Blood & Guts 2024 Results

Welcome, to WARG — err, Blood & Guts!

  • FTW Championship: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Minoru Suzuki
  • Hikaru Shida vs. Dr. Britt Baker
  • Blood & Guts: The Elite vs. Team AEW

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Dynamite: Blood & Guts 2024

Live from the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee! Taz, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur are on the call as usual and here’s the International Champion!

MJF says Ospreay didn’t hit the Tiger Driver because he’s a coward, and MJF hasn’t forgotten about the championship, Swerve. If MJF was Ospreay, he’d take a long walk off of a short pier, and lucky for Ospreay, his grandma died recently, so he can dig a grave right next to her. But a football field away because she was fat. MJF says he wants to talk about the International Championship, which the fans love because it was held by “workhorses”, but working hard is for poors. MJF says the title is nothing more than garbage, and tosses it in the trash. MJF says he deserves a title that symbolizes the best country and the best wrestler, so please rise for you new American Champion.

MJF debuts a new title that looks like it’s from Rocky 4. MJF says he’s talking about real America, the most magical place in the world, known as Plainview, Long Island, New York. As a Long Islander… I digress. MJF then drops a flag from the ceiling with his face as the stars, but Will Ospreay is here and MJF scurries away. Ospreay says he met with Tony and Christopher Daniels, and he’s got his rematch… at Wembley!

Bryce Remsberg is here and flips the coin but wait, The Bucks flip the coin and The Elite get the advantage tonight. Christopher Daniels is shown on the ground writhing in pain. \

Match #1. FTW Championship: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Minoru Suzuki

Suzuki welcomes some chops and away we go. Both guys trade about a dozen shots and neither one is standing down. Jericho finally backs down after about three minutes, as his chest has been busted open by these chops. The chops continues and we’re into the twenties or thirties by each guys now. Now into the forties as we come back from break and they’re still going. Jericho’s chest is actually pouring blood and he finally boots Suzuki in the stomach and clotheslines him. Suzuki wraps up Jericho in a triangle choke over the top rope, but Suzuki eventually lets it go. Both guys fight to the floor now as Suzuki tries to break Jericho’s hand with a chair, and just might have. Suzuki locks in a Fujiwara armbar now back inside the ring, as Suzuki rips at the fingers, but Jericho gets free. Code Breaker out of nowhere by Jericho and Suzuki is out at one! Suzuki ducks under a clothesline and locks in the rear naked choke, but Jericho counters the Gotch Style Piledriver with a Walls of Jericho. Suzuki gets free and goes for the rear naked choke again, but Jericho low blows him. Judas Effect and this one is all over.

Winner and STILL AEW World Champion: Chris Jericho

Rating: **. I mean, a million chops and a seemingly fast finish… but it’s The King so I’m here for it.

Suzuki attacks Jericho after the bell and spikes him with the Gotch Style Piledriver, but Keith and Big Bill attack him.

KATSUYORI SHIBATA IS HERE! Shibata dumps Bill quickly and kitchen sinks Keith, who hightails it.

Renee is in the back with Willow Nightingale, the newest CMLL Women’s World Champion. Kris Statlander attacks and Stokely wants an eliminator for that title next week on Dynamite.

We see clips of Bryan Danielson talking to Renee Paquettee earlier today. Danielson says that his neck is fixable but we’ve got to keep it that way. Jeff Jarrett shows up and tells Danielson that he couldn’t be more proud to stand in Calgary and raise his hand. Jarrett says he’s got to buckle up physically, but moreover, mentally, to beat Swerve. Jeff says it almost sounds like Danielson has one foot out the door and he’s making excuses. If you’re going to go all in, Bryan, go all in. A lot of people believe in Danielson, and Jeff is at the top of that list.

Match #2. Dr. Britt Baker DMD vs. Hikaru Shida

Shida dumps Baker outside early and here we go! Mounted punches in the corner by Shida and a running knee to Baker, who’s head was hanging off of the apron. Back from commercial break as Baker is in trouble and retreats to the outside. Shida feigns a dive but Baker slides in and connects with a running neckbreaker. Slingblade by Baker. Baker pulls out the glove for the Lockjaw, but Shida sees it coming and attacks from behind. German suplex by Shida, as she holds on, rolls through, and traps Baker in a guillotine choke. Shida now misses a double stomp but catches her with a rolling elbow. Superkick by Baker! Jackknife by Britt and both women trade several pinning attempts but only two. Shida wants the Falcon Arrow but Baker counters with a Fujiwara armbar. Shida tries to fight to the bottom rope, and does. Shida now sees the kendo stick and tries to grab it, but decides against it. Ripcord rolling elbow by Baker. Two count. Question mark kick by Shida and the Falcon Arrow! Baker counters the Kitana and rolls her through… Lockjaw! Shida taps!

