A New Vegas mod that added Fred Durst from Limp Bizkit was thought lost for 7 years—until someone finally found it on their hard drive

A Fred Durst New Vegas companion who speaks only in Limp Bizkit sound clips—alright, so far, so NexusMods. But what about a Limp Bizkit New Vegas mod that was thought lost forever since 2016 or so? Thanks to Twitter user UsagiCola (and brought to a wider audience by Elder Scrolls YouTuber Micky D), the Fred Durst mod is no longer lost media.
Aside from a vestigial Reddit post, the YouTube video “My Fred Durst Mod for Fallout: NV (**LORE FRIENDLY**)” remained the only evidence of New Vegas Fred Durst’s passing. Initially released in 2015, it seems that within a year or so the mod was already wiped from the New Vegas Nexus. “Yo wtf did this get taken down” opined commenter lindraw approximately seven years ago. “I think it did, sorry :(” replied mod author lb8068. “I recently reformatted my computer so I doubt I have any of the files left over here.”