Brock Lesnar Status Update, WrestleMania XL Broke Gate Record and more Notes From Triple H’s Media Scrum

WWE Chief Content Officer Triple H was one of the many big names that spoke to the media during last night’s post WrestleMania XL scrum, where the Game addressed a number of important topics.

To start, Triple H revealed that night one broke the company’s one night gate record, a challenge that he and Nick Khan were keen on accomplishing in the lead up to the show.

We broke our all-time single night gate record here tonight. That is something that Nick and I and the team spend a lot of time pouring through, how to increase that but remain in that zone where anybody can come to a show. We’re not pricing our fans out of the market. We’re very conscious of making sure everybody out there can enjoy WWE. It’s not just about the money and the numbers, it’s about making sure everybody can take part.

Brandon Thurston from WrestleNomics confirmed that the gate for last night was $17.3 million.

Elsewhere in the scrum, Triple H was asked about Brock Lesnar and his status with the company following the Janel Grant lawsuit. As a reminder, Lesnar was never named in the suit but it was determined that he was someone that Grant was trafficked to by Vince McMahon. This is what Triple H said regarding The Beast:

At one point, there was a conversation with Brock about Royal Rumble, quite a long time ago. Right now, Brock is at home being Brock. We’ll see where that leads to from here. His status is the same as it has been before. Brock is not gone from WWE. He’s just home being Brock.

Triple H later gave his thoughts on how The Rock performed in the main event.

It wouldn’t be the physical part. He loves this and he’s going to throw caution to the wind and it’s going to be amazing and he’s going to go all out. When you’ve done this a long time, and you’re around it every day like that, you see composure in people that I can spot it in people now, it’s my job to spot it in people now to some degree now. I can spot it and tell you, who is comfortable, who is not, who is running through a bunch of stuff and doesn’t feel it, who is just doing things. The most impressive thing to me was his composure and his being in the moment, and his feel. I could see him feeling everything that was happening, I could see it resonating in him and I could see his composure. When you haven’t done this for awhile and adrenaline hits you and you’re in front of all those people, and you’re zoned in, it moves fast, and you move fast with it, and you think you’re not but you are, and it’s the thing that you see stars have been doing this a long time that have really gotten to that next level. There is a calm. He was calm. To be gone that long and to be that calm and that composed and in control and feel and let it happen and feel it and digest it and let it come out of you, not many people can do that.

Check out the full scrum below.

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