Kayla Braxton’s First Post WWE Project Revealed To Be A Movie, Backstage News On The Film

Kayla Braxton is already making waves now that she is done with WWE.

The former ring announcer revealed on social media that she just wrapped filming on a feature film. She writes, “Just wrapped my first movie…and I got to do it alongside actors I’ve admired for years! One in particular I’ve always dreamed of meeting someday … never in a million years did I think I’d one day be sharing scenes with them! What is life?! Can’t wait for you to see it!”

According to PW Insider, Braxton is taking on the role of Ashley in the movie “Strangehold.” The film features Justin Long, Ashley Benson, and Jake Lacey as its stars. Clark Duke is directing, having co-written the screenplay with Chandler Duke and Billington Garrett.

Wrestling Headlines continues to wish Braxton well on her future endeavors.

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