‘Tales of’ Villain Plushes available for pre-order

Village/Vanguard have been releasing wave after wave of ‘Tales of’ series character plushes and the latest wave focuses on the villains. Now available for pre-order are plushes of Mithos (Tales of Symphonia), Saleh (Tales of Rebirth), and Sync (Tales of the Abyss) and pre-orders will remain open until September 29th.

The dolls are about 191 mm x 195 mm (7.5 in x 7.7 in) large and cost 6100 JPY ($43.37) dollars each. The dolls are planned to ship out sometime in mid-to-late December 2024.

If you want to pre-order the dolls or just want more info you can check out Village/Vanguard’s official site here.

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