Sabu No Showed Today’s Indie Hall of Fame Ceremony Because He Didn’t Want To Get On An Elevator

Sabu’s legacy has grown even stronger.

The WWE, TNA, ECW, ROH, Big Japan, All Japan, and AEW alumni was inducted into the Independent Wrestling Hall of Fame today, but decided to no-show the ceremony. GCW Owner Brett Lauderdale, who organized the event, revealed the news on social media. Lauderdale writes:

In the true spirit of independent wrestling, sabu has decided to keep his deposit and no show the indie hall of fame ceremony today. He accepted the booking and took the money, but doesnt wanna get in the elevator and come upstairs. What a legend.

Sabu was present at WrestleCon, which also took place in Philadelphia. Other members getting inducted into the Indie Hall of Fame included Mercedes Martinez, Eddie Gilbert, Steve Corino, The Briscoes, Kevin Hogan, and Trent Acid.

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