Wordle today: Answer and hint #1366 for March 16

However you want to win Sunday’s Wordle, we can make it happen. Take it nice and slow with our helpful tips and our hint for today’s Wordle, tailored to give you enough direction to help, without spoiling all your puzzle solving fun. Or go grab yourself a win whenever you want with the March 16 (1366) answer—it’s your game, we’re just happy to help.

Really, Wordle? Not a single yellow or green letter? Not one? Fine. Thankfully my second attempt turned out… not fantastic but well enough to get the ball rolling, and from there I was able to cobble together a win out of various parts, like Frankenstein’s win. Make sure you take a look at our clue for today’s game if you’d like yours to go smoother than mine did.

Wordle today: A hint

(Image credit: Josh Wardle)

Wordle today: A hint for Sunday, March 16

Today’s answer is the act of bringing a foot down hard on the ground, as well as some sort of permanent mark caused by pressing an inked block on paper.

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