AEW Dynamite Results 6/19/24

Hard to believe but Forbidden Door is less than two weeks away, and we’re rounding out the card tonight!

  • All-Star Eight-Man Tag: Kyle O’Reilly, Mark Briscoe, Dante Martin, & Orange Cassidy vs. Roderick Strong, Konosuke Takeshita, Zack Sabre Jr., & Kyle Fletcher
  • Women’s Owen Hart Cup: Kris Statlander vs. Nyla Rose
  • Men’s Owen Hart Cup: Pac vs. Claudio Castagnoli
  • Daniel Garcia vs.
  • Rush vs. MJF
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator: The Young Bucks vs. The Acclaimed

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Dynamite 6/19/24

Live from the EagleBank Arena in Fairfax, Virginia! Tony Schiavone, Taz, & Excalibur are on commentary and we’re starting the show off with a commercial-free main event!

Match #1. MJF vs. Rush

Hockey fight to start! Rush is tranquilo, though. Rush blasts MJF with a chop and he doesn’t budge, responding with one of his own. Both guys put their hands behind their back and MJF pokes Rush in the eye instead. Rush retreats to the corner and headbutts MJF, causing the referee to check on him as his mouth or nose is busted open. Back body drop by Rush. Sunset flip by MJF gets a long two count but he runs into a vicious right hand and Rush is in control. Rush shows the Bull’s Horns but stops short, and boots MJF in the face instead. Running knee to the face by Rush gets a two count and MJF is slumped in the corner. Now Rush looks for the Bull’s Horns but MJF moves. Cradle by MJF gets a two count. Hammerlock cradle DDT by MJF! Two count. Rush blocks a suplex but MJF rakes the back and piledrives him. MJF goes for a cover but Rush grabs the referee’s hand as it’s coming down for the three, and we continue. MJF charges Rush but Rush belly-to-belly suplexes him in the corner! MJF sends Rush up and over and mule kicks him in mid-air. MJF looks to come off the middle rope but slips and Rush hits a big Superman Punch. Straitjacket piledriver by Rush! Two count. Another Superman Punch by Rush sends MJF to the floor. Rush follows MJF to the floor and Rush bounces him off every LED board, guard rail, ring apron, etc. that he could find. MJF is in a bad way, bleeding from the mouth and nose, as Rush sends a chair into the ring, giving him time to beat up MJF on the outside with the camera cables. Both guys jockey for position on the apron until MJF charges and Rush sends him flying off the apron with a belly-to-belly! Rush sets up Bull’s Horns but MJF is up and cuts Rush off with a big lariat. Spinebuster by MJF and some ground and pound, before bouncing Rush’s head off the turnbuckles. Brainbuster by MJF! One, two, three!

Winner: MJF

Rating: ***3/4. Heck of a start here tonight, and quite the welcome back for MJF. When you’re in the ring with Rush, you’re in for a fight, and that was apparent here. MJF weathered the storm and came out on top in a fun one.

The Elite EVPs have sent Cage of Agony and Hechicero after MJF, and it will be Hechicero vs. MJF at Forbidden Door.

Renee is in the back with Kyle O’Reilly, Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe, and Dante Martin. Mark Briscoe cuts a vintage Mark Briscoe promo, and it’s great, and Jack Perry walks past the screen.

Will Ospreay and Swerve Strickland are here for a faceoff. Ospreay says he’s the man that held three different championships, on three different continents, at the same time. Swerve will be tested, as Ospreay is the best wrestler in the world today. Swerve says that’s where he messed up, because he’s the BITW. Different career paths over the last five years, but they’re in the same space. Swerve has been doing it all by himself, unlike how Ospreay beat Kenny Omega… with the help of Don Callis.

Ospreay does not need Don Callis. He does not need the family. And he can do this by himself. Ospreay says last year was the start of the summer of Ospreay, and after Omega it was Okada, then Shingo, and Jericho. While Swerve had a hit row, Ospreay had a hit list, and he didn’t miss one of them! Whatever move Ospreay hits, Swerve will know it the next day. However, if Ospreay hits the Tiger Driver 91, he won’t be walking out period.

Swerve says that this is Ospreay’s first PPV main event and he can thank Swerve for that. Swerve said anyone he’s had is a body now. What if Swerve broke Ospreay’s leg? His arm? Who is he then? If Swerve lost everything in the business, he can still be the mogul, the entertainer, actor, rapper, podcaster, etc. Swerve said he’s still Swerve Strickland, no matter what. Swerve is trying to educate Ospreay, and he will have to sacrifice the love of himself, his loved ones, his son, etc.

Ospreay cuts off Strickland and tells him not to make it personal, before getting in his face. Prince Nana hops in the middle and says we need to stop this now and save it for Forbidden Door. Swerve asks who’s house it is, and Ospreay says it’s his house. Swerve asks.. what if he does want to make it personal? Before mentioning Ospreay’s wife and child, causing Ospreay to jump back in the ring and get chest-to-chest.

Match #2. All-Star Eight-Man Tag: Kyle O’Reilly, Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy, & Dante Martin vs. Roderick Strong, Kyle Fletcher, Konosuke Takeshita, and Zack Sabre Jr.

