10 of the most no-good, upsetting frogs in gaming—from Dark Souls nightmares to Larian’s amphibious freaks

Frogs (the animal) have become an indie darling in the past couple of years—as our former features producer Nat Clayton pointed out last year, people like ’em. They’re round, they’re cute, they’re in Frog Detective, what’s not to like? A lot. 

Listen, I like a little round green guy as much as the next person, but gaming’s croaks gallery is often just as upsetting as it is soothing. Below the iceberg of the friend-shaped blob lies an underbelly of gnarly-looking rejects that’ve slimed their way from the swamps of hell. I’m here to remind you of them, because the only way to know you’ve escaped the abyss is to stare into it every now and then.

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