Cyberpunk life-sim RPG Citizen Sleeper’s third, final free DLC is live

Cyberpunk life-sim RPG Citizen Sleeper’s third, final free DLC is live

Citizen Sleeper was already one of the best cyberpunk games on PC, and now there’s even more of it. The narrative life-sim RPG that casts you as an escaped synthetic worker trying to carve out a new life for yourself in the off-world colonies—sorry, I mean on the space station city called Erlin’s Eye—has received several free DLC updates since it launched last year. The third of them is live now.

When I wrote my Citizen Sleeper review in 2022, I said the best recommendation I could give is that “it let me build a life I wanted to keep living.” This DLC promises to let me do just that. “With the release of Episode PURGE,” its announcement (opens in new tab) says, “Citizen Sleeper’s three episode post-launch DLC expansion is now complete and the game has even more to offer with a thrilling late game storyline that delivers an immersive new narrative arc introducing additional characters, lore and locations. Players returning to Erlin’s Eye might even find themselves running into some familiar faces!”

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