Crazy eight-man brawl to start as ZSJ locks Cassidy in an Octopus between the ropes. Plancha by Briscoe takes out everyone on the floor. Martin sends Takeshita to the outside with a hurricanrana and it’s a double jump senton that takes out everyone! After a commercial break, Cassidy and ZSJ are in the ring and legal. Both guys trade holds as ZSJ gets a close two count. Kyle gets the tag and everyone gets roundhouse kicks. Strong tags himself in and follows Kyle into the ropes with a kitchen sing and a half-and-half backbreaker. Two count. Chops by Strong but Kyle catches his arm and snaps him down to the mat with an arm ringer. Dante gets the tag and takes both Strong and ZSJ over with a double hurricanrana. Enziguiri to Takeshita and a diving crossbody to Fletcher. Martin runs into a boot from Takeshita and meets him on the top rope, but Fletcher pulls him off. Superbomb to Dante by Takeshita and Fletcher but Briscoe breaks up the pin! Martin is caught in the opposing corner as we go to PIP. Flying leg lariat by Martin to Takeshita as both men are down. Briscoe gets the hot tag and it’s Red Neck Kung Fu to everyone. Dropkick to Fletcher and Pele kick to Strong. Takeshita goes at the eyes of Briscoe but Briscoe catches him with a rolling Death Valley Driver. Froggy Bow by Briscoe and Kyle drops the King Kong Knee. Frog Splash by Martin. Stalling elbow by Cassidy! Fletcher breaks up the pin at two. Cassidy calls for the Orange Punch but ZSJ grabs the leg and it’s the Helluva Kick in the corner! Briscoe is in with a uranage. Knee by Martin to Strong. Powerdrive knee to Dante Martin. Briscoe with a Blockbuster off the apron to Takeshita! Satellite DDT to Cassidy, who tries to counter into Stundog Millionaire, but gets rolled up in the European Clutch for a two as Martin broke it up. Total Elimination by Kyle and Mark to Fletcher! Mat return by Strong and Kyle throws Cassidy out of the way and eats a huge jumping knee strike for HIS FRIEND. Orange Punch by Cassidy and Strong is out. One, two three!

Winners: Orange Cassidy, Kyle O’Reilly, Mark Briscoe, & Dante Martin

Rating: ***1/2. I mean, what else do you expect? All action from start to finish, all the fun stuff, all the good spots, everyone had fun and shined here.

After the match, Jack Perry lays out Dante Martin and Takeshita fights Mark Briscoe to the back.

Cameras catch up with Rush in the back, who was approached by Don Callis.

Match #3. AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator: The Young Bucks (c) vs. The Acclaimed

Max Caster’s mic is cut out and we see Okada on the tron, pressing buttons, and calling everyone a bitch. Just amazing stuff. The Bucks attack on the ramp before we get started in the ring. Scissor Me, Timbers to Matt immediately and here we go. Hip toss to Matt but Nick knees Caster on the ropes and The Bucks are in control through PIP. Bowens gets the hot tag and clears the ring. Kick combo to Matthew and a Fameasser to Nicholas, but Bowens’ injured knee buckles and Matt superkicks him in the face. Assisted senton by Nicholas as Matthew holds Bowens off the middle rope. Bucks want the EVP Trigger but Bowens catches both legs and lays into The Bucks with elbows and forearms. Nicholas holds Bowens good leg and Matthew superkicks the other one, and then it’s a double superkick to the face. The Bucks pump up the shoes and it’s a Superkick Party, but Caster makes the save at two. Matthew dumps Caster to the outside and Nicholas punts him from the apron. Running enrizuiri in the corner by Nicholas and Matthew goes low behind the referee’s back. EVP Trigger to Bowens but Caster makes the save again. Suicide dive by Nicholas and he tosses Caster into the front row. Doomsday Sliced Bread by The Bucks (aka Made in Detroit, the Motor City Machineguns Finisher). Bowens somehow kicks out at two. Nicholas has had enough and tries to take Bowens out with the belt, but he misses and hits Matthew! Caster dumps Nicholas to the floor as Bowens plants Matthew with The Arrival. Mic Drop by Caster! One, two, three!

Winners: The Acclaimed

Rating: **3/4. Interesting choice here. Fine match with a lot of the story being the injured knee of Bowens, but I’m surprised The Acclaimed, who feel kind of flat, are the ones to beat the Bucks right now.

Samoa Joe and Hook are arguing about New York foods before they bust into the Premier Athletes locker. There’s a piece of paper from Mark Sterling, who fully anticipated this barbarism, and have challenged them to a trios match on Collision. Shibata says he’s in, too, from behind the camera.

Mariah May is here to moderate a meeting between Toni Storm and Mina Shirakawa. May says she loves both women, but…Mina tells Mariah May to shut up. Mina says Storm was a legend and star, but she got soft and weak as a champion. Everyone says “we want Mina” and nobody wants Toni. At Forbidden Door, she’s taking the title, and.. her girl. Storm says if Mina raises her voice like that to May again, she will “slap her bloody tits off.” Grab a bowl and line up, because this buffet is wide open. Storm says chin up, tits out, and watch for the shoe, as she signs the contract. Mina tells Mariah May that she must choose, but here’s Saraya.

