Forget Shadows, the best Assassin’s Creed games are on sale on Switch

Any time a new Assassin’s Creed game is impending, I can’t help but look back at the rest of the franchise with rose-tinted glasses. They were never masterpieces, but what they were was a lot of fun, allowing you to feel like a 15th-century John Wick as you slice and dice enemies or sneak your way through crowds. The Assassin’s Creed Ezio Collection is still a fantastic trilogy to this day, and you can now get it at a great price on Nintendo Switch.

While the latter games in the series have been RPGs that typically overstay their welcome, the earlier Assassin’s Creed entries make for some of the best single-player games. For many, myself included, the Ezio trilogy represents the greatest narrative that Ubisoft’s IP has ever offered, even if I’m an Assassin’s Creed 3 fanatic.

Ezio Auditore’s transition from playboy and young adult into a Master Assassin of the guild across the three entries is still as engaging over a decade later. Sure, the plot isn’t going to surpass JRPGs narratives anytime soon, but Assassin’s Creed 2, Brotherhood, and Revelations are great blockbusters in their own right. With themes of betrayal, growth, and learning from mistakes, the trilogy is amazing.

That’s not taking into account how amazing these open-world games are at making you feel like a tried and true Assassin. Between sneaking across rooftops and hiding in plain sight, Ezio is still talented with his swords, allowing you to swiftly counter and perform awesome-looking kills with ease. Before the RPGs came, many complained that Assassin’s Creed’s combat was far too easy, but honestly, it felt great to play.

Forget Shadows, the best Assassin’s Creed games are on sale on Switch

Whether you’ve played previous games in the series or you’re hoping to get a refresher ahead of Assassin’s Creed Jade’s release date (which I reckon will be one of the best mobile games), The Ezio Collection is a brilliant experience on Switch. Right now, you can get a copy for just $19.93 / £25.50 at Walmart and Amazon in the US and the UK, respectively, giving you three full games to enjoy at a truly worthwhile price.

That’s roughly 50 hours of content (according to How Long to Beat) for less than a trip to the cinema. Revelations is likely the worst-rated game of the three (although they’re all still praised in the community), but that one is actually a personal favorite. I love the addition of the Hookblade, and I think the fair amount of quality-of-life improvements help make it a really fun experience. Not only that, but at this point in the series, the parts of the story set in the modern day were actually good.

If you’re looking for an exciting set of games to play on the best handheld console, this Assassin’s Creed deal on Switch is a good opportunity. Even if you’re looking to make your Switch 2 pre-orders, the upcoming console also has backwards compatibility, so you can continue Ezio’s story without issue.

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