Ghost Of Tsushima Film Director Wants To Have An All Japanese Cast, Speaking Japanese

Ghost Of Tsushima is another Sony owned IP that is making the leap from your gaming monitor to the big screen, with a film currently in development.
A new interview with Chad Stahelski, director of the film, revealed a major aspect of the approach he wants to take. For it to be an all Japanese cast, all speaking Japanese.
What’s more, is that according to Stahelski, Sony is backing up this approach.
“I think if we did this right, it would be visually stunning.” Stahelski said. “It’s character driven, it’s got an opportunity for great action, great looks. And honestly, we’d try to do it, all in character.
Meaning, it’s a Japanese thing about the Mongols invading Tsushima island. A complete Japanese cast, in Japanese. Sony is so on board with backing us on that.”
It’s great to hear this intention from Stahelski, because he’s absolutely right that it should be a full Japanese cast, and in Japanese. Anything else breaks your immersion in film.
The interview rightly reminds of the moment when Parasite director Bong Joon-ho pointed out to the world when taking home his Oscars in 2020, “Once you overcome the one-inch-tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films.”
That moment, and the influence that popular non-English speaking media has had through streaming services like Netflix are what make Stahelski believe that fans will still come to the theatres for Ghost Of Tsushima, even if they have to read subtitles.
“I think America in general, or at least the Western audiences in general are getting more and more used to that because of the influence of Netflix and streamers and stuff, where we get so much more of a world content.
Will they show up to the theatres for that? I’m banking on yes, if everything else is there…If I nail all the other bits, I think I can inspire you enough to get in the car and go to the theatre.”
Source – [Collider]