WWE SmackDown Results 3/7/25
WWE SmackDown Results 3/7/25
Wells Fargo Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast
Commentators: (Joe Tessitore & Wade Barrett)
Ring Announcer: Lilian Garcia
Transcription by Josh Lopez
– This week’s show kicked off with Drew McIntyre ambushing Damian Priest in the backstage area.
Randy Orton Segment
Randy Orton: Hey, so, Philly, a lot of crazy stuff has happened since I’ve been gone, right? I mean, just look at the last week or so. For as long as I could remember, ever since I started in this business, John Cena has always been on the top of the profession, and now he’s just a bottom for Rock. I guess that gives a whole new meaning to the term, Rock Bottom, doesn’t it, John? But I digress, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Friday Night SmackDown. Now, I bring up John, you know, he’s one of the few friends I’ve had in the business. Our careers have paralleled each other, and we got a lot in common. That’s a short list of people that I was friends with and had something in common with. One of those people on that short list is also Kevin Owens. Now, Kevin and I, we got a lot in common. We’ve both done vile things to get the job done. We’ve both crossed the line, pushed the envelope, time and time, again. But it was always to get the job done, it was always in the name of business. You see, guys, Kevin Owens, the wrestler, I respect. His story on how he got here, how he busted his ass to get to the WWE, it’s really quite admirable when you think about it. You could say that I admire, Kevin Owens, the wrestler. But it’s Kevin Owens, the man, that I have a problem with.
Now, there’s a quote out there, I’m going to butcher it, but I’m going to try and deliver it here as verbatim as possible. It goes, never underestimate a jealous man’s ability to destroy another man. If you ask me, that’s Kevin Owens to the tee. Kevin Owens veins runs with jealousy. Case and point, look at Cody Rhodes. Kevin Owens dropped Cody Rhodes on his head with a Package PileDriver. Kevin Owens would tell you, he tried to end Cody’s career, because Cody simply chose Roman Reigns as a tag team partner, but that’s not why. Kevin Owens tried to end Cody’s career, because Kevin Owens was jealous of the gold around Cody’s waist. Sami Zayn. Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, the fought tooth and nail long before they made it to the WWE. Back and forth, but they would always come full circle, always become friends, again. But at the Elimination Chamber, Kevin Owens attempted to drop Sami Zayn on his head, for a second time, this time on the concrete. Kevin will have you believe that he did that, because Sami Zayn simply helped Roman Reigns to his feet at the Royal Rumble, but that’s not why. Kevin Owens tried to end Sami Zayn’s career, because Sami Zayn has slowly, but surely become a bigger star than Kevin Owens. That short list I talked about earlier, that Kevin Owens was on, he was my friend at one time, and he dropped me on my head with a PileDriver, an illegal move for as long as I’ve been here, simply because I was trying to protect my friend. What does Kevin Owens have to be jealous about? He’s won every single title in the WWE, every single title. If you asked any of the guys or gals in the locker room what their one goal, if they only had one, one goal they would have in this company, it would be to main event WrestleMania. Kevin Owens did that, not once, but he did it twice, and one those times, his opponent was arguably the greatest superstar in the history of the WWE, the history of professional wrestling. His opponent at WrestleMania, in the main event, was Stone Cold Steve Austin. What does Kevin Owens have to be jealous about? He’s never satisfied, enough is never enough.
A year and a half ago, I had a spinal fusion, and I was told that was a career ending surgery, a career ending injury. Doctor after doctor told me that was it, hang up the boots, you’re done, your in-ring career is over, but I wouldn’t take no for an answer. I busted my ass to come back. But I told myself, Randy, don’t let anything upset you in that ring, don’t take one second performing in front of these lovely people for gratitude, don’t let anything piss you off. But guess what? Kevin Owens, you done pissed me off. So, last week at The Chamber, when I came out to save Sami Zayn from getting a career ending PileDriver on the concrete, I ran into the ring, and I RKO’d Kevin Owens, and he laid right about here. And as I looked down at Kevin, I thought to myself, man, what is this feeling coming over me? Normally, that would be all that I needed to do to be satisfied, to fill the urge. I would’ve been happy, that would’ve been it, cased closed, see you next week. But no, something came over that I haven’t felt for a decade, decade in a half, I liked it, I liked it. And you know what it was? The voices started talking to me, again. And those voices, they told me to back up, measure my mark, and kick Kevin Owens in the head so freaking hard that even his closest family members wouldn’t be able to recognize his face. Listen, Kevin Owens, listen to me when I say. As a matter of fact, WWE Universe, listen to me, the entire world, listen to me when I say, I’m going to prove in short order that Pat McAfee is only the second greatest punter in the WWE.
