Mobidictum Conference returns to Istanbul in October

Mobidictum Conference returns to Istanbul in October

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The Mobidictum Conference returns to Istanbul, Turkey on October 15th and 16th for its third edition.

The event is expected to welcome more than 1,500 games industry attendees from 70 countries.

Star speakers

Speakers are set to include representatives from the likes of Supercell, Rovio and King, as well as FinEst Bay’s Peter Vesterbacka, Play Ventures’ Harri Manninen and Ubisoft’s Fawzi Mesmar.

The event is set to focus largely on mobile, but will also feature an area for PC and console developers.

As well as the main event, the conference will host a sponsor and speaker mixer in the evening of October 14th and a party on October 15th. Other side events include publisher and investor meetings, a founders’ meetup and a happy hour.

Head to the Mobidictum Conference website for further details. is a media partner for the event.

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