AEW Dynamite Beach Break Results 7/3/24

We’ve closed the Forbidden Door and we’re spending out night at the Beach

  • Owen Hart Foundation Cup Men’s Quarterfinal: Jeff Jarrett vs. ???
  • Samoa Joe, Hook, & Katsuyori Shibata vs. Cage of Agony
  • Owen Hart Foundation Cup Men’s Quarterfinal: Bryan Danielson vs. Pac
  • Owen Hart Foundation Cup Women’s Quarterfinal: Kris Statlander vs. Willow Nightingale
  • AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Danny Garcia

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Dynamite Beach Break 2024

Renee is here and she welcomes Daniel Garcia and Matt Menard. Garcia has felt pressure from the first day he’s walked into AEW, and Garcia puts it on his mother’s life that he’s not losing the match tonight. MJF is here and he says Garcia should focus on the big match tonight, and he wants to be in his corner. Garcia accepts and Menard says that MJF is alright with him, as both guys shake hands.

Live from the Wintrust Arena in Chicago, Illinois! Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Taz are on commentary and it’s time for the Owen Hart Cup!

Match #1. Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinal: Pac vs. Bryan Danielson

Both men trade wrist locks, head locks, and arm drags to start. Pac gets the upper hand with a dropkick and Danielson, covered in athletic tape and cupping marks, looks flustered. Pac backs Danielson to the corner and delivers a brutal chop. Danielson fires back and we’re off to the races. Danielson flips over Pac and both guys hit the ropes and meet in mid-air with a flying crossbody. Pac with some stiff European uppercuts and a huge boot to the face. Danielson rolls outside and Pac comes off the top with a springboard moonsault. Pac immediately rolls Danielson back in the ring and locks in the Brutalizer, but Danielson fights to the ropes. Pac is in control throughout the break but Danielson backflips out of a German suplex and connect with a high kick to Pac. Roundhouse kicks by Danielson and Pac retreats to the outside, but Danielson follows up with a running knee off the apron to the face! Danielson with some more roundhouse kicks on the floor, but he charges Pac in the corner and he eats a thrust kick. Diving elbow drop by Pac off the guardrail crushed Danielson! Pac rolls Danielson in the ring and hits another springboard elbow drop. Tombstone by Pac! Two count. Pac tries or a bunch of covers but only gets two. Pac gets frustrated and Danielson grabs an arm and pulls him into the Lebell Lock. Pac is in there a while but eventually gets to the ropes. Roundhouse kicks by Danielson and a running dropkick in the corner. Danielson goes up top for a shotgun dropkick but Pac swipes out the legs and heads up top. Avalanche sheer drop brainbuster! One, two, no! Pac heads back up top and looks for the Black Arrow but Danielson moves! Busaiku Knee by Danielson but he can’t make the cover right away.  One, two, NO! Pac locks in the Brutalizer and Danielson is in trouble! Danielson rolls Pac up for two and holds on, locking in the Lebell Lock! Pac rolls Danielson up but Danielson shifts his weight and crucifixes Pac for the win!

Winner: Bryan Danielson

Rating: ****. Man I wish this had some more time, because what we got was great. Huge win for Danielson, who’s got a lot of adversity ahead and it makes for a great story.

Willow says that nothing matters, smile anyway.

Mark Briscoe is here and says that these boys don’t know what violence is, and he’s declaring himself the first member of Team AEW for Blood & Guts. Briscoe says he was seconds away from becoming the TNT Champion but Jack Perry must have had an extra helping of Lucky Charms. Here’s Jack Perry from behind and he cracks Briscoe with the belt. Kyle O’Reilly is here to make the save for his buddy, but Kazuchida Okada is here too and Kyle eats a Rainmaker. The Young Bucks are here now but The Acclaimed’s music hits and everyone scatters.

Toni Storm, Luther, & Mariah May are here. Toni pumps up Mariah May, who’s wrestling Shida this week on Rampage. Renee wants to remind Toni that if Mariah May wins, then… Toni doesn’t care about that now. It’s May’s time to shine.