– Chelsea Green interrupted Tiffany Stratton’s conversation with Nick Aldis. It’s blasphemous that she’s been forced to defend her championship in a Street Fight. Chelsea hopes that Tiffany apologizes for ruining her Canadian homecoming. Tiffany says that Chelsea should exercise her right to be silent for once. Tiffany has a great idea and she challenges Piper to a match. Nick says that Piper doesn’t work for Chelsea, she works for the WWE. Nick likes Tiffany’s idea, and he makes the match official.
– We get a video recap of the mainstream/digital reactions to John Cena’s heel turn from the Elimination Chamber.
First Match: Tiffany Stratton vs. Piper Niven
Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Niven backs Stratton into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. That leads us to a quick shoving contest. Strong lockup. Niven pulls Stratton down to the mat. Niven sends Stratton to the corner. Stratton dives over Niven. Stratton applies a side headlock. Niven whips Stratton across the ring. Niven drops Stratton with a shoulder tackle. Niven poses for the crowd. Stratton avoids The Running Senton Splash. Stratton with a Double Foot Stomp. Stratton with The Slingshot Senton for a two count. Niven catches Stratton in mid-air. Niven sends Stratton crashing to the outside. Niven with a Flying Cannonball Senton off the ring apron. Niven has complete control of the match during the commercial break.
Niven goes for The Bossman Slam, but Stratton counters with a deep arm-drag. Stratton with two short-arm clotheslines. Stratton ducks a clothesline from Niven. Stratton with a running shoulder tackle. Stratton with a Double Back Handspring Elbow. Following a snap mare takeover, Stratton with a Double Foot Stomp for a two count. Niven drives Stratton back first into the turnbuckles. Niven with clubbing shoulder blocks. Stratton side steps Niven into the turnbuckles. Stratton pulls Niven down to the mat. Stratton with The Swanton Bomb for a two count. Niven responds with The Bossman Slam for a two count. Niven drags Stratton to the corner. Niven goes for The Vader Bomb, but Stratton ducks out of the way. Stratton connects with The PME to pickup the victory. After the match, Charlotte Flair delivers the chop block. Charlotte applies The Figure Eight.
Winner: Tiffany Stratton via Pinfall
– Nick Aldis recaps the constant state of chaos in the tag team division. Next week on SmackDown, The Street Profits will get their long overdue shot at the WWE Tag Team Championship. However, tonight, The Motor City Machine Guns will battle Pretty Deadly and Los Garza In A Number One Contenders Match.
Second Match: The Motor City Machine Guns vs. Pretty Deadly vs. Los Garza In A Triple Threat Number One Contenders Match
Chris Sabin and Kit Wilson will start things off. Angel Garza tags himself. Garza tells Sabin to get out of the ring. Wilson dropkicks Garza to the floor. Garza ducks a clothesline from Wilson. Garza dropkicks Wilson in mid-air. Garza rips off his pants. Shelley and Carrillo are tagged in. A pier six brawl ensues in the ring. The referee is losing control of the match. Pretty Deadly with Stereo Big Boots. Garza SuperKicks Prince. Carrillo knocks Wilson off the ring apron with a Running Boot. Stereo Thrust Kicks to MCMG. Garza dropkicks MCMG to the floor. Los Garza with Stereo Orihara MoonSaults. Carrillo rolls Shelley back into the ring. Following a snap mare takeover, Carrillo kicks Shelley in the back. Carrillo bodyslams Shelley. Carrillo with The Roll Through MoonSault for a two count. Carrillo tags in Garza.
Carrillo drives his knee into Shelley’s back. Garza with a Running Knee Strike. Garza starts doing jumping jacks on the apron. Garza with a knife edge chop. Garza rolls Shelley back into the ring. Prince tags himself in. Prince transitions into a ground and pound attack. Prince with a gut punch. Prince tags in Wilson. Shelley is displaying his fighting spirit. Prince uppercuts Shelley. Prince tags in Wilson. Assisted Flying Bulldog for a two count. Wilson uppercuts Shelley. Wilson whips Shelley back first into the turnbuckles. Wilson with two flying back elbow smashes. Wilson tags in Prince. Shelley kicks Prince in the face. Shelley ducks a clothesline from Wilson. Shelley with a DDT/Flatliner Combination. Shelley tags in Sabin.
