TNA iMPACT Live Results 2/20/25
TNA iMPACT starts …NOW!
Joe Hendry is in the ring for an encore concert. He said he will face anyone from any company, so much so that he wrote a song about it. He sings that Joe Hendry was a surprise and Sheamus couldn’t believe his eyes, his favourite moment was beating the Miz, he says its hard to be humble when you’re in the Royal Rumble, and he would’ve won if not for Roman Reigns. The Colon Brothers interrupt Joe Hendry and they say they’re making their TNA debut. The fans chant “Where’s Carlito”. They say they’re going to take care of business. The lights go off and Elijah appears. Elijah sings he sees two men looking to fight so he decided to join TNA tonight. He asks who wants to walk with Elijah. The fans chant “Oh walk with Elijah” and he plays the guitar to the tune. The fans chant “This is awesome”. He said these guys made their debut and he came and made it even better. He asks Joe if he’s got his guitar ready. Santino Marella comes out and books Joe Hendry and Elijah vs. The Colons. Elijah says there’s no reason they can’t have a concert right now. They sing Elijah and Joe Hendry are going to raise some hell.
Gia Miller is backstage with Leon Slater and Leon says The System sees him as a young boy to hold the titles and hand them drinks. He says The System might not respect him but he doesn’t need The System. He says he’s going to beat the arse of JDC.
Gia Miller is backstage with The Colons. Orlando says the company needs them and their family history and tradition. He says this is legacy and now this is TNA Wrestling.
Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Egwe vs. Zachary Wentz and Trey Miguel
The Rascalz go after Tyson and Tyriek before the bell and hit a stereo Suicide Dive to the outside. Tyriek Egwe lifts up Zachary on one arm and powerbombs him onto Trey Miguel. Zachary with a knee on Tyson and Tyriek on each corner and hits a running Shooting Star Press on Tyriek for two. The Rascalz hit a double superkick on Tyriek but Tyriek takes them down with a clothesline. Trey Miguel hits a Meteora followed by a Swanton onto Tyson for the win.
Zachary Wentz and Trey Miguel def. Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Egwe by pinfall
Wes Lee gets on the mic and suggests The Rascalz and Ace Austin face the three of them at Sacrifice.
Fir$t Cla$$ make their entrance. They introduce some people from the entertainment industry. Noelle Foley is among them. AJ says Roddy doesn’t get the credit he deserves for Hulkamania and he doesn’t get the credit he deserves Hendrymania. He introduces the first guest to the Fir$t Cla$$ Penthouse, some people say he is phenomenal, others say he has a lot of style, he introduces AJ Francis. He says that guy left this place to go to that place, but he left that place to make this place great.
Rosemary vs. Léi Yǐng Lee
Lee gets Rosemary up on her shoulders for an aeroplane spin. Lee hits Thunderstruck for the win.
Léi Yǐng Lee def. Rosemary by pinfall
Rosemary sprays mist on Lee’s face after the match and the referees took her to the back.
A Sami Callihan vignette and he says wherever Mance and Steph are he’s going to find them. He walks backstage and gets into a brawl with Mance.
Eric Young comes out and says Judas and Travis were pawns under Josh Alexander’s leadership and they were boys, but under his, they will be men and champions and stand at the top of this company. He says no one has sacrificed like he has. He says he is the gatekeeper. He says there is one person who should be beside him. He calls out Steve Maclin. He doesn’t come out. Eric Young says he understands. He says he looked it into his soul and spoke to him and it spoke back. He says he warned Eric about Josh so maybe he did it for Steve. He says this business is not black or white, it’s blood red.
Santana is at an alcoholics anonymous meeting. Mustafa Ali comes in and says every single person here is an inspiration. He says the addiction made them do terrible things. He tells them to take it one day at a time. He tells them not to put themselves in high pressure situations. He tells them to let the leaders lead and the followers will follow. He tells Santana that things can change but people like him don’t.
We see highlights of Moose on NXT.
