Cyberpunk 2077 Has Officially Bounced Back, And CD Projekt RED Is Reaping Some Of Its Best Revenues Ever

Cyberpunk 2077 has an abysmal launch in that it was pulled from the PlayStation Store, and practically unplayable not just on the consoles it was first announced for, like PS4 and Xbox One, but every platform – no one could escape the bugs, no matter their setup.

Despite that, it still pulled millions in sales at launch thanks to pre-orders. Now after almost two and a half years of updates, CD Projekt RED is enjoying some of its best revenues ever, thanks to Cyberpunk 2077 sales driving the studio forward.

In its latest financial report, CD Projekt RED saw its revenues up 18% year-over-year in 2022, with its total revenue reaching $222 million and net profit hitting $81 million.

Both those numbers are the second best in their categories in the company’s history, all driven by sales from Cyberpunk 2077.

Good news for CD Projekt RED, who just recently revealed it would be taking a hit in costs after deciding to re-evaluate development on its multiplayer Witcher title, Project Sirius.

Source – [IGN]

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