Review: PDP Riffmaster Guitar (Xbox) – A Fun Option For Rock Band, Fortnite Festival & Beyond

Review: PDP Riffmaster Guitar (Xbox)

We see a clamouring every now and again for games like Guitar Hero and even Rock Band to get a resurgence, and although I’m absolutely in favour of that (the more, the merrier quite frankly!), let’s not forget what we already have – the brilliant and DLC-rich Rock Band 4, as well as the newly-released Fortnite Festival.

The problem hasn’t really been a lack of games to play, but rather a lack of new instruments on the market. Used guitars have rocketed to ridiculous prices over the past few years, and it wasn’t until 2024 that PDP finally unveiled something new for us to enjoy in the form of the Riffmaster Wireless Guitar for both Xbox and PlayStation.

So, as someone who has continued playing Rock Band 4 on a regular basis for the past decade, I’ve been knocking on the door (not literally!) of PDP ever since the Riffmaster was unveiled, trying to get my hands on a review unit in order to test it out for the Pure Xbox community. And now, finally, I’m happy to report I’ve had a blast with it!

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