Sabin with The Missile Dropkick. Prince tags in Carrillo. Sabin kicks Garza off the apron. Sabin kicks Carrillo in the face. Sabin with a Flying Hurricanrana. Sabin with a running back elbow smash. Following a snap mare takeover, Sabin with The Tornado DDT for a two count. Sabin goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Carrillo lands back on his feet. Prince made the blind tag. Prince pulls Carrillo down to the mat. Prince with a clubbing blow across the back of Sabin’s neck. Garza with a Pop Up Chest Kick. Wilson kicks Garza in the gut. Wilson drops Garza with The Twist Of Fate. Carrillo with a Springboard Enzuigiri. Sabin ducks a clothesline from Carrillo. Sabin with a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takeover. Sabin lands The Suicide Dive. Sabin rolls Prince back into the ring. MCMG prepares for Skull And Bones. Wilson sends Shelley crashing to the outside. Prince connects with The Backslide Cover to pickup the victory.
Winner: Pretty Deadly via Pinfall
– Paul George and The Philadelphia 76ers are in the building.
Bianca BelAir, Naomi, Jade Cargill Segment
Bianca BelAir: You know, I should really feel like I’m on top of the world, right now, after winning the Elimination Chamber. And I should really focus on going to WrestleMania, but it’s really hard to do that when two of your friends are fighting. You know, I formed a bond with both of these women. Jade and I, we elevated the tag team division together, and Naomi, she stepped in, so all that hard work wouldn’t go to waste. And Naomi, we were close before, but once we formed that tag team, I could honestly say that she became my best friend. So, no, no, no, I do not believe that Naomi would do something like that. I know, but then again, I’m so confused, I feel like I’m literally going crazy, and now I’m being accused, so I need some answers. Naomi is not texting me back. Jade is not talking to me. I feel like I’m losing both of my friends. So, Naomi, I know you’re back there, and I need you to come out here, and give me some answers, right now. Naomi, what in the hell is going on?
Naomi: BB, this is not at all what it looks like, and I need you to lock in with me, and I need you to understand what I’m about to say. I’m going to ask you this. When Jade couldn’t compete, who stepped up, who had your back, and who made sure you didn’t have to relinquish those tag team titles?
Bianca BelAir: Naomi, stop, stop. Did you attack Jade?
Naomi: B, all of this outside noise is nothing but distraction from what you and I really need to be focused on, which is getting our tag team titles back from Liv and Raquel, and you focusing on WrestleMania, that’s it.
Bianca BelAir: Naomi, stop, because you’re talking about everything else other than what we are here for. We are here for Jade. Jade, that’s what we’re here for. Stop talking about everything else, it is about Jade, right now.
Naomi: Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade. You really want to know how I feel about Jade?
Bianca BelAir: I do, that’s why I’m asking.
Naomi: Alright, I’m going to tell you, and I never said this before, B, because I didn’t want to be messy, and I didn’t want to hurt her little feelings. But the truth is, the way I see Jade, I feel like she’s been piggy backing off on you, the entire time. That is my truth, and I have been forced to watch someone like Jade succeed off of your excellence, off of your experience, off of your hard work. while I was left, pushed to the side to fight for myself, every match. And I didn’t say a word. I let y’all get your flowers. I let y’all be great. And I was proud of y’all, and I didn’t say a freaking word, but deep down, that’s the way I feel. And no, I don’t give a damn about Jade, because she didn’t give a damn about Bianca.
Bianca BelAir: Stop, stop, Naomi, stop. I do want the truth, I want the truth, but I’m telling you right now, you’re really starting to piss me off talking about everything else instead of the truth. Stop. Stop. It’s very simple, it is a yes or it is a no, and I need you to tell me right now, because I’ll walk out of this ring, and you will never hear from me again. So, tell me, right now.
Naomi: I did it. There you go, B, I did it. Yeah, I did it. I did it for you, I did it for us. It was always supposed to be me and you.
Bianca BelAir: This whole time? No, no, no. Don’t touch me. You really want to know why this hurts so bad? It’s because how much I love you. Don’t say nothing else to me, you’ve said enough, I can’t even look at you right now. So, this, me and you, we’re done.
