Hacking wizard gets Linux to run on a 1971 processor, though it takes almost 5 days to boot the kernel

Hacking wizard gets Linux to run on a 1971 processor, though it takes almost 5 days to boot the kernel

Here’s a question for you: How do you get an operating system that first appeared 33 years ago to run on a processor that’s almost two decades older, from 1971? Well, it turns out the answer is to make the ancient chip emulate something that’s only 36 years old, strip the software down to its bare essentials, and then just wait almost five days for the kernel to boot.

While the project itself serves no obvious practical purpose, the work of Dmitry Grinberg (via Ars Technica) deserves genuine admiration. If you’re a regular reader of our hardware news, then the name might be familiar—it’s the same hacking wizard that ported Doom to run on a Def Con attendee badge.

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