TNA Victory Road Results 9/13/24

TNA Victory Road 2024 starts NOW!

Preshow results:
Kushida defeated Leon Slater
Jake Something and Hammerstone defeated Eric Young and Steve Maclin

Match #1 – Tag Team Match: The Hardys (Matt and Jeff Hardy) vs. First Class (AJ Francis and KC Navarro)

Jeff and KC start us off, KC grabs a side headlock but can’t knock over Jeff. KC tries again but again can’t budge Jeff, KC then with some taunting before Jeff kicks him and hits a jawbreaker series to stand tall and do his own taunting. Matt tags in and KC takes the Poetry in Motion then a spinning slam from Matt for a 2 count. Some arm work from Matt now, KC fights back with some strikes but Matt turns that around and bounces him around the corner for a bit. Matt to the second rope and hits an elbow. AJ with a cheap shot to Matt that allows KC to try his hand at things but Matt throws KC at AJ, AJ catches KC then Matt dives onto both of them. They head back into the ring and KC with a drop toe hold into the ropes then a dropkick to Matt. AJ tags in and they work to isolate Matt, AJ tries a boot but can’t get his leg up high enough so Matt has to take a slightly awkward bump there. KC tags in and lands a knee strike which gets a 2 count. AJ back in and hits a corner avalanche then a side slam for another 2 count. AJ up top for a Swanton Bomb but misses and eats canvas to put both men down.

KC tags in as does Jeff and Jeff gets to run wild with his usual spots all of which gets a 2 count. Side Russian leg sweep from Jeff but as he wants the Twist of Fate AJ comes in to hit the Worlds Strongest Slam, then he climbs to the second rope to mock Matt but Matt is here to cut him off. Matt and Jeff climb up top with AJ, and a double superplex connects but here’s KC with a Frog Splash to Jeff and Matt has to break up the pin. AJ blocks a Twist of Fate from Matt then sets for a double chokeslam but Matt and Jeff fight free and hit a double DDT then eject AJ. Twist of Hate from Jeff then a neckbreaker from Matt, nice tandem move, Matt then with the Twist of Fate to set up the Swanton Bomb from Jeff and that’ll do it.

OFFICIAL RESULT: The Hardys won in 9:39

Match #2 – X-Division Title Match: (c) Zach Wentz vs. Mike Bailey

They tie up and Bailey with some quick wrestling into a crucifix for a pin attempt. Wentz takes a second to recover after that, but Bailey is still out wrestling Wentz early and Wentz again takes a moment to try and get his head in the game. Some rope running now then Bailey lands a high kick and once again Wentz nearly loses his composure. Wentz demands to be hit now and Bailey obliges with a right hand. Double leg from Wentz now and he unloads punches from mount the grabs an armbar but Bailey rolls him up for 2, Bailey then misses a kick and Wentz hits a superkick that sends Bailey out of the ring. Suicide dive from Wentz connects, he sends Bailey into the ring then snaps Bailey’s arm over the top rope. Bailey fights back with a pump kick to send Wentz out of the ring then he follows with a triangle moonsault to the floor. Back into the ring again and Bailey hangs up Wentz on the top rope, kicks him, then climbs up top for a flying double knee strike to the back of Wentz. Some leg attacks from Bailey now into a modified kneebar, Wentz has really fight for it but does eventually get to the ropes to break the hold.

Manhattan Drop from Wentz but he misses a kick and then they trade roll ups for a bit then Bailey with a flurry of kicks punctuated with an enziguri. Back kick from Bailey then an ax kick and high kick. Wentz with a low Flapjack then a German suplex to take over. Knee from Wentz then a punt kick and they both wind up missing standing Shooting Star Presses, that’s followed by a double head kick and both men are down. Both men slowly pull themselves up and start trading strikes on the way up, Bailey with some elbows then Wentz wants to be hit again, this time Bailey demands to be hit instead and they trade rights. They spend some time smacking each other then Wentz with a crossbody that sends both men over the top rope and to the floor. After a bit of fighting over getting back into the ring Bailey lands a kick and gets into the ring. Wentz is hanging out on the apron and Bailey misses a kick, Wentz to the floor then Bailey with a lovely springboard moonsault to the floor onto Wentz. Back in the ring Bailey misses the Ultimo Weapon and they both do some acrobatics then Wentz. Bailey avoids a UFO Cutter but gets stomped on the apron and Wentz then follows with a punt kick. Wentz with a dive onto Bailey on the floor.

