MLW’s Alex Kane talks his Unique Battle Riot VI Match Tomorrow, Being the First Major Openly LGBTQ World Champion, more

Show: Wrestling Epicenter
Guest: Alex Kane
Date: 05/31/2024
Your Host: James Walsh

MLW’s Battle Riot VI is Saturday, June 1st and you can still attend at Center Stage in Atlanta, Georgia! One of

the big stars involved in 2 matches on the show is former MLW Champion Alex Kane!

Joining us for the first time in 3 years, Kane discusses his MLW run, being LGBTQ (bi-sexual) and representing that community, and so much more.

Visit www.MLW.com for viewing options! Make your plans now for Battle Riot VI from Major League Wrestling!

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On becoming one of the main faces of MLW:
“Oh, man, it is insane! Some would say I’m still the face of MLW even though I am not the champion anymore. But, if you go back 3 years ago when I first signed here, nobody outside of some independents really knew who I was. But it has been a journey with the ups and downs that I have been through to end up at the point that I am at right now, it has been pretty insane! I remember stopping before I went out for my match with Kojima and thinking, “This is my life! This is sick!””

On his star-making performance at MLW Battle Riot V just a year ago:
“Oh man, that was huge! I knew the crowd was there for me. But, for them to never die on me – not one time, that is when I knew myself that this run is going to be something special.”

On his thoughts on being the one to finally take the title off Hammerstone:
“That was an emotional day. But, when that finally happened, I was like, “Yo, you really did this! You called your shot years ago and you made it happen!” I’m getting goosebumps just talking about it now. But, to set a goal and to see it through, you don’t really know the magnitude of the situation that you’re going to be in. You just know you want it to happen. But, everybody was there for me in that building! My wife was there. She said she felt a little bad for Hammerstone because of what the people were saying to him and chanting at him. But, that moment? It was magical.”

On being one of the first members of the LGBTQ Community to hold a Major World Title:
“Representation matters! Absolutely! To become a black World Champion matters. To be a bi-sexual World Champion matters. I just hope that little kids, teenagers, and even adults who are part of the community can see someone who is also a part of that community like me succeed and thrive and make waves, I hope they can see that if I can achieve it, they can achieve it!”

On losing the MLW World Title to Kojima:
“First, Kojima is like the nicest guy on the planet. Like, seriously. He’ll text me on Twitter every once in a while and just say something like, “I like your gear!” but do it in a more guy energy way. But, when I found out I was going to be losing the title to him, I kind of realized that everybody will eventually face their final boss and Kojima was my final boss. (laughs) I kind of saw it coming from a mile away. But, to have had the impactful reign that I had and have it come to an end against someone as good as Kojima, it makes it that much better.”

On how MLW can grow their reach and possibly get a new TV deal:
“I think if we continue doing what we’re doing and continue selling out shows, somebody with some TV money will come along and be like, “What have you been doing? We’ve got to get this out there!” I think everything is about timing. Like, Reelz was really cool. Fight TV is really cool. Being able to ahve stuff out there and up on YouTube is really cool. I mean, with how big YouTube is, I’m not sure you really need a national TV deal as much as you once did. But, still, I think there will be a time that we’re back on national TV and it will be very cool for us to have that.”

On what a “Ritual Combat Match” is as he faces AJ Francis in one at MLW Battle Riot:
“In order to become Captain of the Bomaye Fight Club, I’ve constructed a match that is essentially a no holds barred, anything goes, by any means necessary kind of match. Except, this one is actually for the Throne of Bomaye. So, we will have an actual physical throne. And, it is essentially a last man standing match but instead, it will be a Last Man Sitting match! Who can sit in the Throne the longest!”

On getting even with AJ Francis over his recent loss to him:
“Well, he cheated! He hit me in the gonads! He also had the referee with the fast count. He’s not seeing the Pearly Gates. He is not seeing the Pearly Gates!”

On also working the Battle Riot match itself:
“I hope to be a repeat Battle Riot winner. I’d better be in that match! I think it is a unique match because you face off with some unfamiliar faces and that presents new challenges. Sime of the people in the Battle Riot aren’t even wrestlers like Paul Walter Hauser. There are people who are from TV and entertainment but they must have something about them to make them credible to possibly win the Battle Riot! I mean, imagine if Ernest “The Cat” Miller was to win the Battle Riot? But, anyone who gets in my way – Literally any of them – I am throwing them over the top rope!”


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