The best way to watch the Fallout TV show is to play this building and management sim alongside it

So far, I’ve enjoyed watching Lucy, Maximus, and The Ghoul explore the Wasteland and slowly uncover the truth behind this lawless land. The only problem is that I can’t help but feel a little left out. 

We can’t control the characters in this TV show like we can in the games, so obviously, this loss of agency leaves something to be desired. And while the show does use three archetypal main characters to try and make up for this lack of control, it’s just not the same as exploring the Wasteland for yourself. But I think I’ve found the solution. After the first episode, when I was debating downloading Fallout 4 again, I remembered that I already had the best Fallout game on my phone—it’s time to start a new vault in Fallout Shelter. 

Fallout Shelter was released in 2015, but in a way, I feel like it’s always been with me. And while it may not be a fancy RPG like the rest of the Fallout games it provides the control that I crave. This free-to-play building and management simulation game has been something I have consistently dropped in and out of since I first downloaded it nine years ago. It follows the same life cycle that Minecraft does in that every so often, I remember it exists again, and then all I do for the span of two weeks is play this game. 

Vault dwellers working in a water treatment station

(Image credit: Bethesda)

I began my new Fallout Shelter Vault 33 (original, I know) three days ago when I started watching the TV series. Since then, I have amassed 30 dwellers, unlocked 14/24 rooms, and am slowly collecting all the pets available, although so far I only have a Pallas cat and a German Pointer. You can also grab a Vault 33 jumpsuit for one of your dwellers to wear right now. 

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