They head back into the ring, Wentz gets stuck on the apron though and Bailey sweeps his legs out then with a standing moonsault double knee strike. Wentz is on the floor now and Bailey lets the count go a bit high before he goes after Wentz to avoid the count out. Wentz is waiting for Bailey though and hits a snapmare driver on the floor, then he demands the ref start counting out Bailey. Bailey struggles but does get into the ring just before the 10 count only to get stomped by Wentz. Wentz up top but Bailey blocks a Swanton Bomb with the knees then lands a kick and another moonsault double knee to the chest. Thrust kick from Bailey that’ll get a near fall. Bailey wants the Flamingo Driver but Wentz fights that off and grabs a hanging Sleeper. They fight on the ropes for a bit now, Wentz hitting an avalanche Cutter for a near fall of his own.

Bailey blocks a knee strike but Wentz punches him into a corner then lands a knee strike. Up top again, but Bailey slides free and hits a powerbomb. Bailey up top, Shooting Star Press but again just a near fall. Thrust kick from Bailey then a tornado kick, Bailey misses Ultimo Weapon then Wentz with a Magistral cradle for 2 then a flipping DDT. Poisoned Rana from Bailey but when he tries another tornado kick Wentz hits a knee strike then another snapmare driver only for a near fall. Wentz is losing his mind, lands a superkick but a UFO cutter is countered into a backstabber, Flamingo Driver from Bailey and he gets the pin.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Mike Bailey won the title in 17:42

The System talk in the back, Moose looks utterly disinterested in all of this and I don’t think he was supposed to come off like that.

After the entrances for Matt Cardon and Steph De Lander vs. Rhino and PCO Steph De Lander gets a mic and wants to talk. She says her career has been a dream at times, and she’s proud to be in TNA. Proud to be in the ring with her heroes, and in front of this sold out crowd. She thanks the fans for being on this journey with her. This stuff with PCO and Matt needs to get sorted, and it’s hurting her. But it’s not the only thing hurting, she needs neck surgery and has been putting it off for a while because she didn’t want to let anyone down. That brings the “what” chants as she tells Matt that despite him being a jerk recently they’re still good friends. She thanks Matt for taking her from her lowest point to her highest. She thanks her husband, PCO, and never expected to find love in TNA but is glad she did. This whole thing needs to end, and she asks Matt and PCO to figure this out without her. She isn’t retiring, she’s not done with wrestling and promises she has more to give. This isn’t goodbye, it’s just until next time. Steph hugs PCO then Rhino holds open the ropes for her. PCO walks Steph to the back, then Matt kicks Rhino in the groin. Radio Silence to Rhino and Matt stands tall. Well, guess that means no match.

Nic Nemeth gets an interview in the back, he puts over the roster and fans for these moments. Nemeth takes the title as a responsibility, and admits that Moose has had his number so far but he’s rejuvenated all over again to beat Moose and hold the TNA title high.

Match #3 – Knockout’s Tag Team Title Match: Masha Slamovich and Tasha Steelz w/ Alisha Edwards vs. Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat)

A reminder that if Spitfire lose tonight the team must disband. Luna and Tasha start us off, they tie up but Luan just shoves Tasha off with ease. Masha wants in but Tasha declines to tag, she tries a side headlock but Luna’s power advantage remains so Tasha has to avoid a few attacks leading to a bit of a stand off. Masha does tag in now, as does Jody. Jody lands a boot then she and Masha fight over position ultimately leading to Jody landing some corner clotheslines then an exploder suplex. Luna tags back in and hits a scoop slam then slams Jody onto Masha. Jody tags in and they try a double suplex but Tasha breaks that up leading to some chaos ultimately with Masha landing an alleged brainbuster for a 2 count. Masha with snapmares and kicks then she tags in Tasha. Tasha works to keep Jody isolated and chops away at her in the corner. Some more corner offense from Tasha then a running kick for a 2 count.

Tasha drags Jody into the heel corner and tags in Masha. Masha with a trio of suplexes for a 2 count. Tasha tags back in then Jody starts fighting back with strikes but misses a tag and Tasha starts laying in mounted punches. Tasha keeps control on Jody but Jody lands a boot then a tornado suplex to put both women down. Luna gets the hot tag as Masha tags in and Luna runs wild with power moves including a Sick Kick. Luna suplexes Tasha from the apron into the ring then catches Masha and throws her into Tasha with a fall away slam. Powerbomb from Luna gets a 2 count. Jody tags in, they want the Pressure Drop but Tasha breaks that up leading to Jody taking a bridging German suplex for 2. Masha with a Northern Lights Bomb to Jody but Luna blocks a Shiranui from Tasha and throws Tasha onto Masha to break up the pin.

