Support Game Reviews Submission Tutorial – New Release Every Monday!

The Support Game Reviews tutorial and details on how to submit to my weekly Monday segment.

Starting Monday, 7/2/18, each week, I will select a game that was sent into me and will review the entire game and give advice as to what you can do to get better in the game!

Submit To:

• Games can only be submitted from Wednesday 8am EST to Sunday 8am EST for each week.
• Games must come from either the NA, EUW, EURE, BR, or OCE servers.
• You can only submit 1 game per week.
• Games submitted must have you playing in the Support role!
• Games submitted must be from a Solo Queue game!
• In your entry, you need to list your:
– IGN (in-game name)
– Server
– Solo Rank
– Anything else you’d like for me to know
• Don’t send in games that you just kick the crap out of the other team. Pick a game where you think you could improve in, as the point of these reviews is to help people get better at the game, not show off a game that they did well in.


New to the channel? Watch the intro video:

►Twitch Stream:
-Learn from a high-elo Support player and interact with me while I play League of Legends
-Schedule: Wednesday: 7pm-10pm EST Saturday: Midnight-3am(Sunday) EST
(Times might vary, will notify on Twitch feed below stream. Will intermittently stream on other weekdays)

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