Alternative app store Aptoide launches on iOS in EU
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Alternative app store Aptoide has launched on iOS in the European Union.
The marketplace previously went into open beta on Apple devices in June 2024, but has now fully released to all users.
The app store is free to access for all iPhone users in EU countries. That’s despite Apple’s alternative business terms, which charges non-App Store marketplaces €0.50 for each download through the ‘core technology fee’.
Developers also face fees for using other stores on iOS, detailed here, including €0.50 each each download after one million installs, on an annual basis.
“Major milestone”
Aptoide has also launched a new App Versions feature that offers the ability to customise game experiences and grant users control over app versions.
Games available on the marketplace currently include PUBG Mobile, Free Fire, Gardenscapes, Mobile Legends, Top Eleven, Matchington Mansion, and more. It also features apps such as Facebook, Snapchat, Netflix, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and others.
“This full launch marks a major milestone in game distribution on iOS and Aptoide’s commitment to an open and unrestricted app distribution ecosystem,” said Aptoide CEO Paulo Trezentos.
“Apple users now have access to newfound freedoms, but there’s a huge amount of work still to be done to continue opening up iOS globally and reduce friction for users, and game developers.”