Everyone takes a minute then Luna and Jody fire up but Masha and Tasha attack them then try a Magic Killer but again Luna breaks that up. Luna Landing and Jody hits an F5, Masha is isolated and a Pressure Drop connects to end things.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Spitfire won the titles in 11:07

Post match Alisha berates Masha for the loss, Masha debates hitting her but here comes Tasha to hit a Cutter and save Alisha. Tasha with some mounted punches then she and Alisha pose.

We get a recap of the end of the tag team match from the preshow. Hammerstone and Jake walk in the back, they made a statement tonight. Look at what happens when you put Hammerstone and Jake together, they’re adding more names to their lists and anyone who gets in their way will suffer the same fate.

Joe Hendry has a mic before the next match and wants to talk a bit. Hendry soaks in the chants of the crowd for a bit before bringing up that Josh Alexander doesn’t think Hendry has what it takes. Well Hendry isn’t defined by people like Josh, there are entire arenas chanting “we believe” and they believe in him.

Match #4: Josh Alexander vs. Joe Hendry

Josh is happy to tell Hendry that now the bell has rung and he’s in trouble. They tie up and fight for position but Josh gets Hendry in a corner then gives a clean break with a smirk to Hendry. Mat return from Josh then he paint brushes Hendry a bit and continues to mock the man. Josh gets a side headlock, Hendry gets free and they trade a quick couple of escapes. Josh goes to the striking now with a knee then grabs a side headlock and runs into Hendry but Hendry doesn’t go down. Hendry hits the ropes but runs into a drop toe hold, Josh then with a side headlock but Hendry comes off the ropes after they break and he shoulder blocks Josh out of the ring. Back in the ring Hendry with a hip toss then uppercuts in the corner. Josh fights back with a headbutt to the body but he runs into a back elbow from Hendry. Delayed vertical suplex from Hendry connects for a 2 count and Josh takes a powder. Hendry looks to follow, they wind up back in the ring and Hendry from the apron tries a suplex but Josh snaps his arm over the top rope then hits a crossbody to the back of Hendry and both men spill to the floor.

Josh drives Hendry into the ring apron then starts laying in strikes before they head back into the ring. Hendry tries to fight back with strikes then grabs a Sunset Flip for 2 but Josh transitions into an Ankle Lock. Quick escape from Hendry but Josh lands a German suplex. Josh grabs a chin lock for a bit, Hendry tries to fight free with body shots then Josh grabs at a guillotine choke and even jumps guard for it but Hendry powers through into a suplex to break the hold. Now Hendry fires up with punches and some clotheslines. Josh with a boot out of the corner but misses a dropkick as Hendry poses. Hendry hits a fall away slam and rallies the crowd behind him, he wants the Standing Ovation but Josh punches him away only to then run into a pop up powerbomb for a 2 count. Again Hendry tries the Standing Ovation but Josh powders. On the floor now Josh tries to post Hendry but Hendry blocks that and hits a Trust Fall on the floor.

Back in the ring Josh avoids a Razor’s Edge then hits a powerbomb backbreaker for a 2 count. Josh sets for the C4 Spike but Hendry back body drops his way free. Josh slams Hendry into a corner then climbs up top but Hendry crotches him then lands some uppercuts as Josh is straddling the top corner. Hendry sets for a superplex but Josh clubs him only to get caught with a second rope fall away slam for a 2 count. They start trading strikes now, Josh gets a flurry off but Hendry then chops him down only for Josh to pick the ankle and get the Ankle Lock on Hendry. Hendry thinks about tapping but is able to drag himself to the ropes with the strength of the crowd’s belief in him.

Josh with some kicks to Hendry then a slap but Hendry fires up and hip tosses Josh into the corner then begins stomping away at him. Ref bump as Josh shoves Hendry away, Josh then tries the C4 Spike but Hendry ultimately catches an Ankle Lock on Josh and gets him to tap but the ref is down. Hendry tries to celebrate but realizes the ref is down. Josh avoids a Standing Ovation, takes Hendry to dick kick city and poses but Hendry rallies and turns then shows off an athletic cup with his face on it. Standing Ovation connects, then another Ankle Lock is applied and Josh tries to get free but can’t dislodge Hendry and eventually has to tap again.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Joe Hendry won in 16:53

Match #5 – Tag Team Title Match: (c) ABC (Ace Austin and Chris Bey) vs. The System (Eddie Edwards and Brian Meyers) w/ Alisha Edwards

