Rovio shines a spotlight on its games platform Beacon at PGC Helsinki 2024

Rovio shines a spotlight on its games platform Beacon at PGC Helsinki 2024

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Rovio principal product manager Niina Ojala will open up on the Angry Birds developer’s mobile games platform Beacon at Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki next week in a session entitled ‘How to run mobile games as a service for decades? Introducing Beacon.’

Ojala leads product management for Beacon, a technology suite the famous Finnish studio says supports its games throughout their entire lifycyle. It includes tools to help develop games, bring them to market, and grow them through user acquisition, player engagement and live ops.

It also supports developers with IAPs and ads – basically anything a team needs to make, launch and manage a mobile game.


The session will take place on day one of the conference – Tuesday, October 1st, on the Game Dev Stories track.

“In this session you will hear examples of monetisation strategies, level difficulty optimisation, and live ops targeting in the context of running games as a service,” said Ojala.

“You will hear how Beacon, an all-in-one game platform for launching and operating mobile games, enables game developers, designers, and marketers to not only pick their tool of choice but also to utilise data across different functions of the game.

“With Beacon the game teams can focus on running the game as a service over decades.”

Ojala is one of 150+ speakers set to join the show next week. Not got a ticket yet? Head over to the Pockett Gamer Connects Helsinki website for more information and to grab yourself a pass to join approximately 1,500 industry peers expect to attend the conference.

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