Naomi: Why, because of her? B, come talk to me. Please don’t go away. B, I’m sorry. B! B, I did this for you, you just don’t understand that, right now. B, B, don’t walk out on me. You know why you wanted the truth? The truth is, I should’ve pushed her harder. Every time I started to clocked in and stand up for myself, all of y’all turn on me. That’s exactly what you’re doing, Bianca, you ungrateful bitch.
Jade Cargill is making a b-line to the ring. Naomi starts running away from Cargill. Cargill launches Naomi face first into the announce table. Cargill with clubbing blows to Naomi’s back. Cargill drives Naomi face first into the steel ring post. Cargill rolls Naomi back into the ring. Cargill plants Naomi with The Jaded to close this segment.
– Byron Saxton had a backstage interview with Drew McIntyre. Some people are saying that Drew’s attack on Damian Priest was unprovoked. Drew was not shocked by what John Cena did at the Elimination Chamber. He would’ve saved the WWE Universe from getting their hearts broken if it wasn’t for Priest stealing the victory from behind and costing him his last shot at the WWE Title at WrestleMania. Provoked? Drew says that’s well deserved. We’re on the road to WrestleMania, and because of Priest, Drew has nothing. He has nothing to give, but violence, and it starts with the black sheep of the family.
– Congrats to Lex Luger who’s the latest addition to the 2025 WWE Hall Of Fame.
– Byron Saxton had a backstage interview with Charlotte Flair. Why did Charlotte decide to ambush Tiffany Stratton after her match? She warned Tiffy that, after the fun and games were over, she was going to be everywhere she was. It’s Tiffy’s fault that she doesn’t listen. It seems like the division has become soft for a threat like Charlotte Flair. Here’s the thing, every time Charlotte comes back, she has to remind people that there are levels to what they do. B-Fab takes exception to Charlotte’s soft comment. No one compares to The Queen. B-Fab says that nobody is interested in bowing down to Charlotte anymore. Charlotte responds by saying, sooner or later, they all bow down to The Queen. Charlotte challenges B-Fab to a match next week in Barcelona, Spain.
Third Match: Braun Strowman vs. Solo Sikoa w/Jacob Fatu & Tama Tonga
Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Strowman whips Sikoa across the ring. Sikoa runs into Strowman. Shoulder Block Exchange. Sikoa kicks Strowman in the gut. Sikoa with a straight right hand. Sikoa with a running shoulder block. Strowman drops Sikoa with a shoulder tackle. Strowman clotheslines Sikoa over the top rope. Sikoa avoids The Strowman Express. Sikoa nails Strowman with a Running Hip Attack against the ringside barricade. Sikoa has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Strowman with heavy bodyshots. Sikoa HeadButts Strowman. Sikoa hits The Samoan Drop. Sikoa starts flexing his muscles. Sikoa delivers another Running Hip Attack. Sikoa talks smack to the crowd. Sikoa goes for a Running Hip Attack, but Strowman counters with a Big Boot. Strowman with a Running Crossbody Block. Strowman with another Big Boot. Strowman follows that with The Concrete Sledge. Strowman blasts Sikoa with The Strowman Express. Strowman is fired up. Strowman rolls Sikoa back into the ring. Strowman levels Sikoa with The Body Avalanche.
Strowman goes for a Powerslam, but Sikoa lands back on his feet. Sikoa repeatedly drives Strowman shoulder first into the top turnbuckle pad. Sikoa SuperKicks Strowman. Strowman connects with The Powerslam for a two count. Tama Tonga breaks up the cover which forces the disqualification. After the match, Strowman clotheslines Tonga. Strowman launches Tonga into the timekeeper’s area. Strowman had a huge standoff with Jacob Fatu. All hell starts breaking loose in Philly. Fatu with Two SuperKicks that sends Strowman to the floor. Strowman catches Fatu in mid-air. Strowman Chokeslams Fatu onto the announce table. Fatu rises back on his feet. Fatu with a Flying HeadButt off the announce table. Fatu launches Strowman over the barricade. Fatu and Strowman starts brawling in the crowd. Fatu SuperKicks Strowman. Fatu puts Strowman on the production crates. Fatu with repeated headbutts. Strowman denies The Samoan Drop. Strowman Chokeslams Fatu through two production tables.
