Mercedes Mone Talks About WWE Talent Being Affected By Raw Change To 2 Hours, Move To Netflix

“The CEO” doesn’t mind chiming in on non-AEW related topics here and there.

In the latest issue of her Mone Mag newsletter, that’s exactly what she did.

Mercedes Mone weighed in with her take on WWE Raw switching from three hours back to two hours for several months before making the transition from USA Network to Netflix in 2025.

“Now, let’s talk Raw,” Mone wrote. “Word is that it’s dropping from 3 hours to 2, and honestly, I’ve got mixed feelings about it. I’ve always loved having that extra hour because it gives more performers a chance to shine. Losing that time could mean fewer opportunities for the roster. It’s hard enough for talent, especially women, to get TV time.”

AEW’s TBS Champion also shared her thoughts on WWE moving Monday Night Raw to Netflix starting in January in this week’s issue.

“The silver lining could be Netflix,” she stated. “With Netflix, I’m assuming (and hoping) there will be many new ways to showcase talent. In the end, I’m about more opportunities for talent, which leads to more entertainment for fans and more money for the business. It’s the best way for all to win – especially the roster and fans.”

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