WWE SmackDown Results 6/7/24

WWE SmackDown Results 6/7/24
KFC Yum Center
Louisville, Kentucky

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Corey Graves & Wade Barrett) 

Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor

Transcription by Josh Lopez

The Anointment Ceremony For Tanga Loa 

Paul Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. And as the wiseman to The Bloodline, it’s within my scope of services that, at all times, I must set the record straight. Ladies and gentlemen, until Roman Reigns comes back, Solo sits at the head of the table. It is from that position, that tonight, Solo has once again up the ante in the name of family honor and declare this a double proclamation. I call to your collective attention, this man, to my right, already anointed by Solo, a fully fledge member of The Bloodline. But from this moment forward, he will no longer be known only as Tama Tonga. From this moment forward, he will be known as Tama Tonga, the right-hand man. I also call your attention to the man on my left. Ladies and gentlemen, history in front of your very eyes, right now. Because from this moment on, the story of The Bloodline will never be complete if you don’t include the fact that a fully fledge member of The Bloodline stands before you right now, in the form of the infamous Tanga Loa. So, with that, Louisville, thank you and good night.

Solo Sikoa: Woah, woah, woah. Hold on, Wiseman. Aren’t you forgetting something?

Paul Heyman: Right-hand man. New member, infamous Tanga Loa. Thank you, you’re anointed.

Solo Sikoa: Shouldn’t you be thanking me, too, for saving you from Kevin Owens last week? Shouldn’t you thank them?

Paul Heyman: Yes, sir. Thank you for saving me from Kevin Owens, last week, infamous Tanga Loa. Thank you for saving me from Kevin Owens, last week, Tama Tonga, The Right-Hand Man.

Tama Tonga: We could’ve let Kevin Owens kill you, but we saved you, by orders of The Tribal Chief.

Paul Heyman: Well, allow me to return the favor to our family. I got here very early today to do what a wiseman does, doing wiseman things. And all I have been hearing since the moment I’ve arrived, is that Kevin Owens is looking for a piece of any and every single member of The Bloodline.

The Bloodline gets into a pier six brawl with Kevin Owens and The Street Profits to close this segment.

– Solo Sikoa asks Paul Heyman if he was planning on leaving the arena tonight. He wants Heyman to a make a 6-Man Tag Team Match for tonight’s main event. If he doesn’t get that done, the main event will happen in their locker room as Heyman would take on Tama Tonga. Heyman says that he’ll go talk to Nick Aldis right now. An Uncle Howdy QR Code flashed on the screen as Heyman left.

First Match: Jade Cargill & Bianca BelAir vs. Indi Hartwell & Candice LeRae

Bianca BelAir and Indi Hartwell will start things off. The Unholy Union shows up at ringside. Hartwell attacks BelAir from behind. Hartwell sends BelAir to the corner. Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark appear on the stage. Hartwell stomps on BelAir’s chest. Hartwell tags in LeRae. BelAir goes for a Vertical Suplex, but LeRae counters with an inside cradle for a two count. LeRae drives her knee into the midsection of BelAir. BelAir decks LeRae with a back elbow smash. BelAir dives over LeRae. BelAir with a Corner Spear. BelAir with The Delayed Vertical Suplex. BelAir pops back on her feet. BelAir with The Handspring MoonSault for a two count. BelAir goes for a Bodyslam, but LeRae lands back on her feet. LeRae tugs on BelAir’s braid. LeRae tags in Hartwell. Hartwell clotheslines BelAir. Assisted Splash. Hartwell flexes her muscles.

Hartwell and LeRae had complete control of the match during the commercial break. LeRae applies the single leg crab. BelAir with a Pendulum BackBreaker. Hartwell stops BelAir in her tracks. BelAir kicks Hartwell in the face. BelAir knocks LeRae off the ring apron. Hartwell goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but BelAir lands back on her feet. BelAir rolls under a clothesline from Hartwell. BelAir tags in Cargill. Cargill scores two forearm knockdowns. Cargill with The Uranage BackBreaker to LeRae. Cargill ducks a clothesline from Hartwell. Cargill with a Snap Vertical Suplex. Cargill pops back on her feet. Cargill with The Stinger Splash. Cargill throws LeRae into Hartwell. Cargill SuperKicks Hartwell for a two count. LeRae decks BelAire with a JawBreaker. BelAir dumps LeRae out of the ring. Hartwell applies a waist lock. BelAir drives Hartwell face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Cargill and BelAir connected with their DDT/Wheelbarrow Suplex Combination to pickup the victory. After the match, Cargill and BelAir got jumped by Baszler, Stark and The Unholy Union. All hell is breaking loose in Louisville.