Brian and Bey start us off, they tie up then Brian pulls the hair to get an edge only to miss the cheap shot out of the corner. Kick from Brian now as he goes for the injured ribs of Bey, then he follows with a shoulder block. Rope running from Brian and Bey lands a dropkick but his ribs are still bothering him. Bey with an arm drag then tags in Austin. Austin starts after the arm of Brian but Brian backs him into a corner and shoulders his midsection. Austin counters with a sweep and La Magistral Cradle for 2 then he his an arm drag and resumes working the arm of Brian. Bey tags back in and a double Japanese arm drag to Brian. Eddie gets pissy and comes in to do what he does best, make things worse, he’s quickly kicked out of the ring then Bey dives onto him. Austin avoids Brian’s offense from the apron then lands a kick but as he sets to dive Eddie low bridges him. Bey wit a dropkick to Eddie but as he looks to skin the cat Brian hits him with a Spear that launches Bey out of the ring.

Eddie slams Bey onto the ring apron the chops him and sends him back into the ring. Oh, looks like Eddie tagged in at some point there. Eddie with some work to the back and ribs of Bey. Brian tags in and they’re keeping Bey isolated now. Bearhug from Brian now as he keeps working the ribs of Bey. Bey fights back but runs into a Kitchen Sink from Brian then Eddie tags back in. Eddie hits a backbreaker then cheap shots Austin. Bey again tries to fight back but runs into a back elbow. Austin is selling his left ankle after that landing on the floor, not sure how legit that might be as the doctor went over to check on him. Brian tags in and grabs a chin lock, Bey with a jawbreaker then avoids Eddie’s charge. Eddie pulls Austin away from a tag and Brian grabs the bearhug again. Eddie tags back in and resumes stomping away at Bey’s ribs. Bey with some kicks to fight back but Eddie chops him back down.

Brian tags in then Eddie again cheap shots Austin. Bey takes some double team moves and Brian gets a 2 count after powerbombing Bey onto Eddie’s knees. Edwards back in and hits a scoop slam then tags back out. Quick tags from the heels now, Eddie again cheap shots Austin and at this point I’m blaming Austin for not being aware of things. Bey tries to fight back, he counters a Tiger Driver from Eddie with a hurricanrana. Bey tosses Brian then kicks Eddie in the head, Austin is desperate for a tag only for Brian to pull him away. Austin kicks Brian in the head then does tag in and runs wild on Eddie. Russian leg sweep to Brian then a leg drop as well. Austin chops away at Eddie then avoids a corner attack and lands a kick. Brian breaks up a pin and punches away at Austin. Bey enters the frame again but Brian kicks him in the ribs, then he and Eddie try a double suplex but Austin saves Bey and Bey with a double Art of Finesse out of the corner for a 2 count. Bey tags back in, they want a double team finish but Brian disrupts that leading to the 1 2 Sweet but Brian breaks that up and Eddie hits a Blue Thunder Bomb on Bey for a 2 count. Austin with a wheel kick to Edwards, Brian takes out Austin with the Roster Cut then kicks at Bey’s ribs.

Bey starts punching away at Brian but gets tripped by Alisha leading to Brian hitting a Spear then Eddie with a Boston Knee Party to get the win as Brian keeps Austin from saving the match.

OFFICIAL RESULT: The System won the titles in 15:31

Match #6 – Knockouts Title Match: (c) Jordynne Grace vs. Wendy Choo

Grace with a quick attack of strikes an a gutwrench throw. Wendy takes a powder after that flurry of offense and grabs a pillow which she swings at Grace but Grace avoids it and DDTs her on the floor but Wendy no sells it and slams Grace onto the pillow. Grace’s grandmother takes the pillow away from Wendy then Grace lands a clothesline. They head to the apron where Wendy lands some kicks then pulls Grace onto the second rope and kicks her then lands a knee strike. Neck twister from Wendy then she follows up with a headbutt. Some corner work from Wendy including a handspring elbow and a running kick in the corner all for a 1 count. Grace lands an elbow but gets hung up on the second rope by Wendy who then lands a basement dropkick for a 2 count. Wendy lands a back elbow then tries a suplex but Grace blocks that then sends Wendy to the apron. Grace to the second rope looking for a superplex, they fight over that spot and trade headbutts with Wendy winning that only for Grace to land a running uppercut. Again on the second rope, Grace gets caught in a Cobra Clutch and Grace flings them both down to the mat to break the hold.