Winner: Braun Strowman via Disqualification
– Byron Saxton had a backstage interview with LA Knight. Let me talk to you. I guess it was all gas, no breaks with Jacob’s keester going through the table. The man who cost him the United States Championship is now out of the picture. No distractions. That means, tonight, one moment, one time. It’ll take one BFT to send Nakamura back to factory settings. That one moment is LA Knight standing in the birthplace of the United States and the rebirth of his United States Championship Title Reign. He’s stood tall against the sneak attacks, and red mist. All glory; it’s needed a better representation as of late. We all could pledge allegiance to the United States Champion, with everybody saying, LA Knight. YEAH!
– Chelsea Green checks on Piper Niven. Chelsea needs Piper’s help in the Philly Street Fight. Zelina Vega joins the conversation. Zelina gives Chelsea a fair warning that she’s coming after whoever wins this Philly Street Fight and the Women’s United States Championship. Chelsea tells Piper to get it together.
Fourth Match: Chelsea Green (c) vs. Michin In A Philadelphia Street Fight For The WWE Women’s United States Championship
Rockers Punches. Green attacks Michin from behind. Green slams Michin’s head on the ring apron. Michin throws Green into the ringside barricade. Michin rolls Green back into the ring. Green kicks Michin off the apron. Michin attacks a metal cookie sheet. Michin rolls chairs, kendo sticks, crowbars and steel chains into the ring. Green drives the chair into the midsection of Michin. Michin reverses out of the irish whip from Green. Michin with a drop toe hold into the chair. Philly is loving the Eagles jersey Michin is rocking. Green attacks Michin with the trash can. Green goes for a PowerBomb, but Michin counters with a Back Body Drop on the steel chain. Green regroups on the outside. Michin starts biting Green’s fingers. Michin pulls out a table from under the ring. Green drops Michin with The Zig Zag on the floor. Green tucks the table under the ring.
Green rolls more chairs into the ring. Green stomps on Michin’s back. Green ties Michin’s hands together with an extra ring rope. Green repeatedly throws Michin around the ring. Green stomps on Michin’s back. Green punches Michin in the back. Green sends Michin back first into the barricade and the LED Board. Green is trying to strangle Michin with the rope. Tug Of War. Michin drives Green face first into the steel ring post. Michin frees herself from the ropes. Michin blinds Green with the fire extinguisher. Michin grabs the table. Niven attacks Michin from behind. Niven slams Michin’s head on the announce table. Niven rolls Michin back into the ring. Niven puts a trash can in front of Michin’s face. Green delivers The Coast to Coast Dropkick for a two count.
B-Fab viciously attacks Niven with a kendo stick. Niven runs away from B-Fab. Michin gives Green the kendo stick treatment. Michin with a Shotgun Dropkick. Michin puts the trash can in front of Green’s face. Michin starts shaking her hips. Michin with a Running Cannonball Strike for a two count. Michin rolls the table into the ring. Green with a Running Bulldog into the backside of the table. Green sets up the table in the corner. Green goes for a Running Death Valley Driver, but Michin lands back on her feet. Michin hits Eat Defeat. Michin connects with The Senton Bomb through the table for a two count. Alba Fyre pulls Green out of the ring. Fyre with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Fyre drills Michin with The Canadian Destroyer on the chairs. Green proceeds to steal the victory. Fyre is officially joining Chelsea’s administration.
Winner: Still WWE Women’s United States Champion, Chelsea Green via Pinfall
– Santos Escobar is scolding Los Garza in the locker room. He demands better, because things need to change for Legado Del Fantasma. Garza says that Santos is right. Andrade El Idolo tells Humberto Carrillo that he doesn’t deserve to be treated like that.
– John Cena/The Rock Video Package.
– The Miz tells Nick Aldis that he wants Cody Rhodes as a special guest on Miz TV next week. Carmelo Hayes would like to ask Cody one thing. The Final Boss offers you an opportunity of a lifetime, and you fumble it at the one-yard line? Melo would’ve done the same thing John Cena did, but he would have people like Randy Orton talking smack after coming off the couch for four months and playing Fortnite. Nick schedules a match with Randy Orton and Carmelo Hayes next week in Barcelona, Spain. Randy tells Melo to not fumble the bag next week.
