Elon Musk says his brainchip patients will soon ‘outperform a pro gamer’, then takes a big old puff and says ‘let’s give people superpowers’

Billionaire Elon Musk has said that humans with his company’s Neuralink brain chip installed will be nailing 360 noscopes better than the pros within two years. Speaking on an episode of the Lex Fridman podcast (full transcript), Musk went on to make some even wilder claims about the tech: including the idea that Neuralink is going to have to speed up human brains so that AI doesn’t get “bored”.

Musk says that his idea about the “data rate” of humans came about while he was thinking about AI safety and the possible barriers to a positive human-AI convergence. “The low data rate of humans, especially our slow output rate, would diminish the link between humans and computers,” says Musk, before adding a rather unbelievable coda: “Let’s say you look at this plant or whatever, and hey, I’d really like to make that plant happy, but it’s not saying a lot.”

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