WWE NXT Results 10/22/24

WWE NXT Results 10/22/24
The WWE Performance Center
Winter Park, Florida

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Vic Joseph & Booker T) 

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Transcription by Josh Lopez 

First Match: Damage CTRL vs. Meta Four 

Iyo Sky and Jakara Jackson will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Jackson backs Sky into the ropes. Sky tugs on Jackson’s hair. Sky with a side headlock takeover. Sky whips Jackson across the ring. Jackson lunges over Sky. Sky with a Cartwheel Dropkick. Sky pops back on her feet. Sky taunts Legend. Sky tags in Sane. Double Irish Whip. Sky sweeps out the legs of Jackson. Sane stomps on Jackson’s back. Following a snap mare takeover, Damage CTRL with a double basement dropkick for a two count. Sane unloads three knife edge chops. Sane with a flurry of strikes. Jackson drives Sane face first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Jackson slams Sane’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Jackson tags in Legend. Legend grabs Sane by her throat. Sane with forearm shivers. Legend lifts Sane up in the air. Legend blocks The Sunset Flip. Sane slaps Legend in the face.

Legend blocks The Crucifix Driver. Legend catches Sky in mid-air. Legend with The Double Dribble. Legend pulls Sane down to the mat for a two count. Legend pie faces Sane. Sane slams Legend’s head on the top rope. Legend reverses out of the irish whip from Sane. Sane applies The Sleeper Hold. Legend drives Sane back first into the canvas. Sane ducks a clothesline from Legend. Sane with a Headscissors Takeover. Sane dumps Jackson out of the ring. Sane with a flying forearm smash off the ring apron. Sky with The Quebrada to the outside. Meta Four regains control of the match during the commercial break. Forearm Exchange.

Sky with a Roll Through Double Foot Stomp. Sane and Legend are tagged in. Sane knocks Legend off the ring apron. Sane with The Running BlockBuster. Sane scores two forearm knockdowns. Jackson reverses out of the irish whip from Sane. Sane Spears Jackson. Sane avoids The Pump Kick. Sane delivers The Spinning Back Fist. Sane with Two Sliding Forearm Smashes. Sane with The Flying Forearm for a two count. Sane with The Alabama Slam. Sane tags in Sky. Assisted Elbow Drop for a two count. Standing Switch Exchange. Legend blocks The O’Connor Roll. Sky made the blind tag. Sky slips off the top rope. Sky with The Shotei. Sky hits The Shotgun Meteora. Jackson avoids The MoonSault. Jackson tags in Legend. Legend nails Sky with The Pump Kick. Legend catches Sane in mid-air. Legend with The Uranage BackBreaker. Legend tags in Jackson. Piper Niven pulls Jackson out of the ring which forces the disqualification. After the match, Chelsea Green connects with The Zig Zag. Niven lands The Vader Bomb. Niven with a Diving Senton Splash. Green with The Flying Crossbody Bock.

Winner: Meta Four via Pinfall 

– We see 2023 NASCAR Xfinity Series Champion Cole Custer arrive to the WWE Performance Center.

– Hank Walk & Tank Ledger had a backstage confrontation with OTM.

– Ashante THEE Adonis continues to flirt with Karmen Petrovic while she’s training with Sol Ruca & Brinley. Karmen says that she’s returning the favor for Ashante costing her a big match a few weeks ago.

– NXT will be heading to the historic ECW Arena on November 6th.

Second Match: Jaida Parker w/OTM vs. Tatum Paxley 

Parker pulls Paxley down to the mat. Parker backs Paxley into the ropes. The referee calls for a clean break. Paxley ducks a clothesline from Parker. Paxley pulls Parker down to the mat. Paxley with a Leaping Elbow Drop for a two count. Paxley applies a rear chin lock. Parker sends Paxley to the corner. Paxley rolls Parker over for a two count. Paxley applies a bodyscissors hold. Paxley rolls Parker around the ring for a two count. Paxley dropkicks Parker. Paxley with a Running Crossbody Block into the turnbuckles. Parker catches Paxley in mid-air. Parker slaps Paxley in the chest. Parker delivers The Tear Drop. Parker repeatedly stomps on Paxley’s chest. Parker with a forearm shiver across the back of Paxley. Parker with The Dragon Sleeper Suplex for a two count.

Parker pulls back the arms of Paxley. Parker sits on the back of Paxley’s neck. Paxley decks Parker with a back elbow smash. Paxley with The O’Connor Roll for a two count. Paxley kicks Parker in the face. Paxley ducks a clothesline from Parker. Paxley with a Leaping Knee Smash. Paxley scores two forearm knockdowns. Paxley with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Paxley with a Modified Samoan Drop for a two count. Parker punches Paxley in the ribs. Paxley with the inside cradle for a two count. Parker avoids The Enzuigiri. Parker goes for The Dragon Sleeper Suplex, but Paxley lands back on her feet. Parker connects with The Hipnotic to pickup the victory. After the match, officials and referees are trying to prevent a brawl with Parker and Lola Vice. Wendy Choo puts Paxley inside a road case and brings her to the backstage area.

Winner: Jaida Parker via Pinfall

– Lexis King tells Charlie Dempsey that he wants a shot at the NXT Heritage Cup Championship. Charlie obliges and now Lexis needs to find a corner man.


– Trick Williams & Ethan Page Segment 

– Oba Femi vs. Luca Crusifino w/The Family 

– Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer vs. The Fatal Influence w/Jazmyn Nyx 

Checkout Episode 435 of The Hoots Podcast 

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