AEW Collision Results 4/6/24

Y’all still awake? Wrestlemania’d out? Too bad baby, it’s time for Collision!

  • Yuka Sakazaki vs. Trish Adora
  • Claudio Castagnoli vs. The Butcher
  • Penta el Zero Miedo vs. Komander
  • Bryan Keith, Christopher Daniels, & Matt Sydal vs. The House of Black
  • Pac vs. Encore Moore
  • LionHook vs. Shane Taylor Promotions
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament: Top Flight vs. FTR

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Collision 4/6/24

From the DCU Center in Worcester, Massachusetts! Darn near midnight here but we’re opening with the AEW World Tag Team Championship.

Match #1. AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament: FTR vs. Top Flight

Arm drags and an arm bar by Darius. Shoulder block by Dax and a roll up for two. Quick tags now as Dax isolates the arm of Dante. Catapult underneath the bottom rope by Dax. Spinebuster by Dax and Darius is in trouble throughout the commercial break. Majistral cradle by Darius but he only gets two. Dax responds with a hard right hand that drops Darius and now a hard chop, but Darius asks foe more. Dariu chops his way out of the opposing corner and counters a Gory Special into a cradle for two. Dante is here with a rising knee and a Pele off the middle rope by Darius. Middle rope bulldog by Darius and an anziguiri from the outside. Suicide dive by Dante and a bottom rope assisted Flatliner by Darius! Two count. Cash gets the tag and Dante goes over a sunset flip attempt. Darius with a springboard crossbody that takes out everyone. Darius ducks a lariat and sticks Dax with a German suplex. Cash rolls through a sunset flip for two. Dante gets sent into the corner and he holds on, feigns a jump, and turns around right into the Shatter Machine!

Winners: FTR

Rating: ***1/4. This one was all over the place in a good way. FTR winning is the next step of the tag tournament and the collision course with the Bucks is almost set.

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