JDC vs. Leon Slater in a No Disqualification Match
They take it to the outside. JDC looks to chop Leon against the ring but Leon gets out of the way and JDC only gets the post. JDC looks to chop again but JDC holds up a steel chair that JDC hits. Leon sets up a table and JDC whips him towards it but Leon leaps over it. JDC suplexes Leon inside out onto a steel chair. JDC looks to swing a kendo stick at Leon but Leon ducks and hits a back heel kick and smacks JDC with the kendo stick and hits him with it from the top rope for two. Leon takes JDC to the apron and pulls out a table from under the ring and looks for a powerbomb from the apron but JDC fight out of it. Leon sets JDC on the table outside the ring and goes to the top turnbuckle and hits a Swanton 450. He takes JDC into the ring for a pin but The System pull Leon and put him through a table. The fans chant “Oba” as The System throw Leon into the ring and JDC pins him for the win.
JDC def. Leon Slater by pinfall
After the match, The System gang up on Leon Slater. The fans chant “Oba” but The Hardys come out. The System gets the numbers advantage. Oba Femi’s music hits and he takes out all of The System on his own. The fans chant “NXT”. It is announced that Femi and The Hardys will take on The System on next week’s show.
Inside the Impact Zone, Tessa Blanchard makes her way out in street clothes with a microphone in-hand. She mentions her interaction with the doctor earlier and says she has not been cleared to wrestle. The crowd gets on her case. She says they all follow her on social media so sit down and shut up.
As she continues talking, she is cut off by TNA Director of Authority Santino Marella, who comes out and is upset. He tells Tessa he didn’t think she could be a bigger weasel, but then proved him wrong. He says if Tessa doesn’t wrestle next week for any reason, she is fired.
Masha Slamovich vs. Mila Moore
In the ring is the scheduled opponent for Tessa, Mila Moore. Out comes TNA Knockouts Champion Masha Slamovich, who offers to step up and take Tessa’s fight. She heads to the ring and the bell sounds.
She walks into a big kick from Moore, but quickly brushes it off, hits her finisher and wins in seconds. She stares down Tessa on the entrance stage afterwards. Cora Jade sneak attacks Masha from behind. Tessa is shown laughing while watching. The show heads into another commercial break.
Masha Slamovich def. Mila Moore by pinfall
When the show returns, Santino Marella and Arianna Grace are backstage. They announce Cora Jade vs. Masha Slamovich for the TNA Knockouts Championship at TNA Sacrifice. They also announce Spitfire vs. Ash & Heather by Elegance for the TNA Knockouts Tag-Team Championships, and a special concierge stipulation.
Joe Hendry & Elijah vs. The Colons
Ryan Nemeth comes out talking about his big brother returning in 22 days at TNA Sacrifice. That’s his entire message. Off he goes. After that, McKenzie Mitchell introduces the first team in the scheduled tag-team main event of the evening. The Colons make their way out and settle inside the squared circle to another loud “Where’s Carlito?!”chant. Elijah makes his way out next for the opposition. After that, the viral smash hit “I Believe in Joe Hendry” hits as the TNA World Champion emerges to a huge pop and positive chants from the Full Sail crowd. The bell sounds and it is Colon and Hendry kicking things off. Elijah tags in and the fans explode again. “Oh, walk with Elijah” sing-chants break out and spread throughout Full Sail as the former WWE Superstar stalks Colon. Colon drills him with two punches but then walks into a leaping clothesline from Elijah. He does Undertaker’s “old school” spot on the top-rope, clobbering Colon with a forearm across the back on the way down. He tags Hendry back in, and Hendry picks up where he left off. Fans are loudly chanting “We believe! We believe!” as the show heads into a mid-match commercial break. When the show returns, Hendry is controlling the action until The Colons stop him dead in his tracks and take over. Eddie tags in and settles into a comfortable offensive lead, controlling Hendry on the mat as fans try and rally behind him inside Full Sail University. Hendry starts Hulk’ing up and no-selling the offense from Colon, before fighting back and taking over. He tags in Elijah. Elijah takes the hot tag and hits the ring with a ton of energy as the crowd comes to life. He hits a big spinebuster as fans sing “Oh, walk with Elijah” again. Elijah hits a piledriver for the win.
Joe Hendry & Elijah win by pinfall
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