WWE NXT Results 2/13/24

WWE NXT Results 2/13/24
The WWE Performance Center
Winter Park, Florida

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Vic Joseph & Byron Saxton) 

Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor

Transcription by Josh Lopez 

First Match: Noam Dar & Oro Mensah w/Meta Four vs. Von Wagner & Mr. Stone 

Wagner and Stone attacks Meta Four before the bell rings. Stereo Bodyslams on the floor. Wagner rolls Mensah back into the ring. Wagner drops Mensah with a shoulder tackle. Wagner sends Mensah chest first into the canvas. Wagner tags in Stone. Wagner with a Sidewalk Slam. Stone with a Flying Elbow Drop for a two count. Stone applies the full nelson lock. Stone punches Dar. Mensah responds with a Rolling Capo Kick. Mensah stomps on the back of Stone’s head. Mensah tags in Dar. Mensah repeatedly stomps on Stone’s chest. Dar uppercuts Stone. Dar with pinpoint elbow strikes in the corner. Dar flexes his muscles. Dar talks smack to Wagner. Mensah is choking Stone with his boot. Dar with a Belly to Back Suplex for a two count. Dar bends the left elbow of Stone. Dar tags in Mensah. Mensah with a knife edge chop. Following a snap mare takeover, Mensah kicks Stone in the back for a one count. Mensah with a forearm shot across the back of Stone. Mensah tags in Dar.

Mensah with a Running Mid-Kick. Dar drops Stone with a Flatliner for a two count. Dar drives his knee into the midsection of Stone. Dar tags in Mensah. Stone launches Mensah over the top rope. Dar is throwing haymakers at Stone. Stone slams Dar’s head on the top rope. Stone tags in Wagner. Wagner with two haymakers. Wagner whips Dar across the ring. Dar kicks Wagner in the chest. Wagner with The Big Boot. Wagner with a Double Underhook Slam. Wagner follows that with The Double Chokeslam. Wagner tags in Stone. Stone with The Flying Splash off Wagner’s shoulders for a two count. Stone tells Mensah to bring it. Stone dodges The Superman Punch. Stone unloads a flurry of strikes. Stone kicks Mensah out of the ring. Stone tags in Wagner. Mensah avoids The Slingshot Pescado. Wagner kicks Mensah off the apron. Dar with The Bridging Jackknife Cover for a two count. Wagner responds with a Rising Knee Strike. The referee gets distracted by Meta Four. Wagner goes for a PowerBomb, but Mensah counters with a chop block. That allowed Dar to pickup the victory.

Winner: Noam Dar & Oro Mensah via Pinfall 

– We get a video recap of Carmelo Hayes attacking Ilja Dragunov following his match with DIJAK.

– Chase University is back in business. The Spring Semester had a slight delay. Andre gives Jacy Jayne her props for making this possible. Thea Hail says that she’s going on a date with Riley Osborne. Adriana Rizzo interrupts the festivities. Jacy gives Adriana the wad of cash she owes her.

Second Match: Ridge Holland vs. Gallus In A Gauntlet Match 


Holland ducks a clothesline from Wolfgang. Holland is throwing haymakers at Wolfgang. Holland uppercuts Wolfgang. Holland with heavy bodyshots in the corner. Wolfgang shoves Holland. Holland answers with two corner clotheslines. Holland whips Wolfgang into the turnbuckles. Holland kicks Wolfgang in the gut. Holland with a forearm smash. Holland with a short-arm clothesline. Holland repeatedly stomps on Wolfgang’s chest. Wolfgang delivers a gut punch. Wolfgang drives his knee into the midsection of Holland. Wolfgang punches Holland in the back. Wolfgang attacks Holland with his t-shirt. Wolfgang is putting the boots to Holland. Wolfgang rakes the eyes of Holland. Wolfgang with two corner clotheslines. Wolfgang uppercuts Holland. Holland side steps Wolfgang into the turnbuckles. Holland kicks Wolfgang in the back. Holland with a Falling Lariat. Holland slams Wolfgang’s head on the ring apron. Holland with a Running Knee Lift. Holland gets distracted by Joe Coffey. Wolfgang attacks Holland from behind.

Wolfgang whips Holland across the ring. Wolfgang with The Kitchen Sink. Wolfgang with a Running Senton Splash. Wolfgang is picking Holland apart. Holland fights from underneath. Wolfgang HeadButts Holland. Wolfgang is mauling Holland in the corner. Wolfgang continues to rake the eyes of Holland. Holland with The Counter Vertical Suplex. Holland clotheslines Wolfgang over the top rope. Wolfgang regroups on the outside. Holland with two uppercuts. Holland rolls Wolfgang back into the ring. Holland talks smack to Joe. That allowed Wolfgang to deliver another sneak attack. Wolfgang transitions into a ground and pound attack. Wolfgang punches Holland in the back. Holland fires back with combo strikes. Short-Arm Reversal by Wolfgang. Wolfgang dumps Holland throat first on the top rope. Wolfgang applies a half nelson chin lock. Wolfgang with a knee lift. Wolfgang continues to punch Holland in the back. Wolfgang applies a chin bar. Holland backs Wolfgang into the turnbuckles. Holland goes for a German Suplex, but Wolfgang blocks it. Wolfgang with a Running Crossbody Block into the turnbuckles. Holland throws Wolfgang off the top turnbuckle. Holland hits The Northern Girt. Wolfgang has been eliminated.


