Lacey Evans Says WWE Would Not Let Her Out Of Her Contract, Had To Wait For It To Expire Before Departure

Lacey Evans reflects on her departure from WWE.

At the start of 2021, Lacey Evans was involved in a high-profile storyline on WWE Raw with Ric Flair and Charlotte Flair. She was supposed to face Asuka for the Raw Women’s Championship at WWE Elimination Chamber, but the match was canceled due to Evans’ pregnancy. She returned to WWE in April 2022, undergoing several character changes before leaving the company in August 2023.

In an interview with Carlo Perruzza, Evans expressed her fondness for WWE, describing it as an incredible experience. She shared that the company would not release her from her contract, so she had to wait for it to expire in August.

I loved WWE, it was awesome. I invested a lot in properties, and I’m doing great. I appreciate all the knowledge and relationships I gained. But from the start, I always wanted a family. I wanted to be a mom and a wife, and nothing would come between that. I was with WWE for seven years, and when I was 33, my contract ran out.

Evans emphasized her desire to be a mother and have a big family. She mentioned discussing this with Vince McMahon, who supported her decision. Evans recalled how her plans changed; she was set to win the title but became pregnant. She explained that she didn’t want to manage a full-time WWE schedule with a newborn.

I have two kids and want more. I always wanted a big family, and nothing was going to stop that. I was excited about the title shot, but I had already talked to the company about my plans. There was no title shot or TV time then, just enjoying catering. So, I asked Vince McMahon if it was a good time to have a baby and come back later. He agreed. But a few months later, I found out I was supposed to win the title. Well, surprise, I had a baby. After my daughter was born, I knew I wanted to give her a stable life. WWE’s lifestyle, while great for many, wasn’t how I wanted to raise a newborn. So, I changed my plans and have been loving every minute of it.

Check out the full interview below.

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