“Macho Man” Randy Savage Character Featured Alongside Famous Actor In New NFL Super Bowl Commercial

The NFL SuperBowl comes once a year, and with it comes a much-discussed Halftime Show, as well as the always-entertaining, expensive commercials.

One of those commercials this year will feature late WWE Hall of Fame legend “Macho Man” Randy Savage.

Savage’s likeness is featured alongside actor Antonio Banderas in a new commercial for Bosch, which will air during the NFL’s SuperBowl game next month.

Bosch released a teaser for the new ad, with the description for it reading as follows:

“Watch as Antonio Banderas pries open the peskiest of pickle jars, much to the delight of his pal Macho Man Randy Savage. What does any of this have to do with Bosch’s Big Game commercial? Looks like you’ll just have to see for yourself… 2.9.25.”

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