Wordle today: Answer and hint #1268 for December 8

Give your daily Wordle an instant boost with our general tips, designed to help you squeeze as much use as possible out of every single letter on the board. Need something more? Then you’re in the right place. Keep it simple and click straight through to today’s answer if you like, or spend some time with our clue for the December 8 (1268) puzzle. Either way, you’re bound to win.

I loved my opening row. It was packed with some great yellow letters, and I knew exactly what to do with them. Or so I thought, anyway. They refused to turn green until I’d finally put them in all the places I didn’t want them to fit, the only benefit to this extended alphabet-wrangling being that by the time I’d got them sorted out, today’s answer was the only word left to try.

Wordle today: A hint

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

Wordle today: A hint for Sunday, December 8

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