DNS Error On PS5 – What Is A PS5 DNS Error And How To Fix
DNS Error PS5, What Is A PS5 DNS Error, PS5 DNS, PS5 Won’t Connect To Internet. Chances are that if you’ve got a PS5, you’ve encountered something called a DNS error. This is not an uncommon issue, but a lot of people are still looking for answers as to what this error is and how to fix it. You can get full details below in our handy guide about DNS PS5 errors.
DNS Error On PS5 – What Is A PS5 DNS Error And How To Fix
A DNS error happens when your PS5 console is not able to connect to the Internet. DNS itself stands for ‘domain name system.’ If your PS5 is receiving these errors, then you are having problems getting online. Here’s some possible solutions to remedy the issue:
- Restart your PS5 console
- Use a wired connection to connect to the Internet
- Move the PS5 closer to your router to improve connectivity
- If any items are blocking the connection, move them out of the way
- Restart your router and modem
- Check PSN’s status in case there are errors on Sony’s end
- Restore your game license
Alternatively, you can try the following:
Settings > Network > Set Up Internet Connection > Options > Advanced Settings > Choose Automatic for primary and secondary DNS > Test your connection