Winner: Dr. Britt Baker DMD

Rating: ***. These two can do no wrong together and it’s a nice comeback win for Baker. Good stuff.

Mercedes is here and says she knows Britt wants the shot at her title at All In… but Mercedes answer is no. Britt turns around and eats a pump kick from… Kamille! Torture Rack by Kamille, before spinning her out into a powerbomb! Kamille and Mercedes celebrate.

Team AEW is ready to put all their differences aside, because Mark Briscoe gives a heck of a peptalk. The violence people is here, baby!

Match #3. “The Glamour” Mariah May vs. Kayla Alexis

Running shotgun dropkick by May and some big elbows in the corner. Shotgun dropkick off the top by May. Mayday in the center of the ring… but May then pulls her opponent into the corner. Running hip attack by May! Storm Zero for good measure and this one’s over.

Winner: Mariah May

Rating: NR. Mariah May rules.

May plays Storms music and teases an appearance, but Storm isn’t here.

WAIT. STORM IS HERE. HOCKEY FIGHT! The referees and security hit the ring and the fans are on their feet! Storm grabs the mic.. “Are you prepared to die?! BECAUSE I AMMMMM!”


The cage is being lowered, and that can only mean one thing. It’s time…

Match #4. Blood & Guts: Team AEW vs. The Elite

This is of course, a two ring match with a cage on top. The Elite have won the coin toss so they get the man advantage. Jack Perry is the first man out and now… we go to commercial. Back from break and Darby Allin is the first guy from Team AEW and here we go. Perry blasts Darby with a chair before he can even get in the ring and then he powerbombs Darby against the cage. Perry sets the steel steps up in the corner on the outside and throws Darby into them, but he launches over the steps and onto the guard rail, and then into the front row. The fight now spills throughout the crowd and Darby tries to fire back some hard chops and clotheslines Perry back over the guardrail. Both guys enter the ring and here we go. Trashcan to the face by Perry and now he’s strangling Darby with a camera cable. Lawn dart by Perry sends Darby right into the steel garbage can. Nick Jackson is the next man out and he’s bringing a chair and a suitcase to the ring. Guillotine leg drop over the ropes to Darby, who was draped over Perry’s knee. Darby tries a double jump arm drag but Nicholas sends him into the cage and superkicks him in the face. Back from break and Mark Briscoe is out for Team AEW! Briscoe cleans house to “DEM BOYS” chants. Briscoe with a huge clothesline takes Perry into the second ring. Swanton to Nicholas with the ladder on top of him! Stage Dive in the corner with the ladder. Vertical suplex by Briscoe to Nicholas but here comes the other half of the AEW World Tag Team Champions… Matthew Jackson. Matthew has a suitcase too and he hits Briscoe with it and DDTs Darby on it. Briscoe is busted up now and Matthew grates his face against it. Perry buckle bombs Darby into Briscoe and Darby finds himself on the receiving end of the Locomotion Northern Lights. Darby gets catapulted into a case shot to the face and Briscoe catches a Backstabber. Anthony Bowens is out next and he lights up Nicholas Jackson with right hand. Kick combo to Matthew and a superkick. Fameasser to Perry. Nicholas blasts Bowens with a case to the face. Briscoe with a body slam and a Froggy Bow attempt, but Matthew crotches him. Lariat by Matthew to Darby. Bucks look for a Meltzer Driver but Briscoe with a springboard cutter to Matt and Darby a Scorpion Death Drop to Nicholas! There was a scissor in the suitcase and Bowens is stabbing Perry in the head before trying to turn him into the Joker and slice his cheeks! Darby drops in a scissor skateboard to the back of Matthew and there are tacks all over his arm and back. Kazuchika Okada is next and he has a street sign and he takes everyone out with it. Tombstone to Briscoe on the sign. Dropkick with a chair into the face of Briscoe. The Elite beats on Team AEW but Max Caster is your next member of Team AEW. Caster comes in with a microphone and takes everyone out, but there’s a barbed wire board in the ring and Caster gets slammed on it. So does Bowens. Barbed wire sandwich now and Nicholas comes off the top with a swanton through the boards! Okada has a bag of tacks and he puts them in Caster’s mouth… double superkick! Hangman Page is next but… he’s not here yet, so it’s still four on four. Exploder into the corner by