Winner: Jade Cargill & Bianca BelAir via Pinfall 

– Nick Aldis runs into Cody Rhodes in the backstage area. Nick knows how Cody feels. He got played by AJ Styles, too. It’s not in the best interest of the company for Cody to be fighting AJ in the loading docks. Cody says that somebody will get hurt tonight. Cody wants Nick to step out of this because this is between him and AJ.

– Sarah Schrieber had a backstage interview with Apollo Crews. His return to SmackDown was unfortunately derailed by Legado Del Fantasma who cost him his match with Andrade El Idolo. How is he preparing for his match with Angel Garza tonight? Angel and Humberto attacks Apollo from behind.

– LA Knight wants to know where Logan Paul is. Nick Aldis says that Logan is busy playing Tetris. LA was open to having a game with Tetris, he’s pretty good at it. He’s also good at putting his foot in people’s asses. Carmelo Hayes joins the conversation. Melo says that LA continues to talk about a guy who’s not around when the focus should be on the guy that is here. Melo feels like he’s been cooking LA for the last three weeks. LA tells Nick that they can fill the void of the lost match. Nick agrees with LA’s sentiments and makes the match official. Melo says that’s exactly what he wanted.

Second Match: Johnny Gargano w/Tommaso Ciampa vs. Grayson Waller w/Austin Theory

Gargano ducks a clothesline from Waller. Gargano is throwing haymakers at Waller. Gargano repeatedly stomps on Waller’s chest. The referee admonishes Gargano. Waller scores a right jab. Waller applies the cravate. Waller with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Gargano dodges The Leg Lariat. Gargano with a Rolling Head Kick. Gargano unloads a series of knife edge chops. Gargano applies a wrist lock. Waller reverses out of the irish whip from Gargano. Gargano ducks under two clotheslines from Waller. Gargano goes for a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takeover, but Waller counters with a Tilt-A-Whirl BackBreaker. Waller puts Gargano on his shoulders. Waller goes for a PowerBomb, but Gargano counters with a Hurricanrana. Waller slams Gargano’s head on the top rope. Waller goes for The Roll Through Stunner, but Gargano counters with a Belly to Back Suplex. Waller avoids The Slingshot Pescado. Waller slides out of the ring. Gargano decks Waller with a back elbow smash. Gargano drops Waller with The Slice Bread off the ring apron.

Waller regains control of the match during the commercial break. Waller applies the single leg crab. Gargano repeatedly kicks Waller in the face. Gargano is displaying his fighting spirit. Waller reverses out of the irish whip from Gargano. Gargano with two clotheslines. Gargano with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Waller dumps Gargano out of the ring. Gargano hits The Slingshot Spear for a two count. Gargano goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Waller lands back on his feet. Waller with The Rolling Elbow. Waller turns an Electric Chair Drop into a Belly to Back Suplex. Waller with The Sky High for a two count. Waller toys around with Gargano. Forearm Exchange. Waller thrust kicks the midsection of Gargano. Waller kicks Gargano in the face. Gargano SuperKicks Waller. Gargano with a Roundhouse Kick. Waller responds with a Rising Knee Strike. Gargano side steps Waller into the turnbuckles. Gargano drills Waller with The Canadian Destroyer. Gargano wipes out Austin Theory with The Suicide Dive. Waller sends Gargano back first into the ring apron. Waller drives Gargano face first into the steel ring post. Waller rolls Gargano back into the ring. Waller connects with The Flipping Unprettier to pickup the victory.

Winner: Grayson Waller via Pinfall 

– Out of precaution, Nick Aldis has brought extra security guards to the loading dock arena. AJ Styles informed Aldis that he’s on his way to the arena. Aldis tells Cody that the security guards are here to make sure that all hell doesn’t break loose. He wants Cody to be professional. AJ Styles arrives with The Good Brothers. They start antagonizing Cody. Cody makes a b-line towards the arena.

Cody Rhodes & AJ Styles Segment 


– LA Knight vs. Carmelo Hayes

– Bayley, Chelsea Green, Piper Niven Segment 

– The Bloodline w/Paul Heyman vs. Kevin Owens & The Street Profits w/B-Fab In A 6-Man Tag Team Match 

Checkout Episode 416 of The Hoots Podcast

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