Cody Rhodes Segment
Cody Rhodes: So, Philadelphia, City Of Champions, what do we want to talk about? You know, the obvious question with an obvious answer, it’s the most watched moment in WWE history and pro wrestling history. And there I am, laying on the bottom, tasting my own blood. What do you say to a little one, not even four years old, when she looks up at you and says, Papa, what happened to your face? It’s not a conversation I was prepared to have. So, I told her what I could only classify as a Cody lie, I told her that I ran into a wall. It’s not entirely untrue, I did run into a wall, a wall designed by “The Final Boss” The Rock, his associate, Travis Scott, and by my WrestleMania 41 opponent, John Cena. You know, I drove John around for two years, from show to show, from city to city, all I was trying to do was sponge off every bit of knowledge that I possibly could. I felt about John how many people here felt about John. He was a hero. So, one day I’ll tell her what actually happened. I’ll there that a great man, who did great things, who was my model in this sport, who is the very definition of the word virtuous, the man who used to the ring with a t-shirt, and emblazon the slogan, never gave up.
I’ll tell her that he gave up. I apologize for any language you might have heard. I’m doing everything I can to maintain my composure in this moment. John, if you don’t owe it to me, I believe you owe it to them, we all would love to know why. Why? And if I know my old friend, John Cena, well, I’m sure it’ll be a very smooth, well educated, well-crafted retort. A signature amount of phrases, he’ll probably say, fine speech at some point in there. And when he’s done talking, he will feel bullet proof, he will feel infallible, he will feel justified. There’s no justification for you, John Cena. I am well aware, I’m talking to the whole world, right now. However, for those in this room, tonight, I don’t know if you know this story, you might have heard it from me in an interview at some point in the past. This was the one place that my old man was afraid to perform in. He even one time painted his face like The Road Warriors, so that he knew he was cool, so that you knew you could cheer for him. I never shared that same that same fear, because for reasons unknown, one time, mustache on my face, climbing up a ladder for the Money In The Bank Briefcase, for reasons unknown, you cheered for me, you chose me, you saddled up and you rode with me.
I never forgot it, and then last year, WrestleMania 40, just across the street, trying to finish a story that started in the 70’s, you cheered for me, and you chose me, again. Speaking of WrestleMania 40, you can watch it back, and you can turn the audio up. My old friend, John Cena, in the ring celebrating with my friends and my family. He looked at me, he pointed at the title, I’ll never forget what he said, he said it gets heavier every day. Well, John, here I am, holding this championship, it’s not heavy enough. Here I am, holding this championship as I have for the last 300 and something days. John, I know you’re watching, I know that you think that your successor had to look like to you, had to talk like you, had to be like you, had to live like you. Well, the next one doesn’t look like the last one, John. And you are convinced that you are the last of your kind, you are not. I am standing here, I’m holding this over my head, as if it weighs nothing. And at WrestleMania 41, I will do the same. John, clearly, you want some, come and get some.
Fifth Match: Drew McIntyre vs. Jimmy Uso
Jimmy is throwing haymakers at McIntyre after the bell rings. McIntyre shoves Jimmy. Jimmy ducks a clothesline from McIntyre. Jimmy unloads a flurry of chops. McIntyre reverses out of the irish whip from Jimmy. Jimmy holds onto the ropes. Jimmy launches McIntyre to the outside. Jimmy goes for a Suicide Dive, but McIntyre counters with a forearm smash. McIntyre with a blistering chop. McIntyre sends Jimmy to the corner. McIntyre with a Pop Up Boot. McIntyre punches Jimmy in the chest. Jimmy fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Jimmy slams McIntyre’s head on the announce table. Jimmy SuperKicks McIntyre. Jimmy with a Running Crossbody Block over the announce table. McIntyre has complete control of the match during the commercial break.
Jimmy with a chop/haymaker combination. Jimmy thrust kicks the midsection of McIntyre. Jimmy with a drop down uppercut. Jimmy with a Spinning Enzuigiri. Jimmy ducks a clothesline from McIntyre. Jimmy with The Samoan Drop for a two count. Jimmy plays to the crowd. Jimmy nails McIntyre with a Running Hip Attack. Jimmy ascends to the top turnbuckle. McIntyre with a knife edge chop. Jimmy blocks The SuperPlex. McIntyre starts favoring his right knee. Jimmy SuperKicks McIntyre for a two count. McIntyre avoids The Uso Splash. McIntyre ducks a clothesline from Jimmy. McIntyre connects with The Claymore to pickup the victory. After the match, Damian Priest attack McIntyre from behind. Priest starts raining down hammer elbows. Priest repeatedly stomps on McIntyre’s chest. The referees and officials are trying to restrain Priest. Priest says that it’s on sight. Priest SuperKicks McIntyre. Priest tees off on McIntyre.
