Baby T-Rex Review – Review

Disclaimer: Please note, The Chromatic by ModRetro has ties to controversial figure Palmer Luckey. NINWR LLC feels it is important to cover this software, but we do not condone the actions or opinions of any individuals involved in its production.

One of the more interesting tidbits when the Chromatic was announced was the ambition by ModRetro to do re-releases of obscure and hard to find retro Game Boy and Game Boy Color games. As part of their ModRetro Classics Collection, two new re-releases can now be bought and experienced for the first time by Game Boy fans. Since these games are technically re-releases we felt it appropriate to cover these titles as mini reviews.

Released in the US as a tie-in to the Disney film “We’re Back”, and later remade for the SNES as ‘Radical Rex”, Baby T-Rex is mostly considered as an overlooked and exploited title for the original Game Boy. As it was released in different regions with different licensing deals to appease a regional market.

The titular T-Rex is, mostly according to the manual, steeped in the nineties with his attitude and skateboard to get around. As an excuse to make a surprisingly fast scrolling 2D platformer, I’ve heard of worse settings. While you jump around, you can collect coconuts and other objects to toss at obstacles and opponents. Every world is capped off with a short boss fight against a dinosaur as you make your way to the wizard Sethron to save your girlfriend.

Baby T-Rex Review – Review

Jumping feels tight enough and getting to know the layout of the levels is key to making it to the end of the game. In a way it reminded me of a simplified version of Sonic, where keeping speed and momentum going is key to make it to the goal. Unfortunately the level design isn’t really that interesting or diverse to keep your attention for too long. There is also a two-player ‘mode’ which requires you to pass the handheld back and forth with another player to get the highest score. Riveting.

It’s almost refreshing to see such a simple game, one of the many many that filled out the Game Boy’s library, return in a premium package and more accessible form. But in truth, it’s hard to fully recommend Baby T-Rex at both this price point and the value of the game. There simply isn’t anything here that feels either replayable enough for the format of Game Boy, nor unique enough that warrants an extensive playthrough. I don’t think his radical attitude had much to do with why this particular dinosaur went extinct.

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