I’ve been testing Nvidia’s new Neural Texture Compression toolkit and the impressive results could be good news for game install sizes

At CES 2025, Nvidia announced so many new things that it was somewhat hard to figure out just what was really worth paying attention to. While the likes of the RTX 5090 and its enormous price tag were grabbing all the headlines, one new piece of tech sat to one side with lots of promise but no game to showcase it. However, Nvidia has now released a beta software toolkit for its RTX Neural Texture Compression (RTXNTC) system, and after playing around with it for an hour or two, I’m far more impressed with this than any hulking GPU.

At the moment, all textures in games are compressed into a common format, to save on storage space and download requirements, and then decompressed when used in rendering. It can’t have escaped your notice, though, that today’s massive 3D games are…well…massive and 100 GB or more isn’t unusual.

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