The next Helldivers 2 Warbond is almost certainly a violation of international humanitarian law

Helldivers 2 – Chemical Agents Premium Warbond | PS5 & PC Games – YouTube
The next Helldivers 2 Warbond is almost certainly a violation of international humanitarian law

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The next Helldivers 2 premium Warbond is coming later this month, bringing new stratagems, cosmetics, capes, and what would undoubtedly be cause for international outcry if Super Earth had anything like the Geneva Conventions. “Chemical Agents,” revealed today on the official PlayStation blog, brings a new allotment of Helldiver ordnance focused on spraying poisonous gas, which would be horrifying in just about any other context. But against the Terminids, it’s basically just fumigation on a bigger scale, right?

Are Helldivers allowed to feel guilt?

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