Belief within WWE that Triple H is now making the majority of creative decisions in the company and not Vince McMahon

Earlier this year, it was said that Vince McMahon “embraced” Triple H’s role as Head of Creative in WWE.

According to Mike Johnson of PWInsider.com, there is a rumor making its way around WWE in regards to Triple H’s creative role. Johnson noted that “there is a belief within the company that Triple H has been basically knighted by Endeavor, and he’s the one who is driving 99.9% of the creative going forward.” Johnson stated that the backstage atmosphere and morale in WWE has seemingly been boosted as of late.

Johnson also noted the following…

“I kinda feel like there will be a tug-of-war, and sometimes Vince will give his thoughts, and they’ll go with what Vince wants. But, I’m told that week-to-week in the weeds, they are going with what Triple H wants.”

Following the 2023 Summerslam PLE, Triple H commented on Vince’s input…

“At this point in time, if all of us didn’t look at moments in time for council from him, for thoughts or ideas or if we have a question to go to him and ask, we’d be silly not to. It’s sitting next to somebody that knows about this or has forgotten more about this than you’ll ever know, maybe, and to not utilize that in some aspect. But is he day to day, no. Is he in it all the time? No. And if anybody has, he’s earned the right to do that.”

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