Match #2. Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinal: Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander w/ Stokely Hathaway

Statlander charges Willow on the ramp but Willow is here with a POUNCEEEEE down the ramp. Snap suplex on the floor by Willow. Both women finally get into the ring and here’s the bell. Willow bounces Statlander’s head off the turnbuckles a bunch but Statlander is forced to go to the eyes. Stage Dive like maneuver by Statlander as she gets caught up in the ropes and we’re going to commercial. Hammer throw by Statlander but Willow fires out of the corner with a lariat. High kick by Statlander flattens Willow as she regains control. Statlander runs into a high boot and both women now fight on the apron. Statlander looks for a German suplex but Willow elbows her off and Statlander lands hard on the floor. Cannonball by Willow off the apron and a dropkick back inside the ring off the middle rope. Two count. Lariat by Willow gets a long two. Willow looks for the Doctor Bomb but Statlander goes low and comes off the ropes with an axe kick for two. German suplex by Statlander folds Willow up. Statlander goes up the ropes but Willow follows and German’s Statlander off from the middle rope. Victory roll by Willow for two. F5 by Statlander out of nowhere! Stokely puts a steel chair on the far corner and Stokely distracts the referee. Statlander tries to use the chain but almost hits Stokely and Willow rolls her up for the win!

Winner: Willow Nightingale

Rating: ***1/4. These women know each other very well and it showed here. Lots of power from Willow here and she’ll meet the winner of Shida and May this week.

Renee Young is with Jeff Jarrett and company. Renee wants to know how Jeff is able to prepare not knowing his opponent, and Jeff walks off. Jay Lethal says Jeff is doing this for his best friend.

Tony Schiavone welcomes back Doctor Britt Baker, DMD. Britt misses the fans, but she wants to talk about what we’ve all got, a past, present, and future. Where’s Britt been? Back in November, Britt said she was good, until she wasn’t. One day she was very sick, and her entire right side stopped working. Britt spent a week in the hospital with a TIA, an instance when your brain suffers a mini stroke. Britt told TK she needs time, and he said… let me know when you’re good. In the present, she’s here, she’s clear, and she’s healthy. Britt said she’d never doubted herself more than she did on Sunday. Britt didn’t know if anyone cared if she was going to walk through the curtain on Sunday. When Britt needed the fans, they were there for her. At the end of the day, Britt’s one of the fans.

Britt then goes scorched earth on Mercedes Mone, claiming she didn’t lay down the foundation of this company with her blood, sweat, and tears, and she even stole the three letter thing. Well, here’s Mercedes Mone pulling up on the tron, greeted by The Bucks. The Bucks then demand that Mercedes get the celebration as she heads to the ring, so the ring crew puts up some balloons and whatnot. Britt said they’re trying to outshine each other, but Mone says whatever Britt does is irrelevant. Crowd is hard into the “stfu” chants to Mone here. Mone says Britt should get a good look at what a real star should look like. Britt reminds Mone that she’s the first female to go All In at AEW by signing her name on that contract. Britt wrestled at Wembley last year when Mone’s ass was lookin like a broke b with a broken leg. Britt wants to face Mone at All In! Mone pie faces her and tells her there’s a long list of girls waiting and get to the back of the line, b. What line, b? There’s a price to pay when you mess with Mone.

Renee is with Will Ospreay and Kyle Fletcher. Renee wants to know how Ospreay is feeling physically and mentally. Don Callis is here, and Ospreay apologizes to him and tells him he’s not that guy anymore. Ospreay has changed as a person, and he’s given him a lot of things in his life and career, but he wants to be out of the Don Callis Family. Callis says he’s not in the habit of letting people out of signed agreements, but he’s so proud of Ospreay, he’s going to do this for him. However, one day, he’ll be asking for a favor.

Chris Jericho is here. Jericho says Hook broke the cardinal sin of the wrestling business when he stole his finish. That doesn’t work for me, brother. Jericho says Taz is relieved of his announce duties for the rest of the evening and he’s got to leave the arena immediately.

Match #3. Hook, Katsuyori Shibata, & Samoa Joe vs. Cage of Agony

Joe and Kaun trade blows and we’ve got some quick tags being made early. Kaun calls for Shibata to chop him and Shibata obliges, Kaun charges and pulls Shibata underneath the bottom rope to the apron, where Leona hits a big senton. Shibata in trouble now as Cage runs through him with a big back elbow. Body slam by Toa and a diving headbutt. Toa looks for a pop-up Samoan drop but Shibata hooks him and posts hi, tagging Hook. Hook fires some lariats in to everyone and clotheslines Cage to the floor. Northern lights to Kaun. Uppercut by Toa and a gutbuster by Kaun gets a two on Hook. Double spinebuster to Hook but Joe makes the save. Joe sends Kaun to the outside and tries to follow up with a suicide dive but Toa with a big POUNCEEEEEE. Shibata in with big boots but Cage catches one and hits the F-5. F-5 to Hook but Hook counters with a DDT. Joe makes the hot tag and he clears the ring. Snap powerslam to Toa and a JoaANage. Manhattan drop to Cage and a big boot to the face. Joe uses his partners as projectiles and Shibata follows up with a stalling dropkick. Cage and Kaun are here to make the save as it’s all broken down. Triple suplexes attempts by Cage of Agony but Joe, Hook, and Shibata escape to the back and it’s a three-way rear naked choke.

