Consumer spending in mobile games projected to reach $109.3 billion in 2024 up 3.3% YoY

Consumer spending in mobile games projected to reach $109.3 billion in 2024 up 3.3% YoY

  • Mobile games to generate $109.3 billion in 2024, according to Aldora
  • Mobile is projected to generate more consumer spending than PC and console combined this year

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Mobile games are projected to generate $109.3 billion in 2024, up 3.3% year-on-year according to data platform Aldora’s latest report.

This means mobile’s continued domination among interactive entertainment categories, with the Interactive Entertainment 2025 Global Market Sizing & Forecast report noting its “resilience and innovation” as a segment.

In fact, the core trinity of video game platforms – mobile, console and PC – is projected to earn a combined $186 billion in consumer spending this year, and 59% of that will come from mobile.

Meanwhile, “the end of the current device generation” means console sales are down 31% this year, with a further 11% fall projected for 2025. Software sales on consoles are up, though, according to Aldora, growing by 3.1% year-on-year.

Rising fast

While mobile remains the largest consumer spending segment in video games and interactive entertainment, PC is outpacing its growth rate at a projected 4.2% rise this year to $31.4 billion. Next year’s rise is forecast at 8.1%.

However, no segment compares to emerging technology (including virtual reality) in growth potential, with Aldora projecting the latest tech format to grow by 8.9% through 2024. Apple’s Vision Pro is cited as one product “fuelling this expansion”, though the segment remains much smaller than its well-established competitors for now.

Aldora forecasts emerging technology to hit $3.8 billion in consumer spending in 2025, still only a fraction of the $250.2 billion projected for the whole of interactive entertainment next year.

Bouncing back

Notably, blockchain games are also on the rise in 2024, up 21% year-on-year and expected to earn $651 million from consumer spending this year; Aldora attributed this “strong increase” to the recovery of cryptocurrency more broadly, however, whilst highlighting major game makers’ “notable declines in revenue” in the segment.

In the full report, Aldora also explores transmedia strategies and “long-term optimism”.

Furthermore, this rise in consumer spending is projected for mobile despite fewer than 19% of games receiving ATT consent on iOS.

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