Bandai Namco’s Studio 2/Studio S is developing 2D and 3D action games for Nintendo (UPDATE)

We recently learned about Bandai Namco’s new internal development Studio 2/Studio S, which was created to develop games for Nintendo. While we still don’t quite know what they’re working on specifically, some new job listings on their web site have provided some juicy details that could give us some hints.

According to the job listings, Studio 2/Studio S is actively working on both 2D and 3D action games. In the listing for a 2D game, the job specifications include “construction of stage specifications, level designs, etc. for side-view action games”. The 3D game job listings are even less specific, simply asking for employees to design 3D levels and objects as assigned by Nintendo.

Bandai Namco has worked on a number of 2D and 3D action games for Nintendo already, including ARMS and Super Smash Bros. Could either of these projects have anything to do with those series, or might they be something entirely different? Can anything be gleaned from these vague job descriptions? Let the speculation begin!

UPDATE:These job listings, which once again, made specific mention of working on Nintendo projects, have been taken down. While we don’t know the reasoning for sure, it’s likely the job listings have been yanked due to them being filled. Should we hear anything else about the positions or more opening in the future, we’ll be sure to let you know.

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