Winners: Hook, Katusyori Shibata, & Samoa Joe

Rating: **1/2. Fine six-man match here, looking like Joe and co. will be a getting a trios shot at some point.

Jericho says he wants to congratulate the winners, but Bryan Keith and Big Bill are here to attack them from behind with chairs. Jericho blasts Hook in the face with the brass knuckles and Big Bill chokeslams him through a table.

Match #4. Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinal: Jeff Jarrett vs. Hangman Page

Well now. Did not see this one coming. Page is looking more Magnum TA-than ever. Page backs Jarrett up to the ropes but does *not* give him a clean break, which should be telling. Page with a double leg and punches to the back of the head of Jarrett, kicking the back of and taking a few liberties. Jarrett hits the ropes but right into a huge lariat. Fall away slam by Page as Jarrett rolls to the apron, only to get powerbombed on the corner. Page then bounces Jarrett’s head off the steps about half a dozen times. Back inside the ring, Page is just bullying Jarrett. Sunset flip by Jarrett but Page punches him in the face. Page really just has his way with Jarrett before looking for the Deadeye. Page flips in but Jarrett is waiting and double legs him. Sharpshooter by Jarrett! Page gets free and hits the Buckshot. Page could pin him, but elects for a Deadeye.

Winner: Hangman Page

Rating: **. More story than anything else, which is fine, because a new evil Hangman is good stuff.

The Learning Tree jump Hook in the back-room area, before throwing a fireball in his face!

Renee is with Hangman. The Bucks pop in and welcome him back before asking Hangman to join Blood & Guts. Page says he’s not their man and not their puppet and doesn’t need any more games.

Match #5. AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Danny Garcia w/ MJF

Ospreay gets the better of Garcia early and MJF tells him that it ain’t nothing, and he’s Daniel Garcia. Hip toss by Garcia and a head lock take over. Ospreay responds in kind. OSpreay has wrist control and chops Garcia down, but Garcia fights back now with a flurry of right hands. Garcia ducks a clothesline and hits a pair of swinging neckbreakers and a spike DDT. There’s the third neckbreaker. Two count. Garcia runs into a pair of boots in the corner and Ospreay follows up with a Phenomenal Forearm for a two count. Ospreay now takes his time, taunting Garcia, and now delivering some Kawada kicks. Ospreay gives Garcia an open shot for kicks of his own, but Garcia instead hip bumps him and tosses him with a Saito suplex. Garcia charges and Ospreay counters with a Spanish Fly for two. Back flip kick and a step-up enziguiri by Ospreay. Liger Bomb by Ospreay right into a Styles Clash! Two count. Ospreay looks to unsheathe the Hidden Blade, but Garcia jumps on Ospreay’s back and locks in the rear naked choke. Garcia then transitions into a guillotine but Ospreay tosses him with an X-Plex. Garcia blocks an OsCutter and spikes Ospreay with a piledriver! Two count. MJF slides his Dynamite Diamond Ring to Garcia but Ospreay rolls him up for two and both guys trade near falls. Lariat by Garcia! MJF tells Garcia to use the ring, but Garcia thinks better of it and gives it back to MJF. Hidden Blade by Ospreay who was waiting in the wings! One, two, three!

Winner and STILL AEW International Champion: Daniel Garcia

Rating: ***3/4. Excellent match here in the main event, with the only drawback being that it felt a bit rushed, and we could have easily had 5-10 more minutes. Garcia has reached another level lately and he’ll get there, but not just yet.

After the match, MJF tells Garcia the people still love him and he busted his ass. MJF celebrates with Garcia and then he kicks him low! Classic MJF. MJF lines Garcia up with the ring but Matt Menard is here to make he save, only to get cracked in the face himself. MJF cracks him in the face and then spits at the crowd. MJF now stands over the bloody Garcia before fighting off security, and now ground and pounding Garcia, bloodying him up even more. MJF then decides to tombstone Garcia off the top rope, and does. Christopher Daniels and the rest of the AEW staff are here and MJF doesn’t care. MJF mounts Garcia again but Will Ospreay comes back out and MJF scampers throughout the crowd.

Final Thoughts: Now THIS felt like a special episode tonight. The wrestling was strong throughout, and we had a lot of good storylines. Of course, go out of your way to see Danielson vs. Pac and Garcia vs. Ospreay, great wrestling to bookend this week’s show. The Mercedes and Britt confrontation felt special, we’re working towards Blood & Guts, and MJF is doing vintage MJF things. 8.75/10.

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