Death of a Partisan is one survival game where I didn’t starve to death, thank goodness

I was searching a copse of trees for mushrooms to cook with some millet when I happened to turn around and noticed I’d been leaving footprints behind in the snow. With the black-and-white art of Death of a Partisan, those footprints winding between the trees accidentally composed a beautifully stark image. I didn’t have time to appreciate it, because at that moment a German plane started flying overhead and I had to hide.

Death of a Partisan is a singleplayer narrative survival game set on the Eastern Front of World War II. You’re a Russian soldier who has recently escaped capture and met with another survivor. The two of you set up in a shack surrounded by wilderness, and while it has an oven and a workbench and a stash of firewood, you’ll need to leave it to find food and supplies.

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