AEW Collision Results 6/22/24

Just about a week away from Forbidden Door, and we’ve got a ton of matches with possible implications to get to

  • Trios Match: Hook, Katsuyori Shibata, & Samoa Joe vs. The Premier Athletes
  • Mariah May & Toni Storm vs. Lady Frost & Leyla Hirsch
  • Iron Savages & Jacked Jameson vs. The Patriarchy
  • Private Party vs. The Learning Tree
  • MSG & LSG vs. The House of Black
  • Hechicero vs. Matt Menard
  • AEW Continental Championship Eliminator: Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Ultimo Guerrero
  • AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Brian Cage

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Collision 6/22/24

Live from the Covelli Center in Youngstown, Ohio! Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and Nigel McGuinness are on commentary and we’re starting with a trios match!

Match #1. Hook, Samoa Joe, & Katsuyori Shibata vs. The Premier Athletes w/ Smart Mark Sterling

Nese tries a waist lock on Joe, to no avail, so he grabs a headlock instead. Shoulder block by Joe and some knees to the body. Spinning back kick by Nese but Joe runs through him with a back elbow. Hook gets the tag and lays in some body shots. Hook looks for a German suplex and Nese kind of flips out, and kind of lands directly on the top of his head, and then dropkicks Hook. Quick tags here by the Premier Athletes as Shibata gets the tag. Single leg by Woods and a straight armbar attempt, as both guys trade positions. Shibata now works over the arm and Joe gets the tag. Woods clips Joe from behind and the PA are in control. Daivari goes to Joe’s eyes and knocks Shibata from the apron. Rolling foot sweep by Joe and a sit-out senton. Hook is in now and he’s got suplexes for everyone. Crossfaces to Nese and then to Daivari. Woods sneaks in and German suplexes Hook all the way across the ring, letting Shibata get the tag. STO by Shibata to Woods and a running pump kick in the corner to Nese. Stalling dropkick by Shibata in the corner! Half-and-half suplex by Shbiata to Nese and a straight armbar forces the tap!

Winners: Katsuyori Shibata, Hook, & Samoa Joe

Rating: **1/2. Not a bad opener, but also not very competitive. Joe and company looked like a force, however, and that’s what matters.

The Bang Bang Gang are here, and AEW won’t acknowledge the fact that Juice is the honorary fourth member. Juice says Jay White is off training somewhere and he’s coming back with ten abs, instead of eight. Pac better not see Jay White in the Owen Hart Tournament, either.

Match #2. The Learning Tree w/ Bryan Keith vs. Private Party

Shoulder block by Bill to Quen and here we go. Biel by Bill and a big splash in the corner. Bill now waves to Jericho in appreciation. Another biel. Bill misses a splash in the corner and Quen comes off the middle rope with a dropkick that staggers Bill. Bill drops Quen with a right jab and here comes Jericho. Jericho runs into a boot and Quen comes off the middle rope with a shoulder bloch. Kassidy gets the tag and ground and pounds Jericho. Silly String to Jericho but it only gets a two count. Quen gets the tag and now he grounds and pounds Jericho. Keith trips Quen up from the outside, allowing Jericho to catch him with a clothesline. Bill gets the tag and beats on Quen as we go to commercial. Dropkick by Jericho, who’s now legal. Jericho looks for a superplex but Quen is able to shove him off and come off the top with a diving crossbody. Two count. Kassidy gets the tag and low bridges Bill before dropkicking Jericho. Kick, bam, Stunner to Jericho. Running Code Red gets two. Quen gets the tag and gets in some, well, weird looking offense. Jericho catches Quen with a throat thrust and looks for the Lionsault, but Quen gets the knees up and Kassidy dives off the back of Jericho to take out Bill on the floor! Swanton by Kassidy and a 450 splash by Quen to Jericho that gets two. Keith gets up on the apron and Kassidy springboards in on the far side, only to run into a huge big boot from Bill. Only a two count, though. Kassidy tries a hurricanrana but Jericho holds on and locks in the Walls of Jericho. Kassidy tries to fight to the ropes and he finally gets there. Bill gets the tag and spikes Kassidy with a huge Bossman Slam! Two count. Blll now chokeslams Quen on top of Kassidy, but still only gets a two count. Bill looks for a chokeslam but Kassidy sends him into Jericho, who was climbing the top rope. Double clothesline to Bill and he gets dumped to the floor. Gin & Juice to Jericho for two. Clothesline and a few elbows by Kassidy but Bill gets on the apron to distract the referee, allowing Keith to hit Kassidy in the head with a foreign object as he was trying to do a Lionsault. One, two, three.

Winners: The Learning Tree

Rating: *3/4. Yeah, this didn’t work for me. There was a lot of confusion here, the match went way too long, Quen either looked like he was injured or just tired, and it was all around not good. Bill was great in it, however.

Samoa Joe, Katsuyori Shibata, and Hook are here to make the save for Private Party! Shibata stomps the elbow of Bryan Keith, as Joe grabs the mic. Joe says every idea that comes from Jericho’s tree absolutely sucks. Joe demands a trios match at Forbidden Door.

Match #3. AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Ultimo Guerrero

Shoulder block by Guerrero and a diving clothesline. One count. Body slam by Guerrero, who follows up with some knees in the corner. Guerrero for a single leg crab by Okada makes the ropes, hoists Guerrero on his shoulder, and tries for an Air Raid Crash neckbreaker and gets it. Two count. Both guys roll to the outside where Okada throws Guerrero into the LED board and the steel steps, before returning back into the ring to get a two count. Okada delivers some elbows as we go to a commercial break. Back from break to Guerrero delivering a series of clotheslines as both men are down. Guerrero sends Okada up and over, sweeping the leg out and then dropkicking him from the apron. Hard chops by Guerrero on the floor as he rolls Okada back in the ring. Guerrero hits the ropes but runs into a dropkick by Okada! Okada mounts Guerrero in the corner with some punches, and then decides he wants to pull the mask off! Guerrero counters with a running Liger Bomb out of the corner. Two count. Both men on the top rope now as Guerrero wants a reverse superplex, but Okada tears at the mask to stop it. The mask looks a little lose as Okada rips it clean off! Guerrero struggles to put it back on as Okada finishes this one with the Rainmaker.

Winner and STILL AEW Continental Champion: Kazuchika Okada

Rating: **. Uh… maybe it’s just me, tonight? Listen, Guerrero is 52 years old, and Okada did what he could here, but.. it just didn’t work.

Top Flight and Action Andretti are in the back with Lexi Nair. Dante says it’ll take a little bit of crazy for him to be back in a match like this, but they’ll have gold to celebrate next week. Lio Rush is here and says he’s a man of his word, but he wants the title next week, too.

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