Saraya is here with Harley Cameron, and she says she’s so tired of this, and she’s not alone. Anna Jay pulls Mina out from the outside of the ring and a fight ensues. There’s a table set up in the corner and Toni tries the running hip attack but she puts herself through the table!

Match #4. Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinal: Nyla Rose vs. Kris Statlander

Rose shows her strength early with a pair of shoulder blocks. Nyla goes up top early but Statlander sends her to the floor with a big boot. Statlander follows up with some boots on the floor before rolling Rose in the ring and coming over the top from the apron with an elbow drop. Commercial break now as Statlander is in control. Back from break and Nyla connects with a cannonball in the corner. Beast Bomb attempt by Nyla but Statlander counters with a superkick. Axe kick by Statlander gets two. Statlander goes up top but misses a 450! Nyla goes up top this time but Statlander catches her and trips out the leg. Running big boot to the face by Statlander, who picks up Nyla and tombstones her! That’ll do it.

Winner: Kris Statlander

Rating: **1/4. Fine match here but most of it took place in the PIP, which didn’t do it any favors.

Willow Nightingale shows up on the tron and says she’s got Serena Deeb this week in the Owen Hart Cup, and that’s one step closer to a match with Statlander.

Chris Jericho gives Private Party some advice on how to wrestle luchadores.

Match #5. Daniel Garcia vs. Rhett Titus

Shotgun dropkick by Garcia and a series of Twist & Shouts. Guillotine choke by Garcia but he doesn’t let Titus go to sleep, and he instead picks him up for the Bloody Cross.

Winner: Daniel Garcia

Rating: NR. Poor Rhett Titus, though.

The Gates of Agony attack Matt Menard from the commentary table. Brian Cage and Hechicero are here too, beating up Garcia.

Here’s MJF! MJF goes right at Hechicero and it’s a double low blow for Toa and Kaun. German suplex by Cage and Hechicero tries to break the arm of MJF.

Will Ospreay is here to… make the save?! Ospreay cleans house and a handspring double back kick. Cage and Hechichero get clotheslined over the top by Ospreay and MJF respectively, who bump into each other and stare each other down as the place erupts!

Back from commercial and Renee catches up with Will Ospreay, who says he doesn’t care about MJF but here’s Brian Cage and we get a pull apart brawl.

Match #6. Owen Hart Cup Men’s Quarterfinal: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Pac

Bryan Danielson has joined the commentary table, who, speaking of, will be wrestling SHINGO TAKAGI AT FORBIDDEN DOOR. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Running dropkick by Pac and a missile dropkick off the top. Pac throws Claudio into the LED board outside the ring a few times, before coming off the top with another missile dropkick. Pac goes back up top but Claudio rolls to the outside. Pac follows and runs into Claudio, who pops him up and plants him with a big European uppercut. Claudio is in control now as we go to commercial break. Claudio runs into Pac’s boot in the corner, sending Claudio to the floor, as Pac follows up with a big Asai Moonsault off the top! Pac moonsaults off the apron and Claudio catches him, but Pac spins it around into a Tornado DDT on the floo! Springboard elbow drop by Pac back inside the ring for a two count. Rebound German suplex by Pac but Claudio hulks up, running into a pump kick. Kick combo by Pac and a superkick that floors Claudio. Black Arrow but Claudio moves and Pac lands on his feet. Running European uppercut by Claudio! One, two, no! Big Swing by Claudio and a huge lariat. Two count! Claudio picks Pac up for the Ricola Bomb but Pac adjusts his weight and locks in the Brutalizer as both men are standing! Claudio drops to a knee but fights up to his feet, forcing Pac off of him and stepping through for the Sharpshooter! Claudio pulls Pac into the middle of the ring but transitions into the crossface as Pac was slipping out. Pac is trying to crawl to the ropes but settles for a cradle for two. Victory Roll by Pac gets two. Back slide by Pac but Pac counters into a cradle. Both men now trade about a dozen pinning combinations with Pac eventually trapping Claudio in a crucifix. One, two, three!

Winner: Pac

Rating: ***1/2. Man, I’d love for this one to go another 15 minutes. This has to be considered an upset, but if anyone was due for a win, it was Pac. This won’t hurt Claudio and all, and it will do more for Pac.

Claudio rolls out of the ring, refusing to shake Pac’s hand, and making eyes at Danielson who tells him… “it happens.”

Final Thoughts: Excellent pro wrestling show tonight. Heavy on storyline, heavy on wrestling, heavy on entertainment. The build to Forbidden Door has been strong, and the company has quickly rallied around Will Ospreay in every way possible, pairing him with both Swerve and MJF. The Owen Hart Cup, both women’s and men’s brackets, are stacked and are going to deliver some great matches. Tonight’s show could have benefitted from a few minutes to take a deep breath, but you can’t fault a company that doesn’t let you change the channel. 8.5/10. 

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