Scoop slam from Grace as she looks to fire up, then another one and then a rolling Death Valley Driver for a 2 count. Grace wants the Juggernaut Driver, Wendy blocks at first so Grace slings her onto a corner and lands a running back elbow. Vertebreaker from Grace gets a near fall. Grace positions Wendy on the top rope and climbs up there with her, they trade some strikes then Wendy tries a Sunset Flip but Grace blocks, Wendy back up for an avalanche belly to belly suplex then a brainbuster for a 2 count. Grace avoids a kick and lands a right hand then a release Regalplex for a near fall. Wendy fights off the shoulders of Grace and grabs the Cobra Clutch variation then switches it into a German suplex then a full nelson slam and back to that Sleeper variation. Grace is fading but her arm doesn’t drop, she fights up with Wendy on her back and rams her into the corner. Powerbomb from Grace, then a Juggernaut Driver to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Jordynne Grace retained the title in 11:04

Post match Rosemary shows up to Spear Grace then hits As Above So Below to set up Wendy’s Sleeper again.

In the back Arianna Grace talks with the former Santino Marella, they both wish to be professional about this. OK then, that was a way to spend air time.

Commentary runs down some upcoming events through the end of 2024.

Before the main event Frankie Kazarian comes out to join commentary.

Match #7 – TNA Title Match: (c) Nic Nemeth vs. Moose

They jaw jack to start then Moose corners Nemeth and lands some shoulder blows to the body. Nemeth with some rights then Moose lands a knee lift. Stinger Splash from Nemeth then he lands a dropkick and some punches in the corner but Moose comes out of that with a powerbomb to drop Nemeth. Scoop slam from Moose and he poses, he does a lot of that it seems. Nemeth with rights then a headbutt and Moose runs into an uppercut, but Moose catches Nemeth in the corner and hits a high elevation Go To Hell for a 2 count. Moose posts Nemeth and poses. Moose in control now, Nemeth tries to fire up but Moose chops him down. Abdominal Stretch from Moose, that goes for a bit then Nemeth bites his way free and lands punches, a few running strikes from Nemeth but Moose cuts him off with a big dropkick which sends Nemeth out of the ring.

Moose follows Nemeth out of the ring, but spends time posing and messing with the crowd. Nemeth avoids a powerbomb on the floor and back drops Moose onto the entrance ramp. They head back into the ring but Moose lands a Uranage for a 2 count. Moose with a rest hold, Nemeth is able to fight free but he can’t build momentum as Moose chops him again. Nemeth low bridges a charging Moose and follows him out of the ring but Moose with a pump kick. Moose tries an apron powerbomb but Nemeth counters with a hurricanrana, but he charges at Moose and gets powerbombed on the apron. They head back into the ring, Moose then messes with the crowd and they trade punches with Nemeth firing up and hitting a Cactus clothesline to send both men out of the ring. Nemeth shoves Moose into a ring post and hits a German suplex on the floor. Moose blocks a Fame Asser and crushes Nemeth through a ringside table with a powerbomb.

Moose drags the body of Nemeth into the ring and sets for a Spear but Nemeth avoids it and Moose posts himself. Nemeth with a superkick then a Fame Asser for a 2 count. Nemeth pulls himself to the top rope but here come System members to make things worse, when Nemeth jumps at Moose Moose catches him, Nemeth switches into a Sleeper hold but Moose slams him off over the top. Superkick from Nemeth to block a Spear but Moose avoids Danger Zone then hits the Spear for a near fall. Moose is in shock and Alisha sends Moose the title belt while the ref is distracted, Moose lines up a belt shot but Santana takes the belt from him to prevent that. Santana and JDC start brawling to the back, Nemeth hits the Danger Zone but only a near fall. Nemeth heads up top, Moose chops him though and climbs up there with him. Moose wants a superplex, Nemeth fights him off with a headbutt but moose pops up and runs the ropes then hits the superplex only to roll through and try a powerbomb but Nemeth counters it into a Fame Asser and covers but Eddie Edwards makes things worse by pulling the ref out of the ring. The ref goes to disqualify Moose, Nemeth begs off like a moron and instead the ref just ejects Eddie and Brian. They wont leave but here’s JBL, John Layfield to lay them out then he crushes Eddie with a Clothesline From Hell, the most interesting thing Eddie has done in years is take that move.

Layfield exits leaving the field clear but Moose with a discus lariat then a Spear but again only a near fall. Moose is completely apoplectic, or at least as much as he can be, he chops away at Nemeth again but now Nemeth is looking to fire up. Nemeth eats some chops but starts trading chops with Moose now, then Nemeth with clotheslines but Moose wont go down so Nemeth hits a superkick. Moose blocks a superkick and headbutts Nemeth then tries a Spear but runs into a clothesline. Superkick and Danger Zone from Nemeth finally ends this.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Nic Nemeth retained the title in 19:36

Post match Nemeth celebrates with the belt to end the show.

(The above report was written by 411Mania.com.)

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