Open World MMO ‘APB Reloaded’ Shuts Down Without Warning On Xbox

The team behind open-world MMO APB Reloaded has this week announced the immediate closure of the title on Xbox. All console versions of the game are now in a “sunset phase”, but the Xbox version has been shut down straight away due to “technical issues” specific to Microsoft’s platform.

According to a recent blog post, APB Reloaded on Xbox has been suffering from issues for a while now – with the game currently offline. Well, the team is “unable to bring the game back online” due these aforementioned technical issues, so the game is effectively shut down for good.

It seems as though the team would have liked a little bit more time to warn players and wind things down, if such a path was feasible on Xbox. Over on PlayStation, the game begins its shutdown phase on February 1st, before going fully offline on August 2nd, 2024.

Here’s what the team had to say about its decision to close the APB Reloaded servers:

“After careful consideration and evaluation of various factors, Little Orbit and PLAION have decided to sunset APB Reloaded on console platforms. This decision was not made lightly, and we understand that it may come as disappointing news to our dedicated console players who have waited patiently for upgrades and fixes to the game.

The decision to discontinue APB Reloaded on consoles was driven by a combination of technical challenges, resource constraints, and the evolving landscape of gaming. We want to ensure that our players have the best possible gaming experience, and unfortunately, sustaining the game on console platforms has proven increasingly challenging.”

There is one saving grace though, and that’s that the PC version will continue to operate online. What’s more, Xbox and PlayStation users can migrate their characters over to this version – Xbox players can head to the official Gamers First website to start the migration process.

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