Briscoe to Nicholas. Bowens wraps barbed wire around his leg and Scissor Me, Timbers to Nicholas! Who’s House? Swerve is out and he’s the final participant of the match! Wait, Hangman is here and attacks Swerve on his way to the ring with a chair. Hangman handcuffs Swerve to the cage and meanwhile, Okada sends Briscoe through a barbed wire board with a shotgun dropkick. Hangman says he wants to eat Swerve alive as he pounds on Swerve. Matthew gets the mic and says they had a deal, and a deal, is a deal, and if Hangman doesn’t get his ass in the ring, he’s fired. Hangman hits the ring and he gets shoved by Okada, but Team AEW is here and it’s a brawl. Swerve is handcuffed outside as The Elite have a five on four advantage. Wait, here’s Jeff Jarrett. Brandon Cutler stops Jarrett from going to the ring, but here’s Billy Gunn. Gunn tells Cutler to SUCK IT as Jarrett cracks him with a guitar. Gunn and Jarrett try to free Swerve and do, but the cage is locked. Swerve has bolt cutters and cuts a hole in the cage. Swerve clears the one ring and powerbombs Matthew into Nicholas. Deadlift suplex to Perry. Diving European uppercut to the back of Okada. Swerve is in one ring, Hangman is in the other. HOLY S chants fill out the arena as these are the only two guys standing. Both men meet in the middle and it’s A HOCKEY FIGHTTTTTT. Swerve goes to the body but a lariat sends Swerve into the other ring. Buckshot by Hangman but Swerve ducks. Hangman tries to hit Swerve with the barbed wire board but Darby flies in with a Code Red. Flapjack by Okada to Darby. Double clothesline by Briscoe. German suplex by Perry to Briscoe. Flatliner by Swerve to Perry. Swerve has a staple gun! Matthew low blows Swerve and that saves Hangman from a staple. Nicholas opens one of the cases and it’s five staple guns. The Elite put about 20 staples in Swerve but Swerve smiles, stands up, and staples everyone else. Dropkick by Okada. Rainmaker by Okada but he gives him the finger, to Swerve staples Okada’s finger. Swerve ducks a Buckshot and Hangman takes out Okada! Housecall to Hangman! Swerve and Hangman fight their way through the hole in the cage and make their way to the back as the match continues in PIP. Back from commercial and Bowens is sandwiched between four tables outside the ring as The Bucks climb up the cage! Bowens climbs out and meets Nicholas up top, but Nicholas bounces Bowens head off the cage and he goes crashing through the tables! Hangman and Swerve apparently went off the stage through the tables. Briscoe drops eveyrone in the ring with a Jaydriller! FOUR JAYDRILLERS! Matthew and Jack Perry are set up on corresponding tables. Froggy Bow by Briscoe off the top rope through a table! Darby climbs up the cage and comes off the top with a Coffin Drop to Perry through a table! Perry is now handcuffed to the cage with his arms spread, and Briscoe is laying kendo stick shots into him until the stick shatters. Darby wants to know if Perry quits? Perry says no. Darby says it’s time to get this party started. CHAIRSHOT TO THE HEAD OF JACK PERRY A LA TOMMY DREAMER AND RAVEN IN ECW! HOLY S! Mathew JAckson is handcuffed to the bottom rope and he’s trying to talk Team AEW out of it. DARBY IS HERE WITH A GAS CAN. DARBY IS POURING GAS ALL OVER JACK PERRY. Darby says he’s going to light Jack Perry on fire if he doesn’t quit. Perry spits in the face of Darby! Darby says he wants a match vs. Perry for the AEW TNT Championship, Perry says no way. Matthew says he’ll give Darby the match. Darby tells Matt to say he quits. Matthew quits!

Winners: Team AEW

Rating: ****1/4. I mean, what did you expect? Absolute madness. Innovative violence. Blood. Guts. Tacks. Staples. Gasoline. All of it. The finish was a litttttleeeeeee flat considering all of what we saw leading up to it, but it made sense in the story. Kudos to everyone involved as this can not be an easy night for anyone.

Final Thoughts: Obviously, a one match show tonight. We saw some really great stuff in the women’s division before the main event, however. Kamille debuting with Mercedes is a nice twist and Storm and May has a good chance of being the real main event at Wembley. Blood & Guts was a spectacle, and possibly the best one yet. All In is just over a month away and the card has taken shape pretty early, which is nice, and adds a lot of time for some heavy storyline advancement. 8.5/10. 

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