Jim Ross Talks About Possibility Of WWE & AEW Working Together: “Nothing’s Impossible Apparently …”

WWE is working with TNA Wrestling.

AEW is working with NJPW and CMLL.

Could WWE and AEW work together some day?

Jim Ross doesn’t see it happening, but he also is quick to acknowledge that in the pro wrestling business, absolutely “nothing is impossible.”

During the latest installment of his Grilling J.R. podcast, the WWE Hall of Fame legend and AEW commentator spoke about the possibility of “the forbidden door” being opened between the two rival pro wrestling promotions at some point in the future.

“It’s hard to see it, but nothing’s impossible apparently,” Ross said. “But it’s something I can’t fathom right now. I can’t fathom it right now. I think WWE will take in boarders and renters for their space, but to keep them permanently might be a stretch. But I think it’s a good idea. The wrestling fans, I’ve said this before, they like new, they like change, they like surprises, and there’s not too many great talents that are working. You gotta, wherever you can find them, and who’s not willing to come to WWE or AEW? Because the work is steady and the pay is good, and they know they’re getting paid. I don’t see extended partnerships.”

Ross continued, “I hope I’m wrong because I think it’s good for wrestling, when you get new talent in and they get an opportunity, they’re motivated, they’re skilled. It’s good stuff. So I’m enjoying the current climate of pro wrestling. I like the fact these guys are getting a shot to become stars, bigger stars, and develop their game, and give them hope that there’s bigger money down the road if they deliver. At least I hope so. I want these guys to get every opportunity they can to become stars, and when you become a star, you get the opportunity to work more and more earn more money. At the end of the day, quite frankly, that’s the bottom line, earning money.”

(H/T to Fightful.com for transcribing the above quotes.)

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