Mark attacks Holland from behind before the bell rings. Mark repeatedly stomps on Holland’s back. Mark punches Holland in the ribs. Mark with clubbing blows to Holland’s chest. Mark with repeated knee strikes. Mark applies a side headlock. Forearm Exchange. Mark ducks a clothesline from Holland. Holland blocks The O’Connor Roll. Mark drops Holland with a chop block. Mark brutally attacks the left knee of Holland. Mark talks smack to Holland. Mark with forearm shivers. Mark applies a toe and ankle hold. Holland uses his right leg to create separation. Holland decks Mark with a back elbow smash. Holland kicks Mark in the face.

Mark ducks a clothesline from Holland. Mark with a back elbow smash of his own. Holland catches Mark in mid-air. Holland drops Mark with The Swinging Uranage Slam. Holland with two uppercuts. Holland with a Western Lariat. Holland HeadButts Mark. Holland with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. Mark rocks Holland with a forearm smash. Holland ducks a clothesline from Mark. Holland hits The SpineBuster. Holland connects with The Northern Grit. Joe pulled Holland out of the ring as he was going to make the cover, which caused the disqualification. After the match, Gallus gangs up on Holland. Holland is displaying his fighting spirit. Holland attacks Gallus with a steel hair.

Winner: Ridge Holland via Disqualification 

– Lexis King pokes fun at Von Wagner and Mr. Stone. King says that Stone is probably sick and tired of losing. Von tells Lexis to leave. Lexis would love to swim in their misery because the truth hurts, but he has more important things to attend to. He knows that Stone’s kids are desperate to have a role model that they can look up to.

– The No Quarter Catch Crew want to bring the Heritage Cup Trophy to their dungeon. Noam Dar is having no part of that.

Third Match: Lola Vice vs. Tatum Paxley

Vice with a double leg takedown. Vice transitions into a ground and pound attack. Vice ducks a clothesline from Paxley. Vice with a waist lock takedown. Paxley reverses the hold. Paxley with The O’Connor Roll for a two count. Vice goes for The Rear Naked Choke, but Paxley rolls her over for a two count. Paxley drops Vice with a Running Uppercut. Paxley with a Leaping Elbow Drop for a two count. Paxley goes for a Running Crossbody Block, but Vice gets her knees up in the air. Vice kicks Paxley in the chest. Vice with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Vice hooks the outside leg for a two count. Vice applies a rear chin lock. Paxley with heavy bodyshots. Vice drives her knee into the midsection of Paxley. Paxley kicks Vice in the face.

Paxley side steps Vice into the turnbuckles. Paxley with a quick rollup for a two count. Vice responds with a Teep Kick. Vice is raining down forearm shivers in the corner. Vice gets distracted by Lyra Valkyria. Vice goes for a Bodyslam, but Paxley lands back on her feet. Vice blocks The O’Connor Roll. Paxley scores the forearm knockdown. Paxley dropkicks Vice. Paxley delivers her combination offense. Paxley ducks a clothesline from Vice. Vice with a Spinning Back Kick. Paxley avoids The Roundhouse Kick. Paxley with another rollup for a two count. Vice with The Windmill Kick for a two count. Vice follows that with The Spinning Back Fist for a two count. Vice connects with The Spinning Heel Kick for a two count. Vice dishes out more forearms. Vice makes Paxley tap out to The Headscissors Neck Lock.

Winner: Lola Vice via Submission 

– The Family talks strategy in the locker room. They are planning to crack skulls and ask for forgiveness later. It’s Stand and Delivers Season.

– Next week, Lyra Valkyria will put her WWE NXT Women’s Championship on the line against Shotzi.

Fourth Match: Adriana Rizzo vs. Jaida Parker  

Rizzo ducks a clothesline from Parker. Rizzo with forearm shivers. Rizzo drives her knee into the midsection of Parker. Parker swats away a dropkick from Rizzo. Parker kicks Rizzo in the chest. Parker talks smack to Rizzo. Parker is throwing haymakers at Rizzo. The referee admonishes Parker. Rizzo takes off her earrings. Rizzo ducks a clothesline from Parker. Rizzo dropkicks Parker. Rizzo transitions into a corner mount. Rizzo with a Snap Vertical Suplex for a one count. Parker decks Rizzo with a back elbow smash. Parker sends Rizzo shoulder first into the steel ring post. Parker slaps Rizzo in the ribs. Parker with a Twisting Leg Drop out of the corner for a one count.

Parker applies the chin bar. Rizzo gets back to a vertical base. Rizzo HeadButts Parker. Rizzo rolls Parker over for a two count. Parker scores the elbow knockdown. Parker with a Snap Vertical Suplex for a two count. Parker tugs on Rizzo’s hair. Parker applies the sitting abdominal stretch. Rizzo with heavy bodyshots. Parker answers with a knee lift. Rizzo with an inside cradle for a two count. Rizzo scores two forearm knockdowns. Rizzo with Mafia Punches. Rizzo with another Snap Vertical Suplex. Rizzo pops back on her feet. Parker catches Rizzo in mid-air. Parker drops Rizzo with The SpineBuster. Parker with a running forearm shot across the back of Rizzo’s neck for a two count. Parker toys around with Rizzo. Parker connects with The Diving Forearm to pickup the victory.

Winner: Jaida Parker via Pinfall 

– DIJAK Vignette.

Fifth Match: Carmelo Hayes vs. Joe Gacy 


– Kiana James w/Izzi Dame vs. Brinley Reece 

– The Family (c) vs. The Wolf Dogs For The WWE NXT Tag Team Championship 

Checkout Episode 399 of The Hoots Podcast

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