Winner: Drew McIntyre via Pinfall
– The Street Profits Vignette.
Shinsuke Nakamura Promo
LA Knight, after tonight, you will finally have no choice, but to accept reality. A reality is that the United States Championship has passed you by and is firmly in my possession. I knew that you stubbornly would make one final attempt at my championship. There is no better location for the death of your dreams than the birthplace of the United States. After the battle is over, I will continue to be the champion you never could be. Tonight, you will beg for mercy, and you will find none.
Sixth Match: Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. LA Knight For The WWE United States Championship
Knight dodges The Running Boot. Knight is throwing haymakers at Nakamura. Nakamura reverses out of the irish whip from Knight. Nakamura drops Knight with The Kitchen Sink. Nakamura kicks Knight in the back. Knight with three haymakers. Knight kicks Nakamura in the gut. Knight whips Nakamura across the ring. Nakamura retreats to the outside. Knight runs after Nakamura. Nakamura thrust kicks the midsection of Knight. Nakamura punches Knight in the back. Nakamura has Knight draped over the ring apron. Nakamura with a Running Knee Strike. Nakamura with a Cartwheel Knee Drop. Nakamura blocks the double boot from Knight. Nakamura kicks Knight in the back. Nakamura with a Sliding German Suplex. Knight kicks Nakamura in the face. Knight with a Flying Bulldog. Knight clotheslines Nakamura over the top rope. Knight with The Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Knight poses for the crowd. Knight with a Flying Clothesline off the ringside barricade. Knight rolls Nakamura back into the ring. Nakamura yanks Knight off the middle turnbuckle.
Nakamura lays Knight flat on the top turnbuckle. Nakamura with a Running Knee Strike that sends Knight spilling to the floor. Nakamura slams Knight’s head on the ring apron. Nakamura kicks Knight in the ribs. Nakamura with a Mid-Kick. Nakamura resets the referee’s ten count. Knight kicks Nakamura in the gut. Knight dribbles Nakamura’s head on the announce table. Knight dumps Nakamura face first on the announce table. Nakamura with a reverse hammer throw into the steel ring steps. Nakamura continues to kick Knight in the ribs. Nakamura with a knife edge chop. Nakamura with another mid-kick. Following a snap mare takeover, Nakamura with a Knee Drop for a two count. Nakamura punches Knight in the chest. Nakamura drives his knee into the midsection of Knight. Nakamura kicks the left hamstring of Knight. Forearm/Haymaker Exchange. Knight ducks a clothesline from Nakamura. Knight clotheslines Nakamura. Knight sends Nakamura chest first into the turnbuckles.
Knight with a Leaping NeckBreaker. Knight Powerslams Nakamura. Knight with a Running Elbow Drop for a two count. Knight with a gut punch. Knight puts Nakamura on the top turnbuckle. Nakamura and Knight are trading back and forth shots. Nakamura avoids The Box Jump SuperPlex. Nakamura with hammer elbows. Nakamura rakes the eyes of Knight. Nakamura with The Avalanche Reverse Exploder Suplex for a two count. Nakamura goes for The Kinshasa, but Knight counters with a Running Lariat. Nakamura fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Knight drives Nakamura back first into the turnbuckles. Nakamura side steps Knight into the turnbuckles. Nakamura with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Knight responds with The Box Jump SuperPlex. Knight delivers The Megastar Elbow. Knight is fired up. Nakamura denies The BFT. Nakamura grabs a steel chair. Knight snatches the chair away from Nakamura. The referee admonishes Knight. Nakamura with a Discus Back Elbow Smash. Nakamura brings the chair into the ring. The referee snatches the chair out of Nakamura’s hands. Nakamura inadvertently blinds the referee with the red mist. Nakamura with a Spinning Heel Kick. Nakamura hits The Scorpio Rising. Knight kicks the chair out of Nakamura’s hands. Knight connects with The BFT on the chair to pickup the victory.
Winner: New WWE United States Champion, LA Knight via Pinfall
Checkout Episode 455 of The Hoots Podcast