Game Informer Is Back Under New Ownership, With The Full Team Returning
In Summer 2024, GameStop suddenly shut down Game Informer, ending the magazine’s 33 year-long run, and laying off the entire team. However, on Tuesday, after a tease a week earlier, the magazine and website announced its return.
No, it’s not back because GameStop changed its mind. Even better, GameStop sold the brand and publication, and now the entire Game Informer team that was laid off is back, with the publication under a new parent company, Gunzilla Games, with total editorial independence from its new owners.
It was a huge blow to the industry, that one of the few institutional magazines and troves of games coverage and history of the medium was suddenly snapped out of existence last summer. That the whole team is now back, along with the websites archives, and the magazine returning later this year is hopefully the fairy-tale beginning of the next bright chapter in Game Informer’s legacy.
Source – [Game Informer]