night’s that 20 years from now, people will be saying, that night in Toronto. And it was incredible. I don’t know that you realize it in the moment but that’s the way I feel about tonight.”

On how he doesn’t know what Cena will do as a heel: “Even though we’re creating it, I’ll be honest with you, I don’t know what the hell he is gonna do as a heel. I don’t know. If you flip back a year, before Rock turned, I don’t think anybody would have seen this Final Boss character and what we’re doing with it. So the variables are incredible. Where we can go with this is unlimited. And when you have people as good as Cody, as good as The Rock, as good as Cena, and you mix that all together, it’s limitless. Even though I’m part of that, I can’t wait to see where it goes.”

On his creative process: “I’m a big proponent of collaboration. I want all the ideas, I want to throw them all out on the table, I want us all to look at all of them, and then begin to have conversations around what is the best thing, and then start to think of, OK, out of those things, how can we tear those up and, I dunno, blow them up and go in a completely different direction that nobody will see. It’s hard sometimes to think of something nobody sees because nobody sees it, and that includes you when you’re doing it, and at some point and time, little germs of ideas come in and what if, what if, and it just begins to peculate. I’m fortunate in this time frame to have some of the great minds to work. Dwayne and I have been working together for almost 30 years in some manner and he’s always been an epic storyteller. He’s always been an epic guy to get outside of the box and let’s do something different. How can we blow this up and change expectations. How can we make this something nobody has ever seen before. It’s really easy to go like, Oh, I saw this once, let’s do this, that’s easy. Going into uncharted waters, trying things out that have never been done before or done in a different way, things that people won’t see coming, that’s a lot more different and a lot more challenging so you need everybody’s ideas and thought processes. So it starts with a bunch of people coming up with great ideas to try to entertain our fans.”

On Jade Cargill’s return: “I know sometimes that seemed like an odd build or an odd storytelling, the way it all went down over time. Sometimes, it is ver difficult to do. It is very difficult to tell a story when you don’t know the outcome that you have in front of you yet. Is she going to be back? Is she going to be back soon or really long? You just don’t have any answers. Each week, you’re kind of kicking the can down the road a little bit to see where you get to. Luckily, she was able to come back when she did, right now, and we were able to get to the place we did tonight. I thought it was an incredible moment and so happy for her to be able to come back and do that. Excited to see where that leads with her and Naomi.”

On a possible women’s main event at WrestleMania 41: “It’s always possible. To me, it’s always possible. As we build this, to me, nothing is locked into any spot. As we build this, what resonates the most will become the main events. Nothing is locked in. I believe, for talent, that is the best way to do it. Let everybody fight over the spot. Let everybody work their ass off and everybody try to do what we’re trying to do, which is do things outside the box and do things people haven’t seen. Let them get out there and challenge themselves so that every moment they have on TV. People forget how much value there is in the TV we put out. When you have a moment on TV, I don’t care if it’s 30 seconds, a minute, two minutes, or 20 minutes. Maximize those minutes. Tell me why you should be in that main event. Don’t go out there and go, ‘I hope they put me in the main event.’ Take it. Make it undeniable. That’s what I want talent to do. I want talent and everybody who is part of this to make it undeniable that they should be in the spot they should be in. I don’t believe in giving anybody a spot. ‘The women should have the main event spot.’ It’s nice, if it is the most interesting thing on the show and is getting the biggest reaction, which when I put them in main events, it’s because of that. They earn that. They earn the right through their hard work, their sacrifice, their dedication, just like everybody else, to be treated like everybody else and work their ass off to get what they want. I don’t treat them any differently. The reason I don’t treat them any differently is because I respect them too much to do it that way.”

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